Sirhan Sirhan

JFK Assassination
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Re: Sirhan Sirhan

Post by Bob »

As Ken pointed out, William Pepper will be on Black Op Radio tonight at 9:00 eastern time to discuss Sirhan and the ongoing situation.
bob franklin
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Re: Sirhan Sirhan

Post by bob franklin »

Hoping I can get home from work in time to listen. Should prove interesting. This case has so many unlikely parallels with the JFK murder. We have a patsy, A last minute route change, medical forensic evidence going AWOL, and strong indications of more shots fired than the alleged murder weapon's capabilities would allow without reloading. I found these links: ... k.htmlBill Barry (former FBI man) changed RFK's route & brought him to his killers. what is known about this man? He would seem to be implicated.
Michael Calder
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Re: Sirhan Sirhan

Post by Michael Calder »

Bob Franklin,You are on the right track. Whomever is responsible for bringing Kennedy back through the pantry after the speech is part of the conspiracy. Bill Barry was Kennedy's security man/bodyguard and he and Fred Dutton would always walk in front of Kennedy when he was in motion running interference. While Kennedy was giving his speech, Dutton was informed of the plans made upstairs in the fifth floor suites after Kennedy arrived at the hotel by Kennedy intimates. They decided that after his speech Kennedy would go downstairs to another ballroom and say a few words to the overflow crowd of supporters. This almost saved Kennedy's life. It circumvented the plans laid out by the advance men, in particular Jerry Bruno. It is Jerry Bruno who is the traitor in the Kennedy camp and who is working with the CIA to effect RFK's murder. Bruno is having Kennedy brought to the assassination team in the pantry. When either Bruno, or another advance man in on the conspiracy who is on the floor of the Embassy Room learned there had been an unauthorized change in plans, he ordered Fred Dutton to disregard the new plans and take Kennedy back through the pantry after the speech. CIA was even clever enough to have hotel staff take Kennedy out the backdoor of the stage while Bill Barry and Fred Dutton were waiting at the sides of the stage where Kennedy had been previously instructed to move toward after his spech. Once back stage he is quickly walked through the double doors of the pantry and to his fate with his security people trailing behind him because of the crush of people between them and RFK. CIA is terrific in doing the devil's work.
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Re: Sirhan Sirhan

Post by Bob »

Michael Calder wrote:Bob Franklin,You are on the right track. Whomever is responsible for bringing Kennedy back through the pantry after the speech is part of the conspiracy. Bill Barry was Kennedy's security man/bodyguard and he and Fred Dutton would always walk in front of Kennedy when he was in motion running interference. While Kennedy was giving his speech, Dutton was informed of the plans made upstairs in the fifth floor suites after Kennedy arrived at the hotel by Kennedy intimates. They decided that after his speech Kennedy would go downstairs to another ballroom and say a few words to the overflow crowd of supporters. This almost saved Kennedy's life. It circumvented the plans laid out by the advance men, in particular Jerry Bruno. It is Jerry Bruno who is the traitor in the Kennedy camp and who is working with the CIA to effect RFK's murder. Bruno is having Kennedy brought to the assassination team in the pantry. When either Bruno, or another advance man in on the conspiracy who is on the floor of the Embassy Room learned there had been an unauthorized change in plans, he ordered Fred Dutton to disregard the new plans and take Kennedy back through the pantry after the speech. CIA was even clever enough to have hotel staff take Kennedy out the backdoor of the stage while Bill Barry and Fred Dutton were waiting at the sides of the stage where Kennedy had been previously instructed to move toward after his spech. Once back stage he is quickly walked through the double doors of the pantry and to his fate with his security people trailing behind him because of the crush of people between them and RFK. CIA is terrific in doing the devil's work. http://www.jfkcia.comMichael...where is Jerry Bruno now? Is he a neighbor of Thane Cesar in the Phillipines? Do people like Paul Schrade know of Bruno's traitorous behavior?I did find this on Bruno... ... runo.htmIt sounds like Etu Jerry with Bruno and the way he betrayed RFK.
bob franklin
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Re: Sirhan Sirhan

