Beverly Oliver

JFK Assassination
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Beverly Oliver

Post by Fabio »

Is Beverly Oliver the Babushka Lady?

What did she film with her camera?

What happened to the film?

She claimed it was taken by government agents on the 25th of november, and that she never had the chance to watch it. This seems strang to me. If I had a film of the murder of the president I woul directly go home and watch it, wouldn't you?

Who can tell me more about Beverly?
john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

she would have to get it developed first efore she could watch it.
In my opinion yes she is the babushka lady. See Ian Griggs book 'No case to answer' for the best analysis of Beverly oliver as the B lady.
She filmed pretty much the opposite side of what Zapruder filmed, she most likely had the grassy knoll on film, though it was never developed and as you said was confiscated by the FBI.
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Post by Fabio »

But even if it wasn't developed, wouldn't that be the first item on your 'things to do list?' It doesn't happen everyday that the president gets shot and you filmed it.
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Post by dankbaar »

She said a few years ago at a Lancer conference that her film had been located.

Timothy Franzen
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Post by Timothy Franzen »

The next question would be where it is and is it still intact and unedited?
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Post by dankbaar »

She said it was in Finnish hands.

I will ask her.

Timothy Franzen
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Post by Timothy Franzen »

Wouldn't that be exciting if her film was able to be made public?Hopefully it would contain new revelations about what happened and the angle would give a good view of other areas of Dealey Plaza.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Beverly Oliver

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:03.30.2006 - Fabio Posted this Headline: Beverly Oliver.03.30.2006 - Wim stated that Beverly Oliver's film was in Finnish hands, and that he was going to ask about it.Has Wim or anybody else followed up on this Subject Matter. This could be of insurmountable interest and value to those of you strongly interested in Zapruder, Nix, Moorman, and Altgens.How powerful could this be ?Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: Beverly Oliver

Post by Bob »

Believe it or not, Beverly is a forum member, but she hasn't posted in almost 4 years. Her name is now Beverly Massegee. Perhaps a PM might solve this issue.