My questions for Gary Mack

JFK Assassination
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My questions for Gary Mack

Post by Jsnow915 »

Gary...and thanks for answering me there conclusive evidence,other than the Warren Commission,without a shadow of a doubt that puts Oswald in the TSBD as the shooter?...or at the Tippet crime scene....also are you a believer of the WC?....thanksHi John, Before I answer your questions, let me explain something. My education and training in both the journalism and museum professions since the 60s has been immensely helpful when analyzing the Kennedy assassination. And, as I'm sure you know, my interest is in history. The evidence placing Oswald firing from the TSBD window is a little weak in a few areas; however, there is no evidence of Oswald being elsewhere at the time just as there is no evidence of someone else being in the window. History shows all major investigations concluded that Oswald was in that window and he fired the shots that killed President Kennedy. Many disagree, but no other theory has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Oswald was arrested with the gun in hand that killed Tippit and he had no alibi or even an excuse for being elsewhere. Again, history shows that every major investigation concluded he killed Tippit and there's no evidence that someone else did. Do I believe the Warren Commission? I can accept its conclusion that Oswald fired the TSBD and Tippit shots, but as should be clear from my writings over the years and the FOX JFK special in 2003, I personally believe the HSCA acoustics evidence of fours shots from two locations is correct and that Badge Man sure looks like someone shooting at JFK. Unfortunately, I cannot prove beyond any doubt that either or both are true. Gary MackHello Gary, Thanks for answering my questions. I understand your point about Oswald evidence being weak.My problem is Oswald was never given a lawyer and never had his day in court.I truly believe there was a conspiracy,which I believe you do (correct me if I'm wrong).My feeling is if after 45 years we are still dealing with National Security over the releasing of the JFK files? If he was a lone nut then, case closed,release the files,no harm done. I can't understand if the CIA would be hurting over it. Operation Northwoods is already out in the open and unfortunately,no one seems to care about it. I saw the show "Inside the Target Car". I still find it amazing how anyone can believe the single bullet theory.Not to sound rude ,but how many takes did it take to get the results you ended up with?And also,was there any time that a shot was fired from a Grassy Knoll type area to show possible proof of a shooter there? Thanks again for answering my emails,I know you've taken some heat from people and I personally feel you have a right to your opinion.But I do think that you do feel there was a conspiracy of some type,just not tangible evidence of it. John SnowUnfortunatly I lost his reply...but the answer was about the files being released in 2017...and he did say that they did a head shot from the grassy knoll in the "Target Car"...Gary ,if your watching ,please resend it or you can post it....thanksMy opinion-Warren Commision was bogus...but like I said...he's allowed to have his own opinion.
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Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by ThomZajac »

Yes, everyone is allowed their own opinion. But Gary Mack is disingenuous about what his opinion is. Personally, I don't like to waste time discussing him, but I will say here that his logic is mind boggling; unless any point counter to the WC conclusions can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, the conclusions of the WC stand as the truth- although he admits they too can not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. And when Mack gets to define 'reasonable doubt' well, the results will always be predictable.
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Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by saracarter766 »

that still does not change how i feel about that jerk like i've said he has no credibilty with me and he's also living proof of the fact that i no longer watch JFK docs on history/discovery channel the man just makes me psychically i'll and i cannot even stand to see or hear his opinion i just cannot stand him in any sense of the word. i almost hate to say this but people like gary mack makes me regret that i ever got interested in the JFK assassination and that's pretty darn bad seeing as i am one who has a big interest in the JFK assassination i have no tolerance for gary mack and his bs i'm sorry people but that's just how i feel. inside the target car is a bunch of propaganda,lies,and cover ups that doc which is so full of propaganda and bs is no longer allowed in my house i will not allow propaganda such as inside the target car in my house it's just a joke of doc.i'm sorry but that is how i feel about mr mack and the docs that keep covering up such a tragic murder. i'm not gonna leave here but i won't be posting as much as i usually do.
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Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:Yes, everyone is allowed their own opinion. But Gary Mack is disingenuous about what his opinion is. Personally, I don't like to waste time discussing him, but I will say here that his logic is mind boggling; unless any point counter to the WC conclusions can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, the conclusions of the WC stand as the truth- although he admits they too can not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. And when Mack gets to define 'reasonable doubt' well, the results will always be predictable.Thanks for posting your talk with Gary Mack John. I agree with Thom 100%. Disingenuous is a perfect term to describe Mack. The definition of disingenuous is not straightforward or crafty. That describes Mack and his opinions to a tee.
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Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by ChristophMessner »

Gary, why isn't the obvious necessity of the silencing of Oswald and what Ruby later told on camera how he thinks about a conspiracy not proof enough for you, that the promotion of the LN-theory in public is just disingenious? Chris
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Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by ThomZajac »

Thanks, Bob- I've been known to come up with truly horrible word choices as well (Even a blind squirrel.... I suppose).Anyway, I just wanted to remind everyone, especially Sara, that as annoying and offensive as Gary Mack, Vincent Bugliosi, McAdams, The Discovery Channel etc are, they are also incredibly ineffective. I believe it's something like 80% of the American people believe JFK was killed as the result of a conspiracy (it's even higher outside the US). Further, the fact that such extensive coverups efforts are still being being employed suggests very strongly that the conspirators and the entities they represented- still have much to lose should the full truth ever be revealed and accepted as fact.
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Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:Thanks, Bob- I've been known to come up with truly horrible word choices as well (Even a blind squirrel.... I suppose).Anyway, I just wanted to remind everyone, especially Sara, that as annoying and offensive as Gary Mack, Vincent Bugliosi, McAdams, The Discovery Channel etc are, they are also incredibly ineffective. I believe it's something like 80% of the American people believe JFK was killed as the result of a conspiracy (it's even higher outside the US). Further, the fact that such extensive coverups efforts are still being being employed suggests very strongly that the conspirators and the entities they represented- still have much to lose should the full truth ever be revealed and accepted as fact.Excellent nut collecting rodent!
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Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by ThomZajac »

Actually, I identify more with Bullwinkle.
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Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:Actually, I identify more with Bullwinkle.Alright then...
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Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by saracarter766 »

i knew this was gonna happen it seems like everyone is turning on me i feel i can no longer post my opinions here it is very uncomfortable here and i will not stay on a board where i feel incredibly uncomfortable i have been afraid that some i do talk to here is turning on me my worst fears are coming to light i just cannot trust anybody here i'm sorry people but i cannot take another stab in the back.Bob thank you for all you have done and thank you for being a good friend Pasquale i can never thank you enough for being kind,polite,and respectful and taking up for me Wim i sincerely thank you for all the information you have given us JFK buffs your one of the most awesome guys i have ever come acrossed and thank you for being so kind friendly and respectful.if you would like to keep in touch with me you can by aim messenger i will miss you all greatly but sometimes it's better to walk away before anything gets worse and i do wish the best of luck to you all.