My questions for Gary Mack

JFK Assassination
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Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by katisha »

Thanks for posting that, Jsnow915. I hope either you find Gary's reply to these questions:Jsnow915 wrote:...Hello Gary, Thanks for answering my questions. I understand your point about Oswald evidence being weak.My problem is Oswald was never given a lawyer and never had his day in court.I truly believe there was a conspiracy,which I believe you do (correct me if I'm wrong).My feeling is if after 45 years we are still dealing with National Security over the releasing of the JFK files? If he was a lone nut then, case closed,release the files,no harm done. I can't understand if the CIA would be hurting over it. Operation Northwoods is already out in the open and unfortunately,no one seems to care about it. I saw the show "Inside the Target Car". I still find it amazing how anyone can believe the single bullet theory.Not to sound rude ,but how many takes did it take to get the results you ended up with?And also,was there any time that a shot was fired from a Grassy Knoll type area to show possible proof of a shooter there? Thanks again for answering my emails,I know you've taken some heat from people and I personally feel you have a right to your opinion.But I do think that you do feel there was a conspiracy of some type,just not tangible evidence of it. John SnowUnfortunatly I lost his reply...but the answer was about the files being released in 2017...and he did say that they did a head shot from the grassy knoll in the "Target Car"...Gary ,if your watching ,please resend it or you can post it....thanksMy opinion-Warren Commision was bogus...but like I said...he's allowed to have his own opinion.or he resends it - I'd love to read what he has to say.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ThomZajac wrote:Thanks, Bob- I've been known to come up with truly horrible word choices as well (Even a blind squirrel.... I suppose).Anyway, I just wanted to remind everyone, especially Sara, that as annoying and offensive as Gary Mack, Vincent Bugliosi, McAdams, The Discovery Channel etc are, they are also incredibly ineffective. I believe it's something like 80% of the American people believe JFK was killed as the result of a conspiracy (it's even higher outside the US). Further, the fact that such extensive coverups efforts are still being being employed suggests very strongly that the conspirators and the entities they represented- still have much to lose should the full truth ever be revealed and accepted as fact.Thom,It turns my stomach just about as much as it does to Sara too because they are actively duping people on this subject and succeeding. If they were just babbling fools that nobody listened to, they wouldn't anger me so much as they do Sara. Don't under estimate how effective those bogus documentaries are as well as disinformation people like Mack, Bugliosi, and McAdams. I've had very recent conversations with reasonably intelligent people who actually believe their garbage. Their disinformation might not be effective to people like us, but they are VERY effective to the not-so-well-read public. So, it is our duty to inform as many people as we can, to spread awareness.
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Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by ThomZajac »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:ThomZajac wrote:Thanks, Bob- I've been known to come up with truly horrible word choices as well (Even a blind squirrel.... I suppose).Anyway, I just wanted to remind everyone, especially Sara, that as annoying and offensive as Gary Mack, Vincent Bugliosi, McAdams, The Discovery Channel etc are, they are also incredibly ineffective. I believe it's something like 80% of the American people believe JFK was killed as the result of a conspiracy (it's even higher outside the US). Further, the fact that such extensive coverups efforts are still being being employed suggests very strongly that the conspirators and the entities they represented- still have much to lose should the full truth ever be revealed and accepted as fact.Thom,It turns my stomach just about as much as it does to Sara too because they are actively duping people on this subject and succeeding. If they were just babbling fools that nobody listened to, they wouldn't anger me so much as they do Sara. Don't under estimate how effective those bogus documentaries are as well as disinformation people like Mack, Bugliosi, and McAdams. I've had very recent conversations with reasonably intelligent people who actually believe their garbage. Their disinformation might not be effective to people like us, but they are VERY effective to the not-so-well-read public. So, it is our duty to inform as many people as we can, to spread awareness. Pasquale,Certainly these guys are awful and doing a tremendous disservice to the cause of determining the truth. And I agree that their efforts do sway some people, including some reasonably intelligent ones. But I guess my point was that these efforts are somewhat counterproductive as well because most people see them as a continuation of the conspiracy to cover things up.Regardless of that, I just don't think it does any good letting the bad guys know that they are pissing us off, and being pissed off is generally not a feeling most of us enjoy. I agree that we need to do all we can to get the truth out, but displaying acute anger doesn't help do that. But I suppose that is just my opinion. I wrote what I did with the aim of cheering you guys up a bit; the truth is on our side, most of America is clearly on our side- of course the bastards are going to fight dirty- that's a GOOD sign. It means they can't afford to ignore us. And I feel that by fighting us in the manner they are, they are revealing the nature of their cards. But I can accept that my aim may have been a little off.
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Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by ThomZajac »

Bob wrote:ThomZajac wrote:Actually, I identify more with Bullwinkle.Alright then... Bob, I'd forgotten that Bullwinkle rode around in a motorcade in an open limo- too funny! Many thanks!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ThomZajac wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:ThomZajac wrote:Thanks, Bob- I've been known to come up with truly horrible word choices as well (Even a blind squirrel.... I suppose).Anyway, I just wanted to remind everyone, especially Sara, that as annoying and offensive as Gary Mack, Vincent Bugliosi, McAdams, The Discovery Channel etc are, they are also incredibly ineffective. I believe it's something like 80% of the American people believe JFK was killed as the result of a conspiracy (it's even higher outside the US). Further, the fact that such extensive coverups efforts are still being being employed suggests very strongly that the conspirators and the entities they represented- still have much to lose should the full truth ever be revealed and accepted as fact.Thom,It turns my stomach just about as much as it does to Sara too because they are actively duping people on this subject and succeeding. If they were just babbling fools that nobody listened to, they wouldn't anger me so much as they do Sara. Don't under estimate how effective those bogus documentaries are as well as disinformation people like Mack, Bugliosi, and McAdams. I've had very recent conversations with reasonably intelligent people who actually believe their garbage. Their disinformation might not be effective to people like us, but they are VERY effective to the not-so-well-read public. So, it is our duty to inform as many people as we can, to spread awareness. Pasquale,Certainly these guys are awful and doing a tremendous disservice to the cause of determining the truth. And I agree that their efforts do sway some people, including some reasonably intelligent ones. But I guess my point was that these efforts are somewhat counterproductive as well because most people see them as a continuation of the conspiracy to cover things up.Regardless of that, I just don't think it does any good letting the bad guys know that they are pissing us off, and being pissed off is generally not a feeling most of us enjoy. I agree that we need to do all we can to get the truth out, but displaying acute anger doesn't help do that. But I suppose that is just my opinion. I wrote what I did with the aim of cheering you guys up a bit; the truth is on our side, most of America is clearly on our side- of course the bastards are going to fight dirty- that's a GOOD sign. It means they can't afford to ignore us. And I feel that by fighting us in the manner they are, they are revealing the nature of their cards. But I can accept that my aim may have been a little off.Your aim is just right. No worries.
Posts: 435
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: My questions for Gary Mack

Post by ThomZajac »

Thanks Pasquale, good night.