Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

JFK Assassination
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by ThomZajac »

I know this might seem a bit out there, but do any of you put any credence in the allegation that George H. W. Bush is really the unofficially ADOPTED son of Prescott Bush, and that he comes from a highly placed NAZI family?(I'll try to find the best links if you're interested).
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by kenmurray »

John Hankey
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by John Hankey »

Thom's question of whether Brading was the "independent oil operator from Houston" referred to by Roger Craig, led me, with help from Pasquale, to Jim Garrison's On the trail of the Assassins. p. 238 "At least one man arrested immediately after the shooting had come running out of the Dal-Tex Building and offered no explanation for his presence there. Local authorities hardly could avoid arresting him because of the clamor of the onlookers. He was taken to the Sheriff's office, where he was held for questioning. However, the Sheriff's office made no record of the questions asked this suspect, if any were asked; nor did it have a record of his name. Later two uniformed police officers escorted him out of the building to the jeers of the waiting crowd. They put him in a police car, and he was driven away. Apparently this was his farewell to Dallas, for he simply disappeared forever. Another man was arrested at the Dal-Tex Building. According to Dallas law enforcement authorities, he gave his name as Jim Braden and was released after being checked out. ...In the several months before the assassination he had begun using the name Jim Braden, under which his oil business in Los Angeles was listed. He explained to authorities that he had been in Dallas on business, with the approval of his parole officer. Only a few days earlier, he had had an appointment with one of the sons of H.L. Hunt, the oil billionaire."So There were two men arrested outside the Dal-Tex building. Braden was the second one. BTW Garrison goes on to say, about Braden, that he doesn't think he was involved because his name and mob affiliations are in the record. From the details provided, it does seem that Braden had an established cover as an independent oil operator from Los Angeles. Bush had also been an oilman from Los Angeles, for a brief time, years earlier. But the day of the assassination, Bush was in fact an independent oil operator from Houston. Was Bush the first man, the one who came running out of the building, with no explanation for his presence there; and whose behavior and demeanor incited the crowd to demand his arrest? I would argue that there is good reason to think so. 1) Craig is an award-winning trained professional; with a laser-like focus on the few events of that day. He is not trying to remember a complex story, but simply what he saw, and learned about the day’s events. Anyone can make a mistake, but certainly, he’s a trained reliable witness. If he says that the person of “particular” interest was an oilman from Houston, he should not be casually written off. 2) It is plausible that two oilmen were arrested that day in front of the Dal-Tex building. Braden was an oilman according to Garrison; and when Bush made his phone call to the FBI, he said that he was an oilman from Houston. That is the cover he was using that day. If they were both there; and were both arrested, then there were two oilmen arrested in front of the Dal-Tex building that day. It’s possible, perhaps even likely, that if Nicoletti had been arrested coming out of the building, he’d have turned out to be an oilman from Chicago. 3) Braden does not seem to be this person of “particular” interest. He was who he claimed to be: an oilman from L.A.. His story checked out. He had a plausible reason for being there: to make a phone call. He didn’t attract a crowd clamoring for his arrest. The crowd didn’t follow Braden to the Sheriff’s office, and then stand there jeering until he was driven off. This person of “particular” interest does seem to be someone other than Braden. I look forward to reading what anyone else makes of this.
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by ThomZajac »

Good find there, John, on the Garrison excerpt. Two men apprehended coming out of the Dal-Tex Building. Got it. I agree that an excellent case can be made that the 'first' one was George H. W. Bush.Now, I remember reading in this thread that Bush said he as at a luncheon in Tyler at the time of the assassination. But is that a recent recollection? I seem to remember that George H.W. Bush saying earlier that he could not remember where he was at the time, which would seem to me to be a smoking gun if ever there was one. Anyone know of such a quote?
John Hankey
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by John Hankey »

