Moot Court

JFK Assassination
Tim Carroll
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Post by Tim Carroll »

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Tim Carroll
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Re: Caring Less

Post by Tim Carroll »

dankbaar wrote:...Bruce is away untill Friday. But I'm sure he could care less about what you think and write of him.
It always amazes me the degree to which Wim exerts control over, and presumes to speak for, others in his clique. Wim's well-known tactic of personal attack when he can't sustain his historical claims is now in play. He posted three times in a row, and then within two hours, rather than deliver on his claim of "responsibility" for an assertion, declared the thread boring. It's called transparency. He makes his customer list a public matter and then, duh, wonders why his products aren't selling. What other author responds to forum questions with "buy my product?" What other author asserts questioners' purchases as a basis for dismissing their own historical inadequacies?

Now that he's shown his true colors as severely anti-JFK, and obsessed with Kennedy's "packer" (idiocy), maybe he'd like to express himself about FDR's mistress. Forget that FDR had to lead the Dutch away from Naziism.

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Post by dankbaar »

I gave you a second chance Carroll, but you are the one showing true colors again, with your false allegations and underhanded tacticts. Oh well, my mistake.

I never said I am anti-Kennedy. I have a balanced view and just don't marvel him to high heavens as you do. And you know damned well I said I admired his policies. You state I have an obsession with his "packer", and compare the Dutch with Nazi symphatisers. Take a closer look at your President and especially his ancestors and friends Now who's the idiot?

There were a lot of people at the time who were not as fond of Kennedy as you like to think. Maybe you should read and study a little more before you lecture about "historic understanding".

The book is not yet selling the way I like, because it's early and it doesn't have the necessary distribution and backing. But that will change soon.

Tim Carroll
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Post by Tim Carroll »

dankbaar wrote:IYou state I have an obsession with his "packer", and compare the Dutch with Nazi symphatisers. Take a closer look at your President and especially his ancestors and friends.Which is it? "Ancestors" are fair game or not? The Nazis are on the march again, that's for sure. dankbaar wrote:There were a lot of people at the time who were not as fond of Kennedy as you like to think.The Mafia, certainly wasn't fond of Kennedy. Neither was the CIA or the Military Industrial Complex or the KKK. Wasn't Kennedy greeted in Europe during the last summer of his life with outright adulation?dankbaar wrote:Maybe you should read and study a little more before you lecture about "historic understanding".
So a film clip is posted about Joe Kennedy's parenting. Silly, but revealing of Wim's disposition. And in what way is he different from what is described on his own film clip?

My country was stolen through the treasonous assassination of JFK, and that theft has currently been maintained through stolen elections and manufactured war-making. That was the agenda of those who killed Kennedy, and it still is.

Jim Thompson
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Bundy Did It

Post by Jim Thompson »

Tim Carroll wrote:My country was stolen through the treasonous assassination of JFK, and that theft has currently been maintained through stolen elections and manufactured war-making. That was the agenda of those who killed Kennedy, and it still is.Tim


Just reviewed this thread. By the way, you do know that JFK was totally guiltless of the failure of the Bay of Pigs, don't you? JFK had approved of the dawn second strike to eliminate the three remaining T-33's, when along comes McGeorge Bundy who calls Cabell to cancel the strike the evening before, without authorization from JFK & without informing JFK. Had the T-33's been eliminated, then the brigade would have succeeded with air superiority. The whole charade of Kennedy not protecting the brigade by not allowing a second strike is a CIA lie to cover its own incompetence. Odd thing is that this CIA canard was unfortunately believed. Thus the Dallas mechanics were duped by the CIA.

Tim Carroll
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Cancelled Air Strikes

Post by Tim Carroll »

Jim Thompson wrote:By the way, you do know that JFK was totally guiltless of the failure of the Bay of Pigs, don't you? JFK had approved of the dawn second strike to eliminate the three remaining T-33's, when along comes McGeorge Bundy who calls Cabell to cancel the strike the evening before, without authorization from JFK & without informing JFK. Had the T-33's been eliminated, then the brigade would have succeeded with air superiority. The whole charade of Kennedy not protecting the brigade by not allowing a second strike is a CIA lie to cover its own incompetence. Odd thing is that this CIA canard was unfortunately believed. Thus the Dallas mechanics were duped by the CIA.
Precisely correct. But there is a background explanation of Bundy's call to Cabell. It's not as simple as many were misled to believe.

The issue of cancelled air strikes came up again on Wednesday morning, when the focus became extricating the Brigade from the beach and the president authorized U.S. jets to rendezvous with and protect one last overflight by the Brigades' B-26s. But the Brigade failed to account for the one hour difference in time zones, arriving at the beach an hour too late and being downed by Castro's T-33s. It was this particular failure that led to the deaths of the four American nationals from the Alabama Air National Guard. Maybe it was Kennedy's fault for failing to tell these idiots to synchronize the timing better....

Given the assertion that Kennedy's supposed betrayal at the Bay of Pigs was the leading motive for James Files to hate Kennedy, and eventually kill him, it's relevant to have an accurate understanding of that event. There's no question that many who resented Kennedy for that episode were operating from erroneouos information. Following the analysis of the Taylor Commission, Kennedy's conclusion was that the CIA had betrayed both him and the Cubans. And heads did roll.

In the period that followed, Kennedy worked very hard to secure the release of the Bay of Pigs prisoners and went too far in his support of Operation Mongoose. As JFK's friend, Charles Spalding, noted: "Before the Bay of Pigs, everything was a glorious adventure, onward and upward. Afterward, it was a series of ups and downs, with terrible pitfalls, suspicion everywhere, cautious of everything, questioning always."

R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

wwow imagine that.
lets see if we can tie him to the CFR now shall we?
McGeorge Bundy is the brother of William Bundy Council member.
Interesting family, Check and see if his father had anything to do with the early years of the CFR and money and the IMF. Very interesting family you would think. Hell I would say daddy had some anger against JFK for trying to undo his work. Read the link and see the interesting stuff.

Small world we live in huh?
Tim Carroll
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Bundy Brothers

Post by Tim Carroll »

R Croxford wrote:McGeorge Bundy is the brother of William Bundy Council member.
Both were also Skull & Bones.

R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

In a country where they say you can grow up one day and be president if you want, It should be one day you can grow up and be a council member then maybe you can be president.
If every person in our government comes out of the same place then where is the democratic election process? If the people are reallly the ones picking our leaders then how come they always come from the same places? In my opinion the council picks who they want and we get to choose between their two canidates.
It's reallly sad.
I watched V for Vendetta finally.
Man what a movie.
People should't fear their government,
Government should fear their people.
Tim Carroll
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Post by Tim Carroll »

R Croxford wrote:People should't fear their government, Government should fear their people.
Government does fear the people; that's why it maintains such fascistic control.
