My conclusion on James Files...

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

neab wrote:Yeah, good points all. Pasquale, I read somewhere too that it is not conclusive and also different for different people. It's supposedly the opposite for left handed people too.(was also impressed that the techniques had worked on most people I asked). I just went on the assumption he was right handed since most people are, and the stuff he seemed to be honest about to me seemed like he had more conviction.Pretty cool you're a proper investigator! I also agree it's not totally conclusive at all, and also saw a really cool youtube video of a guy who used to work as a lie detector sort of, he just does it from himself askign questions, and was using techniques exactly as you described.Anyway, just wanted to share the sort of epiphany I had, I might be less inclined to believe that files was the firing , but like someone said he could still be ommitting stuff.So he's very useful still imo.Also, just random question, but am I right in deducing Files likes the CIA? And hates the FBI?Well, don't forget. You did some very good analysis. I was just making sure that you're not completely relying on only one direction with regard to the eye break. Do I think Files likes the CIA and hates the FBI? I would guess that you're not far off target. When you associate with organized crime, the FBI is your mortal enemy. Mobsters HATE the "feds." If he seems like he likes the CIA, it's probably because he made a lot of friends in the CIA over the years. He probably has fond memories of doing work for the CIA. That's my guess.
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale, very interesting information from you, thank you! Probably the competence-factor is adding to all these body-language-factors. I guess, if you are very competent in a certain field and you know your listeners are absolute layman in this field then it is easy to pre-arrange a ferry-tale in your mind and tell it afterwards totally convincingly without any treacherous views. Once the audience knows very well what you are speaking about from own experience then you put any detail much more on the scales and try to overplay lies with acting. In Files' case I assume, that he felt very competent in everything which had to do with mafia- and weapon-experience, but he really did not have read all the books about the case and so there was some "guidance" from the interviewers long before the interview, to which he had to invent the logical lap bridges by overthinking it in long hours in the cell. Nevertheless his story contains many politically and humanly relevant truths, that it almost does not count anymore, whether he himself took the shot or his collegue. Chris
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by ChristophMessner »

Actually, after watching the 2003-interview again after a longer period of time, I'm sure again, that James Files WAS the shooter behind the fence. Statements of James Files: ...JF - Well, the whole thing is, like with Joe West ... Joe West died. He passed away, never knowing that I was one of two shooters there in Dealey Plaza that day. Joe West never knew I was on the grassy knoll........ J - Were there any, while you were behind the fence, mostly before the shooting started, was there anyone in your vicinity?JF - Aah, there was nobody behind that stockade fence but me at that point. Nobody. All the time I was there, I was alone. But in front of the fence the two people that I was mostly concerned about, they were a couple of guys wearing suits, roughly on top of the grassy knoll there, and they were a little away in front of me, 15 maybe 20 feet away, whatever, you know, I did not know who they were .W - In front of the fence would be at the side of the railroad yard?JF - No. The stockade fence. They are between the fence and the sidewalk. Between me and the motorcade. They are on top of the knoll there. They are kindalike looking over everybody and watching people. And this had me a little bit concerned, because I don't know who they are. At this stage of the game, well, I wanna take my shot, I've got the 45 ready if I've got to, like I say, I don't wanna shoot nobody unless I have to. At this point, and I 've checked them, shoulderholsters, the backsides, I saw no bulges. So as far as I knew they wasn't packing. So I figured maybe they were just a couple of businessmen. People that wanted to see the president go by. A lot of people are strange, everybody wants to see celebrities go by. But I took the shot and as I was walking away, and like I say I had seen Jackie crawl out there, a motorcycle cop, he threw his bike down, he jumped off and as he came running in a little zigzag or what you want to call it, like he's really into combat or something, it's still a wide open target, anybody can shoot him, he has got his pistol out. And uh . he's running up the knoll there, the two men at the fence, the guys in the suits, they go over and they open up identifications, so I have to figure: These were probably my cover that I've never been informed about, but I was told not to worry. They stopped him and he never came no farther. He went back down off the knoll.(Wim: The two businessmen that Files mentions were between him and the motorcade and he was somewhat concerned about them. The photographical evidence that is available at the time of the assassination, does not show men in business suits on the grassy knoll. But it is of course possible likely that these men were there before the assassination took place and that they sought a better place to stay out of sight at the time of the shots. As the motorcade was arriving, James Files was not paying attention to what happened around him as he was keeping Kennedy in the scope of his rifle. Several witnesses have testified they were turned back by men in suits on the grassy knoll, showing Secret Service credentials. Official Secret Service records show that no agents were assigned on Dealey Plaza or the grassy knoll.)W - You were told not to worry?JF - I was told, Charles Nicoletti told me „when you take the shot, just walk away, don't run“ He said „Just walk away naturally, Jimmy, don't draw attention!“ I told him „Don't worry!“ And I had no intention to break out of there running, but like I say, if somebody comes at me I'm willing to do whatever I have to do to leave the area. If I have to shoot somebody else, that's what I'll do at this point of the game.... JF - I said before, there was nobody behind the stockade fence with me. I am the only person back there. Anybody else back there is over at the railroad yard by the trains....
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by neab »

