Clever and rather funny hoax exposed.

JFK Assassination
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Clever and rather funny hoax exposed.

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Check this out! Another member of the Carter family I found on IMDB. I am exhausted Ill put the link up, but to my satisfaction I have found the identities/identities of Sarah Carter. They run a faux christian website and take the crap out of everything. Its very Kaufman like. I'll put the link up later. site is an hilarious take on Neo Con politics. Now Miss Carter makes her internet appearance here scroll down the page. Now, this is consistent with Carters faux intellectual disability persona. I think its fair to say that this is either a long term dangle operation, or its a rather annoying way of someone playing off of both sides as you can see these guys are posing as Republicans to lure in the unsuspecting. Either that or Someone from the Mc Adams pig pen has been posing for awhile as an alter ego on other sights and tried their luck here. But, as Bob says theres plenty more false posters out there, so this is hardly groundbreaking. But it has been an interesting excercise in seeing the origins of a troll. Continuing on with faux inbred banter Her brother is a stunning guy called melikewatchtv As I have said before, This has to be the worst most inept attempt at not being flamed out of existence I-we have ever seen. Lol. I think that we should name this Operation Carter.Check out how pathetic this is. Re: McAdams vs. DiEugenio tonight! by melikewatchtv (Thu Sep 24 2009 10:47:58) Ignore this User | Report Abuse ReplyUPDATED Thu Sep 24 2009 10:49:18MCAdams will win the debait. There was no conspeericy I saw a show on TV about it and they said that peeple make this up becuz they cant face that Oswald did it.We have a new KEnnedy rite now in Barock Oboma. He should be followed in every thing he say becuz he knows what iz best for dis country, We should beleeve every thing he say and follow his every word just like his big fan Nick Slick Returns - ... ip-obama/I LikE WatcH Tv Heres the next example.Re: McAdams vs. DiEugenio tonight! by melikewatchtv (Thu Sep 24 2009 11:44:34) Ignore this User | Report Abuse ReplyUPDATED Thu Sep 24 2009 11:47:08I dont like read, I get all my news from TV that iz how I learned that Lee HarveY oSwald killed KEnnedy I saw it on TV. I am well read and I dont think their was a conspeericy; MCadams web site shows that there was no conspeericy. Here it is - LikE WatcH Tv This guy Nick Slicks reply is classic. He knows a Carter when sees one.RE: McAdams vs. DiEugenio tonight! by NickSlickReturns (Thu Sep 24 2009 12:21:01) Ignore this User | Report Abuse ReplyThere is nothing quite so clever and amusing as someone adopting a "I am really dumb and I believe Oswald acted alone" persona. Pure comedy genius. No need to worry about evidence and facts and things like that, just dig the satire.Meanwhile, McAdams versus Diugenio is like Mike Tyson versus my dear grandmother. Would be painful to listen to and if they debate under the Queensbury Rules, it'll be over in three minutes. Nick Slick your a funny guy, But, Ken knows you better than I and your a scumbag. I think, what we have here is nothing really but a prank. Designed to stir up Those Carters, a barrell of fun. But wait Melikewatch TV is the same F'ing person as the original Miss Carter.Check out these posts, they are actually very nasty. But said in such a dopey way so as not to antagonise the other people on IMDB. ... file/Since being outted on here and Lancer by yours truly, take a look at her posts. Shes got the grime on NickSlick in one of them mentions his real name from Lancer and guess what happened to know that he had been kicked off for some reason. Whats funny, about all this is that I just went to check out IMDB for Jim to see how it was all going and Booom who do I see? Same writing style same everything. Different day same bullshit. This is from the 8th of October, remember Carters pronouncement of her IQ? Well its the same on IMDB as of the 8/10/2009I like to watch lots of TV and I still have an iQ that is pretty good " I got a score of 75 witch iz not 2 bad. TV make you brain get better and you shood eat doe nuts and drink soda while you watch.{Facts]Lee HarveyOswaldKilledKennedyThereiznodoubtaboutthatI LikE WatcH TvOh registered our friend registered on IMDB in 2007 but only started Posting on Sunday 20th 2009. Just before the Jim Di debates started up Do I smell something? Yeah I do, its the the shit she took in the punch bowl.
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Re: The return of Sara Carter, this time its her brother