Post by bob franklin »

Safe to say we can add Jerry Bruno's name to the list of commonalities between the two cases. I'm still suspicious of Mr Barry, however.
bob franklin
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Re: Sirhan Sirhan

Post by bob franklin »

here's what I could find on Khyber Khan. It's near the end of the article: ... n_FJ.htmlI think the author downplays the MIC angle a bit much, but the Israel connection is hard to deny. People need to learn how to say "all the above". Some of this next link is out there, fair warning. but some is good: ... ?l=1Khyber Khan's daughter:
Michael Calder
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Re: Sirhan Sirhan

Post by Michael Calder »

Bob,I've been unable to determine if Jerry Bruno is alive or dead or senile. I'm going to go to the jfklibrary site you posted and see what is there. Thanks. When I first became suspicious of Bruno from the LAPD documents, I went to the site you mentioned. I wanted to order Jerry Bruno's papers and notes from the RFK campaign. There are no notes or records of April, May and June 1968. These are the months of the RFK campaign. Very suspicious. The advance man for the RFK campaign doesn't have any notes for these months but has material from his working on JFK's Senate race. Very suspicious. I interviewed Paul Schrade at his house in the Hollywood Hills. Nice house. Nice area. Where did I go wrong? I showed him a photo of Bruno and he immediately identified it. I then asked him if he saw Bruno that night and especially near the time Kennedy came down to give his speech. He said he didn't remember seeing Bruno there. I voiced my suspicions of Bruno but Paul didn't have an opinion. I don't have audible access in my computer. Can you give me some highlights of Dr. Pepper's interview on Blackops radio. Bob Franklin posted a link to Khyber Khan that should be quite interesting. All I know about him is what is in the LAPD files. I'm glad I'm not alone on this.
Phil Dragoo
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Bruno papers

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Bruno papers here seem to end 03/25/68: ... est#Series 3.Reference is made to 79 pages removed from the four sections, 12,000 pages, 7.0 feet of "invasive material".
Phil Dragoo
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Bruno missing

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Gerald "Jerry" Bruno is not listed in the index of Shane O'Sullivan's Who Killed Bobby? nor in the index of William Klaber and Philip H. Melanson's Shadow Play.
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Re: Sirhan Sirhan

Post by Bob »

Michael Calder wrote:Bob,I've been unable to determine if Jerry Bruno is alive or dead or senile. I'm going to go to the jfklibrary site you posted and see what is there. Thanks. When I first became suspicious of Bruno from the LAPD documents, I went to the site you mentioned. I wanted to order Jerry Bruno's papers and notes from the RFK campaign. There are no notes or records of April, May and June 1968. These are the months of the RFK campaign. Very suspicious. The advance man for the RFK campaign doesn't have any notes for these months but has material from his working on JFK's Senate race. Very suspicious. I interviewed Paul Schrade at his house in the Hollywood Hills. Nice house. Nice area. Where did I go wrong? I showed him a photo of Bruno and he immediately identified it. I then asked him if he saw Bruno that night and especially near the time Kennedy came down to give his speech. He said he didn't remember seeing Bruno there. I voiced my suspicions of Bruno but Paul didn't have an opinion. I don't have audible access in my computer. Can you give me some highlights of Dr. Pepper's interview on Blackops radio. Bob Franklin posted a link to Khyber Khan that should be quite interesting. All I know about him is what is in the LAPD files. I'm glad I'm not alone on this. http://www.jfkcia.comMichael, the interview on Black Op Radio with William Pepper was pretty short, like less than 10 minutes. First, Sirhan has been indeed moved to the other prison will expose Sirhan to other inmates (special needs) in the chow line and the yard. Pepper couldn't say much about the case at this point except to say they are working on restoring Sirhan's memory and it's an ongoing process. Pepper was also very impressed with the audio tape that has come out that prove there was more than one shooter and that more than 8 shots were fired. That will certainly help as the case moves on. That was about it regarding Sirhan.Here is some more about the audio tape that has come out about the RFK assassination and much more... ... QaHXQoHere is more about the audio... ... re=related