I’ve had some time to stew and sleep on this Braden arrest, outside the Dal-Tex Building, and I have some thoughts.1) Garrison, in On the Trail of the Assassins, p. 239, goes on to say that he feels that “Braden’s contribution to the assassination was a large zero.” He also says that “this story contained several provocative leads to what I now recognize as ‘false sponsors’ of the assassination.” Garrison defines “false sponsors” as false suspects, “created by the intelligence community’s disinformation machinery.” That is, he is saying that Braden is a plant, with ties to the mafia, in order to lead us away from the CIA. This could not be more specific, and applicable to the question of whether Bush was arrested outside the Dal-Tex building, unless it mentioned Bush by name. Garrison is saying that Braden was arrested, and his detailed account was handed to us, in order to lead us to the mafia, and away from the CIA operatives who were actually arrested. I’m going to say that again, because I’m going to come back to it two more times. He is saying that Braden was arrested, and his detailed account was handed to us, in order to lead us to the mafia, and away from the CIA operatives. Garrison’s not God, but we should always take his judgments very seriously.2) Ken Murray put up a post that has Braden's entire statement to theDallas Sheriffs. ... eport.html This whole link is worth your reading. I think this supports Garrison's take. That is, the detail in Braden’s affidavit to the Dallas police, when all record of the other men arrested that day has been swept away, suggests that we have been given his name and a detailed summary, handed to us on a silver platter, in order to lead us to him and the mafia, and away from Bush and the CIA. Garrison is rightly distrustful of such easily received information as Braden’s. And Garrison think’s Braden is of zero relevance. By the way, Braden’s account reminds me of Chauncey Holt’s account.3) Files says Sturgis was there. Just standing around. Why? Why was Holt there? He had no instructions. He had no duty. He had no use. He had finished delivering the forged ID’s. Why did he stick around? And why does he have so much detail to give about everything except the one thing we want to know: what exactly transpired behind the knoll fence at the time of the shooting. I think that Sturgis and Holt were filling the precise role that Braden served: to provide false-sponsor cover for the intel people on the scene. I think the killers flooded Dealey with operatives, most of whom were not involved, in order to create a cloud in which those who were involved could disappear. In this context, Garrison's logic about Braden shines. I believe that Holt’s job, in telling his story, was to provide cover for Hunt, who he resembles as much as Braden resembles Bush. 4) So, Braden was there, in exactly the same way that a low level analyst named “George Bush” was at the CIA: to provide cover for George Bush in the event of his exposure. He may just have shown up with orders to go to the third floor and get himself arrested. He may simply have had orders to show up, and after Bush was apprehended, he was then ordered to go get himself arrested. And this tactic works. It worked on me, anyway. When I read that Braden was an oil operator from Los Angeles, I immediately doubted Craig, and felt that perhaps he had been confused, and said Houston by mistake, when he said that Vaughn had arrested “an independent oil operator from Houston“. But Garrison does us two huge favors: 1) he says that we should be suspicious of the Braden story as a cover for what's really going on; and 2) he tells us that there was another arrest of another man, that was very “particular,” as Craig describes it, in its noteworthiness. So, I contend, just as Bush had a “George Bush” double at CIA, he had an “independent oil operator” double at the Dal-Tex Building. 6) I think Jimmy Files is a vitally important witness. He corroborates Lorenz on Oswald’s presence at the motel-room meeting of the killers. He corroborates the Hoover memo on Bush’s involvement with the CIA’s misguided anti-Castro Cubans. I have no doubt that Jimmy Files was the driver for Roselli and Nicoletti, as he claims; or that he was in Dealey Plaza that day. I think his story, that the CIA told Nicoletti that the assassination had been “called off”, and that they “mutinied”, is of vital importance. But the key story Files tells, that he was alone on the knoll, conflicts with the account of every other witness. Given all this information, I think Hunt was on the knoll, and that Files is covering for him when he says he was alone. john
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by ThomZajac »

Interesting post, John. Lots to discuss, but for now a quick comment-You concluded: "...I think Hunt was on the knoll, and that Files is covering for him when he says he was alone."If so, why would Files not 'give up' Hunt now that he is dead? Also, there is a photo taken a few minutes after the assassination of a man looking a lot like Hunt (hat, trenchcoat) walking TOWARDS the grassy knoll, still in the grassy center section of Dealey Plaza not yet having crossed Elm. Everything is speculation of course, but I don't think much else can be provided in making a case that Hunt was on the grassy knoll. Guilty as hell, of course, and he lied all the way to the grave, but as for his precise whereabouts that day, there doesn't seem to be much to go on.Good post though.
John Hankey
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by John Hankey »

The guy in the trench coat and hat and shades certainly looks like he could be Hunt. I was never that much persuaded by Weberman's case for Hunt-as-tramp; though I did not give it more than a once-over. I don't find holes in it exactly; but the make-up job on the old tramp was 1st class if it was Hunt; I'll grant that Weberman absolutely establishes that it could be Hunt. Have you seen the photo that Che took of himself when he first arrived in Bolivia? It will persuade you that the old tramp could be Hunt. But I don't believe Chauncey Holt is the tramp. I think he's a cover. Like Braden. I think Files is covering. But for whom? Why can't they name who was on the knoll? I expect that they know. Certainly, if anything Holt says is true about being there, he got a very good look at the people on the knoll. And the fact that he names a world famous shooter who came in, looked around, and left, is more than interesting. I think that they were counting on this guy to do the job. And he looked at the set-up and decided that it was too risky, and walked away. I don't remember the name. In any case, the killers were then left with plan "B", a back-up shooter. I'm open to any explanation. I can't get past that it was Hunt. The guy in the photo you describe is one of 2 people I can see wearing sunglasses, out of a hundred. And no one is in a trenchcoat. So this guy is very suspicious. But because of the hat and glasses, he could be almost anyone, from Atlee-Phillips to Ed Lansdale. Maybe someone else has some ideas. OOooh. I just remembered. I think St. John Hunt's description, of doing a cartoon eye-popping double take when he first saw the picture of his dad in Dallas, dressed as a tramp in police custody, is very powerful stuff. He knew what his dad looked like better than anyone. This is a very powerful ID; and by far and away St. John's most important contribution. How about this one! Just as Bush had an oilman lurking around the Dal-Tex building to cover for him, Hunt had someone dressed up as him, walking around out in the open, as a cover for himself, in disguise behind the knoll fence. I like that one. It makes sense. Fits the modus operandi to a T, no? thanks very much,john
Dealey Joe
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by Dealey Joe »

ThomZajac wrote:Interesting post, John. Lots to discuss, but for now a quick comment-You concluded: "...I think Hunt was on the knoll, and that Files is covering for him when he says he was alone."If so, why would Files not 'give up' Hunt now that he is dead? Also, there is a photo taken a few minutes after the assassination of a man looking a lot like Hunt (hat, trenchcoat) walking TOWARDS the grassy knoll, still in the grassy center section of Dealey Plaza not yet having crossed Elm. Everything is speculation of course, but I don't think much else can be provided in making a case that Hunt was on the grassy knoll. Guilty as hell, of course, and he lied all the way to the grave, but as for his precise whereabouts that day, there doesn't seem to be much to go on.Good post though.Thom and JohnNow I have no inside information.but I expect a book. I think Jimmy and Buce are doing a book that will change how we look at the picket fence and the perking lot area.I really think he will name names.I think he is trying to raise money for a run on release before he gets much older.I hope I am correct
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by ThomZajac »

Joe- you're such a tease!(Can't wait!)