Post by kenmurray »

Seamus, that's hilarious lol. It seems to me that Sara's brother needs to go back to elementary school and learn how to spell. Her brother would make Jethro Bodine look like a genius in comparison lol. As far as Slick Nick is concerned, I do believe he's a bosom buddy of one Von Pein from the JFK Lancer days few years ago before both of them got booted off there. Sara's brother on my too funny.
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Re: The return of Sara Carter, this time its her brother

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Well they certainly have the same genetic code. Ken mate. Like I say I was looking at the posts for Jim and booom there she was glistening like the faux special needs rock she is. Yeah, this is the sorta horse shit that Von Pein and Reitzes would pull alright.
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Re: The return of Sara Carter, this time its her brother

Post by ThomZajac »

With all due respect fellas, any energy spent of Sara Carter or possible kin is a waste of time- why bother?
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Post by SeamusCoogan »

No I agree, in one sense. But its interesting to see where it all leads. The trail is rather bizarre Tom. You didnt read my post either its actually the same person, Im taking the piss.Naturally we feel for people who are a little wayward or indisposed, trust me I worked in special needs. Myself and with people with disabilities.But this is probably not just some crank, it is someone operating under an assumed name, whose job it is is to curry favour, with moderators get them onside, and to try and divide or create the victim card. If you checked out the last post I made mate, their were obviously a lot of people who appreciated what I had posted. Lancers a little more impersonal than here, she didnt make much impact but on a fairly tight group of pretty accepting and tolerant people, well. Thats why its important, mate and if, even on the slight chance she is the real McCoy or is challenged then whose the prick exploiting this person, thing this lord knows. Hell it could even be some lone nutters Juve kid having a laugh.Furthermore Im enjoying seeing this shitty lame ass cheesy as heck operation, fail greatly. Im enjoying tracing its origins and I'd love to know who the schlepps were that came up with the idea.
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Re: The return of Sara Carter, this time its her brother

Post by ThomZajac »

Thanks for all your hard work, mate, and your points are well taken. Everyone is entitled to their own particular philosophy, of course, and mine is that it's best to ignore such types. But I certainly appreciate your efforts and it seems many others do too- good on ya!
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Re: The return of Sara Carter, this time its her brother

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Im like a dog with a bone mate lol. If someone pisses me off. Check the links I have put back up on the original post.
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Re: The return of Sara Carter, this time its her brother

Post by Bob »

That does seem like the same modus operandi there Seamus. But like the other disinformation agents that visit our forum and other forums, they soon show their TRUE colors. Sometimes it takes awhile, but sooner or later they will make a mistake and then the game is over. Bottom line, I'm done with Sara, Dan, John Beckham and the other agents of disinformation. But they are the just small feed compared to the real people in charge that are all about stopping the in big intelligence (the CIA)...big banking (the Federal Reserve)...big oil...and big war profiteering (Blackwater & Halliburton). ALL the things that JFK tried to stop.Country Joe said it best at Woodstock... of Vietnam, now it's Afghanistan and Iraq.
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Re: The return of Sara Carter, this time its her brother

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Yeah, think your totally right. Bob and Tom. I was just stunned when I came across the same gibberish on IMDB doing a routine sweep, after she'd been caught out on Lancer and here. All I hope is that people come across whats up here and go hmmmmmmmmmmm.An internet troll dossier would be a good tool to work on from here at some point.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: The return of Sara Carter, this time its her brother

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

SeamusCoogan wrote:Yeah, think your totally right. Bob and Tom. I was just stunned when I came across the same gibberish on IMDB doing a routine sweep, after she'd been caught out on Lancer and here. All I hope is that people come across whats up here and go hmmmmmmmmmmm.An internet troll dossier would be a good tool to work on from here at some point.Nice work, Seamus.I should hire you to be an investigator...if I had any WORK for you! LOL Finding extra work is like trying to find a virgin in a maternity ward! Again, good detective work.I'll say this also. I realize that it's kind of a waste to put energy into someone like Sara Carter, is a lesson on how the disinformation machine works. Good work.