Zack Shelton interviewed by playboy

JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
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Final section of article

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Three thoughts on the final segment of the article.Wacks’s superiors would notpermit him to take Marcello up on his offer.“That really pissed me off,” says Wacks. “Isaid to my boss, ‘What’s it going to harmus?’ But he said, ‘We don’t want to go there.’For some reason, the bureau wanted to closethe book on the assassination. That bugs meto this day.”What! The FBI didn't want Special Agent Wacks to talk to Marcello about killing Kennedy?! I am just so shocked because you know how dogged and determined that Hoover was in leaving no stone unturned in his unstoppable pursuit of the truth in the murder of his good friend Kennedy.For G. Robert Blakey, now a professor atthe Notre Dame Law School, what ZackShelton and the other agents have foundadds weight to his thesis about organizedcrime’s role in the assassination. “Little bylittle, more pieces about organized crime’sinvolvement keep coming out. Nothing ofsubstance has come out on the CIA otherthan that it wanted to cover things up. Thestories of most substance are related to organizedcrime.Well, yes, I would say that's why Blakey—not Sprague—ran that show: because he was the Agency's a word-that-rhymes-with-bitch. And Blakey was so truthful—like saying all witnesses agreed with the photos of the autopsy and none did not and so the Parkland witnesses were mistaken. Except that that's a lie and we know that from the work of the ARRB and the volumes of Doug Horne.Blakey is more skeptical about Files. “Theacoustical evidence does show a bullet wasfired from the grassy knoll, and it was firedat a supersonic rate nearly simultaneouswith the third shot. But I believe that bulletmissed. If you look at the X-ray evidence ofthe skull, it’s pretty conclusive the fatal shotcame from behind.”Except that the great genius Blakey is lying again. The phonied up x-rays have been taken apart by Gary Aguilar and David Mantik; and the latter shows the Harper Fragment fits midline occipital on the F8 photo in the Fox series—which Baden blew big time.And that fragment has at its right edge the lead trace from the EOP entry from the Dal-Tex (hello Roselli, Nicoletti, Braden/Brading) and was blown out by James Files with his XP-100 Remington Fireball.The truth interlocks; only lies and forgeries are contradictory.Excellent article providing reinforcement.
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Re: Zach Shelton interviewed by playboy

Post by Barney »

The so-named Warren Commission, Prof. Blakey, Senator Arlen Specter, and many others charged with an unbiased investigation of the Kennedy murder arebasically " traitors" or even worse. If every damned one of them still alive were hanged along the Lincoln Memorial Reflection Pool in long rows, it would suitthe hell out of me. Not because I admired or had such respect for Kennedy, especially after the shit starting to hit the fan about his private life, but that he was our elected President,andas a Nation, we cannot permit the gun and bullets to determine our national future instead of the ballot boxes across this vast and great nation of ours. Millionshave paid with their lives for the freedom to vote, to participate in the election and voting process, so be forewarned, its in danger of extinction like the buggy whip, codes of honor, andeons old dinosaurs, who just died out and nobody remembers just why. "Once freedoms are lost", they seldom appear again on their own short of a revolution to make it so again for future unborn generations. Must we endure a Third American Revolution????????
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Re: Zach Shelton interviewed by playboy

Post by dankbaar »

Can someone make a scan or photographs of this article and email it to me at
tom jeffers
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Re: Zach Shelton interviewed by playboy

Post by tom jeffers »

i can send you the pdf on monday wim, i have it at my office.
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Re: Zach Shelton interviewed by playboy

Post by dankbaar »

Tom, many thanks, but meanwhile I was able to locate it myself on the Internet. spoke to Zack yesterday. He said Playboy left the government/CIA angle out of it intentionally, and so the article pins the assassination solely on the mob.But Zack is of the opinion,: better half the truth than no truth. Wim
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Re: Zack Shelton interviewed by playboy

Post by Barney »

Personally, I do not think that Zack should have given the Playboy interview without the permission of Bruce or Jimmy, as Bruce handlessuch matters for Jimmy. If there was a contract for money between Playboy and Zack, then he should pay Jimmy at least half of thefee paid by Playboy, no credible source, no story to tell any magazine, is the way I see this matter.
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Re: Zack Shelton interviewed by playboy

Post by ChristophMessner »

Barney, good remark! We could think further: what's the condition of society when truth can only be found in the Playboy anymore? Wim, let's hope we can find some truth in political fori, still. Thanks for giving this most interesting article here into the net for everybody to read. Chris
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Re: Zack Shelton interviewed by playboy

Post by dankbaar »

Barney and Christoph, Zack wasn't paid anything for this interview. The allegation is vile. Wim
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Re: Zack Shelton interviewed by playboy

Post by Barney »

I have no idea if Zack Shelton charged for the Playboy interview he gave. The American Way is " show me the money" so one only canassume some sort of payment arrangement was made between Shelton and Playboy magazine. If he did or if he didnt get any money, I did notlearn a damned thing from the interview that was not already around and for years, going back several years to Jimmy's videoedtaped confession of his part in the JFK Murder scheme. The only scap of info that was new to me, was thatAccardo-Giancana sent $100,000 down to Mexico City to payoff somebody, most likely the shooters.I do not think, could be wrong tho, that LHO had one damned thing to do with murduring Pres. Kennedy, he was a patsy as he claimed. As a paid FBI informant he had to associate himself with many unsavory groups and persons, in his attempt to infiltratethese subervise organizations intent upon invasion of Cuba a second or third time to oust the Castro regime. Also, what iffor that matter, the guy arrested in the Texas Theater was an Oswald Look a Like imposter. Just like the guy who showed up to work atvarious places at various times named LHO. How do we know that the real LHO ever got to Russia, much less returned and became anassassin??? On 06-03-1960, none other than J Edgar Hoover writes to the internal counter insurgency unit within the FBI, that someone is using LHO's birth certificate and other personal indentification in the Soviet Union. Another thing rather unique and strange, is that LHOhad been "honorably discharged" from the Marine Corp. On 09-11-1959, however after he visits the Soviet Union and renounces his citizenship,on 09-11-1960, the Marine Corp decideds to downgrade his discharge to " an undesirable" due to this alleged defection. Now, how does oneget a lower grade discharge after you have been discharged already a year earlier unless it is due to the fact that he still had Reserve timeto complete. I suspect that revenge played a big part in this second discharge paperwork. FEBRUARY 1961, LHO writes to the Amer. Embassyin Moscow, requesting permission to return to the United States, 03-04-1961 LHO meets Marina Prusakova, at a trade union dance, 04-15-1961the infamous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba begins and fails miserably, 04-30-1961 LHO marries Marina Prusakova, 02-15-1962 Marina Oswald gives birth to their first daughter, June Lee Oswald in Minsk. 06-02-1962 LHO. Marina, and their daughter start the trip to America. They travel via train thru Russia, Poland, Germany, and the Netherlands. 06-26-1962 LHO is first contacted by the Ft. Worth, Tx. FBI office agents Fain and Carter.