My conclusion on James Files...

JFK Assassination
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by Bob »

turtleman wrote:My take on Files is that he knows too much of some things and is rather uninformed of the bigger picture. He seems to lack curiosity and is probably not a particularly sophisticated criminal but possesses ample skills to do what was asked of him. I also feel he would have been tripped up in a multitude of ways regarding his story. And I know to some extent he has. But not enough to be a phony. We know more has come forth since his earliest interviews and he still knows more than he is telling. Still holding back. I don't see him as a habitual liar the way he rattles off info during his interviews and I can't see him having much creativity or imagination that would be required to fabricate such a story. Has he misled? I would say yes. But his story has too many pieces of the puzzle in place. What stumps me is how is he still alive? Especially in Stateville. Can you say survival skills?Jimmy is a very tough individual. He was beaten once and left for dead. As I have said before, I believe Jimmy (I think he was the grassy knoll shooter)...but to a degree. I also think he is protecting people. I also think that he perhaps has the goods (documents) on some people...LIVING case he should have an unfortunate accident. No...the disinformation guys aren't going to kill Jimmy now, but they will attempt to try to assassinate his character though, just like they went after Jim Garrison, Oliver Stone and others. The Generals will give the orders, and the foot soldiers like Mack, Posner, Bugliosi, McAdams and Perry will try and go to war. By the way, they are LOSING the war!
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by ChristophMessner »

Good observations, turtleman! turtleman wrote:My take on Files is that he knows too much of some things and is rather uninformed of the bigger picture. Which you would expect from a criminal who does not have a PhD in political theory. turtleman wrote: He seems to lack curiosity and is probably not a particularly sophisticated criminal but possesses ample skills to do what was asked of him. Which you would expect from a serial criminal who does not have a PhD in political theory and big money on his account. turtleman wrote: I also feel he would have been tripped up in a multitude of ways regarding his story. And I know to some extent he has. From where? turtleman wrote: But not enough to be a phony. We know more has come forth since his earliest interviews and he still knows more than he is telling. Still holding back. I don't see him as a habitual liar the way he rattles off info during his interviews and I can't see him having much creativity or imagination that would be required to fabricate such a story. That tells that he was led somehow in some regards, but in the main parts he did not mislead. turtleman wrote: Has he misled? I would say yes. In which regard? turtleman wrote: But his story has too many pieces of the puzzle in place. What stumps me is how is he still alive? Especially in Stateville. Can you say survival skills? Yes, I would say so, it seems to me at least as a layman as I am in this field. He is somehow protected in Stateville, too, isn't he? Isn't it rather authentic to you, how he tells his experience of his actual shooting behind the fence? Doesn't he just drop the second man and that's all? ....J - Okay. So then what happened? The motorcade came?JF - Aah, I'm checking everything, most everybody, basically where a lot of different people are standing at. And I want to make sure that there, like I say, I don't have any cops standing right next to me. Because you know, something happens and I have to shoot, you know, I don't want to have to shoot anybody else unless it becomes a necessity. So I had walked away from the fence and I come back over, secured everything, got it ready, I could hear the rumble, the people murmuring, so you know the motorcade is approaching. So I got ready and opened it up. I'm holding the Remington Fireball down below the fence at this point. The motorcade comes down I believe that's Main street there, come down at Houston, turn back around onto Elm and come down that little sidedrive there. And when it came down and made its first right, that's when I brought the weapon up. And then I'm over the fence and as they come down , made the turn onto Elm there, that's when I started focusing through the scope and following the car. As shots started ringing out, I started counting the shots, but I'm not counting like 1, 2, 3, and 4, I am counting them as: miss, miss, miss, because I know we are going for the headshot. So I don't care how many rounds are being fired as long as we get a headshot. So as I'm hearing the shots being fired, I'm counting them as a miss, as a miss, miss. And that's the only thing I am concerned about. I've got the sign there, for the Stemmons freeway, that is fixing to come into my field of fire. As far as I could see at this point, the president has not been hit in the head at this time. I've seen the body lurch, I know he has been hit, how serious I don't know. But my last instructions were: We're going for a headshot. If you have to take a shot, take it, but don't fire unless it's a necessity, unless you really have to. He said: Jimmy, don't fire unless you have to, we want everything from the backside. I am not asking why. Okay, whatever you say. At this point, as he starts to approach and come behind that freeway sign . and I've already been instructed not his anybody but Kennedy, because they didn't want Jackie to get hurt or anybody else, I'm fixing to lose my field of fire. And at this point ... either I shoot or I put it in the suitcase and leave. One or the other. I took the shot. I fired one shot, one shot only..... J - where were you aiming.?JF - Oh, I was aiming for his right eye, which to me is the left side of his head looking head on. But for him it would be his right eye, and when I pulled the trigger, and I'm right in on it, and it's almost like looking 6 feet away through the scope. As I squeezed, take off my round, his head moved forward, I missed and I come in right along the temple. Just right behind the eye.J - Here or in the hairline?JF - Well, I'm not sure, you know I can't see the penetration, I know I hit him right here (pointing at temple). I know I hit behind the eye. Somewhere within a half inch diameter right there (pointing again).W - So there were actually two shots almost simultaneously?J - You think he got hit as you squeezed?JF - What I believe is this : ... And I got my readings as a marksman, I'm a good shooter, always was, I'm not bragging on my stuff, don't get me wrong, but that's what got me my start with David Phillips. Because of something that I did in the service, and I made a mark there and it's on record and it's recorded, for headshots, for what I did, and the things that I did. But anyway, to make a long story short, as I am preparing to squeeze off my round, Kennedy's head moved forward, just as I squeezed. It was already in process, the head started forward. To me . what I believe is, . and I did not see, let me clear the fact now, I never saw Mr. Nicoletti shoot Kennedy, but I know he was the man in the Daltex building, the man supposed to be doing the shooting. Therefore the head started forward and as far as I am concerned Mr Nicoletti hit him at that point. As I squeezed off my round, the head started forward, I hit it and blew the head backwards.
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by neab »