ChristophMessner wrote:I am the only person back there. Anybody else back there is over at the railroad yard by the trains....That's my problem with it mostly, he claims noyone was back there, when we know from lee bowers someone was there. He describes a young man (possibly files) and another man...15 yards apart or something..then he goes on to say about commotion etc.That's the big problem I had while watching it...he's either ommitting the fact someone was back there with him OR he wasn't back there. There's not really an in between on this issue, cos I'm forever going to trust lee bower's testimony over james files, we have to remember james files is/was a criminal. So, would be nice to either hear of this extra person who files ommitted or ya know, admit to lying about being the shooter.
tom jeffers
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by tom jeffers »

[quote="and even though i don't post here hardly anymore i will never speak i'll will about wonderful board and i will never speak i'll against wim he is the finest and most awesome people here on the board including others such as Bob,Pasquale,Jsnow,and katisha. i think the world of those people. [/quote]I never get any kudos from the women on this board. I think I'll start brushing my tooth.Everyone forgets about lansdale being behind the fence. on pam's website he addresses the fact that there were 2 different lengths of footprints behind the fence that day and she wondered if he brought 2 different sizes of shoes to throw everyone off and he says hell no, he wasn't that smart to have pre-planned such an event. I believe jimmy because i communicate with him weekly and know him to be credible in my communications. also i believe that bruce brychek is a pretty smart cookie and he has known jimmy more than 40 years and there is no way bruce wouldn't really know. just remember, bruce knows things that only him and jimmy know and if you knew that info, you would have no doubts.namaste'
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by saracarter766 »

HAHAHA tom that was funny hehe. here's some kudos for ya lol.
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by ChristophMessner »

tom jeffers wrote: Everyone forgets about lansdale being behind the fence. on pam's website he addresses the fact that there were 2 different lengths of footprints behind the fence that day and she wondered if he brought 2 different sizes of shoes to throw everyone off and he says hell no, he wasn't that smart to have pre-planned such an event. I believe jimmy because i communicate with him weekly and know him to be credible in my communications. also i believe that bruce brychek is a pretty smart cookie and he has known jimmy more than 40 years and there is no way bruce wouldn't really know. just remember, bruce knows things that only him and jimmy know and if you knew that info, you would have no doubts. namaste'In the 2003-interview James Files says "No." to the question of Jim Marrs, whether he knows Lansdale still. That was 2003. Obviously meanwhile Pamela Ray has worked on James Files and made him talk a little more about Lansdale's presence behind the fence. Yes, I forgot that part with the different footprint lengths and so it is with James Files: in the beginning it is hard to believe, but when you dig deeper into it, it turnes out, that he said the truth. Mainly. My guess is: James Files and Patrick Brycheck do not deliver any fool proof like photos of Oswald and Files together, cause James Files still wants to live. Neab, Pasquale, do you have the CD of James Files' 2003-interview? The resolution of the film is much higher than on youtube there and you actually you see NO suspicious eye-turns to the left. Chris
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by neab »

Yes, I do have the dvd of it. From my LIMITED knowledge of body language, I felt like he was mostly truthful, but not entirely. This could just be anomaly tho, people have itches etc too right? I never claimed to know one way or the other, and neither do i wanna convince anyone else. I ll re watch some later or tommorow and pin point or reference the exact parts where I felt he was either uncomfortable and/or lying.
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by andries »

I got interested in this whole case in 1980 and i have wasted a lot of brainstorming and time ever since sometimes sleeples nights as well before i die i want to make up my mind what really happened behind the picket fence it will be meanly intuitional, but better than all other options because there are hardly so called facts anymore end if there are any, they are simply confussingReal witneses of the first hours the best and only information there is LEE BOWERS-ED HOFMAN you better believe them !!Far to mutch movement behind the fence from more than one person perhaps a railroad worker,policeman and other personsnot identified or whateverFiles, dispite his interesting script hardly fits inbesides the policeman so called badgeman disguise will alway.s be genius either if this is lucien sarti or not who would you send out to do this kind of a job ??somebody who admits it all years later in this particilar way ??
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by katisha »

andries wrote:I got interested in this whole case in 1980 and i have wasted a lot of brainstorming and time ever since sometimes sleeples nights as well before i die i want to make up my mind what really happened Let go, Andries, or it'll drive you stark raving bonkers!