Remembering RFK

JFK Assassination
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by Pennyworth »

RFK and Cesar Chavez...Mr. Chavez, who was described by Robert F. Kennedy in 1968 as "one of the heroic figures of our time," was widely acknowledged to have done more to improve the lot of the migrant farm worker than anyone else. ... 31.html'No autopsy' Chavez page 541 & 542, Cesar Chavez, Robert Kennedy, Delano, California, 1968 One of Robert Kennedy's least glamorous assignments in the Senate was a seat on the Subcommittee on Migratory Labor. He was appalled, of course, to learn of the miserable working conditions endured by farmworkers, at the mercy of big agricultural businesses. But with a lot of issues on his mind -- Vietnam, and the new Bedford-Stuyvesant renewal project in his own state -- it hardly seemed like one he could take on.Indifference to LaborSo when labor activists and some of his aides prevailed upon Kennedy to show support for striking farmworkers in March of 1966, he resisted. "Why am I dragging myself all the way out to California?" he complained on the plane to Peter Edelman, his point man on the issue.Inspired Then he spent a day with Cesar Chavez. "By the end of the day, Kennedy had embraced Chavez and La Causa," writes biographer Arthur Schlesinger. RFK was so angered by what he saw, and so impressed with Chavez, that all doubts about getting involved with the farmworkers were erased. ... havez.html
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by Bob »

I suggest that Robert Wagner reads this thread. Robert brings a lot to the table at times, but his assertion that Sirhan was the real assassin of RFK is simply ludicrous.
Phil Dragoo
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From the back, point-blank--i.e., not by Sirhan

Post by Phil Dragoo »

I read The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy by William Turner and Jonn Christian.I read Shadow Play: The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy by William Klaber and Philip Melanson.I read Shane O'Sullivan's Who Killed Bobby: The Unsolved Murder of Robert F. Kennedy.I picked up the Dan Moldea book—and put it back on the bookstore shelf.Moldea purported to “clear” Thane Eugene Cesar on the basis of polygraphs.Medical Examiner Thomas Noguchi demonstrates the shots to Robert Kennedy were back-to-front, right-to-left, down-to-up, point-blank—a position never occupied by Sirhan Sirhan.LA police detectives Pena and Hernandez badgered any witness counter to their Sirhan-did-it theory—just as did the Dallas Police and the FBI and the Warren Commission regarding any witness counter to their Oswald-did-it agenda.LAPD collected and destroyed ample evidence of more shots fired than the eight held by Sirhan's Iver Johnson.Acoustic analysis shows more shots fired, and the additional shots fired consistent with precisely the model revolver carried by Cesar.Cesar at first denied carrying the revolver; claimed he'd sold it. Later it was discovered he'd lied.Oh dear. Someone tell Dan Moldea his baby lied.Robert Kennedy was not shot by Sirhan; Robert Kennedy was killed by a shooter other than Sirhan.
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by kenmurray »

Phil, as usual your astute observations are right on the spot. The LAPD didn't want to become another Dallas. Yeah Right. Prime example was the girl in the polka dot dress: ... re=related
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by Barney »

What's Worthy to Remember, is the big question here. RFK is one of the primary reasons there was not a properUS Justice Dept. investigation of the JFK murder. RFB knew without doubt, that his fuckin around with the anti-Castro cuban community and the US mafia chieftans, was a death sentence on himself. So, he was not about to"stir up that shitpot" , so he dont get no stink on himself, for his own family political ambitions.