I'd just like to add that I don't beleive that files wouldn't give someone up if it wasn't for his best interest. He wasn't a "made " guy, cos he couldn't be, I'm pretty sure he was very low on the totem pole with regards to the mob. So ,I don't buy that he would protect people. I'm beginning to lose interest in jfk assassination , which in a way is probably good , the sad thing is we may never know the entire truth, and they got away scot free. I'd like to add, that at the start of this conclusion(after watching the interview again since),I'm not totally convinced he WASNT the shooter, I'm just unsure now. I would just say its unlikely, but I'm pretty confident files has held back , which is incredibly frustating, but eh , to each his own.
tom jeffers
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by tom jeffers »

funny thing about a guy like jimmy, he was a paid assassin but yet he had a code of honor that he lived by, much like ninjas. if he was ordered to kill someone, he didn't think twice about it yet he would never rat on a fellow criminal. he has tried to protect those still alive and the close ones left behind that had no idea of the involvement of their loved one that was involved. it was more important for him to live by his honor than to tell all to everyone. he told the important facts. I too, like bob believe there was probably a spotter, that is how they worked... in threes unless in a crowded area then in twos. somebody probably had jimmy's back while he was exposed.jimmy has survived many attempts to get him in prison in the beginning. but he knows the "code" of his fellow inmates, never ratted on anyone and was respected as a tough ole' dude that you didn't f#$k with. now he is left alone and a few guards have his the way bob, bruce wanted me to tell you hi and that he respects and reads your posts.Namaste'
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by Bob »

Tom, please pass on my very best to both Bruce and Jimmy.
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Re: My conclusion on James Files...

Post by ChristophMessner »

Although James Files killed many people he should not be in prison, cause he is so sympathetic and prisons are wrong. Sounds funny, but this is the truth. I wished James Files would be released tomorrow.