who shot jfk and why

JFK Assassination
Jerry Craig
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who shot jfk and why

Post by Jerry Craig »

I thought we were suposed to talk about the jfk murder not all the other bs that dont have anything to do with it we nee anather tread so thet these things dont get in where they dont belong 9/11 has nothing to do with JFK!!!i am not trying to cut anybody down would just like to get back to the point of jfk
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: who shot jfk and why

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jerry Craig wrote:I thought we were suposed to talk about the jfk murder not all the other bs that dont have anything to do with it we nee anather tread so thet these things dont get in where they dont belong 9/11 has nothing to do with JFK!!!i am not trying to cut anybody down would just like to get back to the point of jfkJerry,What other subjects besides 9/11 do you think we shouldn't talk about here?Also, why do you think so?Is this ONLY about 9/11? Please be specific because I want to know where you're coming from.
Jerry Craig
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Re: who shot jfk and why

Post by Jerry Craig »

i just think we need anather option called (9/11 what really happened) in the board index so we can keep them seperated
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: who shot jfk and why

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jerry Craig wrote:i just think we need anather option called (9/11 what really happened) in the board index so we can keep them seperatedSo, is this just a 9/11 thing?Is Watergate or Iran/Contra okay to talk about?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: who shot jfk and why

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

I'm not trying to be cute. I just want to know where your comment is coming from and where you think we should draw the line.
Jerry Craig
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Re: who shot jfk and why

Post by Jerry Craig »

im just thinking that we could have more in the index so everybody could go to the one that they are wanting to discuss that is all i might be silly for bringing it up yho
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: who shot jfk and why

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jerry Craig wrote:im just thinking that we could have more in the index so everybody could go to the one that they are wanting to discuss that is all i might be silly for bringing it up yhoI don't think you're being silly at all. It might be a good idea, but I'm not good at running forums, etc.You might be right about it. It sounds like a good idea.
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Re: who shot jfk and why

Post by Bob »

Jerry...I for one think that the events from 9/11 has EVERYTHING to do with the JFK assassination. The same evil forces that murdered JFK were also behind that dark September day in 2001. Yes, some of the names have changed since 11/22/1963, and some of the folks have died since then, but the same evil exists and permeates in that power elite group. In March 1962, JFK was presented a plan called Operation Northwoods that ALL of the joint chiefs endorsed. Look at the plan closely...http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICL ... oods.htmlI can sure see the similarities of that plan along with the events of 9/11. Instead of Cuba...and then Vietnam in the JFK era, 9/11 caused military action in Afghanistan and Iraq. The world has never recovered since the events of that dark November day in 1963. The events of 9/11 are a CLEAR example of it. One of the conspirators that helped murder JFK was none other than Poppy Bu$h. I don't think it was a coincidence that his son Dumbya was President when the events of 9/11took place. Furthermore, I believe the CIA has had an operative residing in the White House ever since Poppy Bu$h took office in 1988. We KNOW Poppy was in the CIA. Bill Clinton was tied to the hip of Poppy during the CIA drug running that took place out of Mena, Arkansas when Slick Willie was Governor and Poppy was VP. Dumbya, like Poppy, was connected to oil companies that were fronts for the CIA. The bin Laden family even invested in his oil business called Arbusto. There is mounting evidence that Barack Obama was also an operative for the CIA once. His actions as President seem to underscore that opinion. Bottom line, I see CLEAR evidence that both of these tragic events are INDEED related.
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Re: who shot jfk and why

Post by Barney »

Fellows, just remember this in your speculations and home research of the JFK murder on 11-22-1963, almost 50 years ago, the sameeconomic and industrial powers that killed our first murdered President, Lincoln, were involoved in all the other murder ATTEMPTS of ourleaders, whether successful attempts or not. Only two real attempts failed, that on Teddy Roosevelt, due to a small booklet inside hiscoat pocket, and the bullet ripped thru 75 pages and stopped. Then there was the attempt on Reagan, where the bullet fired up underhis left armpit, the only exposed area of his bulletproof coat, missing his heart by only 3/4 to 1 inch, thus he would have bled to death beforereaching any local hospita ER, and Bush would have served for the next 8 years. An unnamed tv reporter saw a man up on the awning overhangind the hotel conference room, where Reagan gave a speech, and he was firing downward into the melee below after Hinckley fired off the very first shot or two. This reporter thought this was a secret service agent until he/she learned there were no agents on top of this particular building at day to protect our President. Dallas Redux it seems and how about GHW perhaps was sick and tired of waiting for hisday in the Sun, attending funerals for a sitting President instead of ruling the Nation Bush style. Barney
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Re: who shot jfk and why

Post by Barney »

In director Oliver Stone's classic movie, JFK, one should recall the meeting alleged between NO DA Garrison andMister X. As Mr. X is alleged to have stated to Garrison, " nobody said Kennedy must be killed, just whispers inthe corridors of power, the Congress, the Pentagon, the CIA out at Langley, the halls and offices of power onWall Street, out in the Texas and Louisiana oilfields, among the Cuban exsile community, like that." These peopleplay hardball and play for keeps. Barney