Oswald Drinking the Coca Cola

JFK Assassination
Steve McGuire
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Oswald Drinking the Coca Cola

Post by Steve McGuire »

It has long been known that Oswald was confronted by a police officer drinking a Coke in the second floor breakroom of the TSBD within 90 seconds of the shooting in Dealy Plaza. Conspiratorialists argue (and rightfully so), that if he was indeed the lone assassin, he wouldn't have been able to shoot the President, hide the weapon and run down several flights of steps to the breakroom within that timeframe and presenting a perfectly calm demeanor to the confronting officer. Others argue that Oswald was an FBI informant and was actually trying to prevent the assassination (note to Hosty, possible tipster to the Chicago plot, etc). In this latter case, wouldn't the same logic apply? If he was trying to prevent the shooting why would he be calmly drinking a Coke in the breakroom? Doesn't add up. Only thing that makes sense given this simple approach is that Oswald was truly what he said he was...a patsy. Comments?
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Oswald Drinking the Coca Cola

Post by Barney »

I have read that LHO had a sweet tooth, and often purchased cokes, peanut brittle, and other sweets at a nearby store coupleof doors away from the TSBD.I frankly think that LHO was awaiting a phone call on the second floor where the bldg switchboard operator was located, or hewas planning on making a call and then decided against it for some reason. The drinking coke thing was to wash down his homemade sandwich he brought with him that morning on the ride with Buell Frazier, as alleged by Frazier, a somewhat suspectwitness who now refuses all interviews. LHO states that he brought no long paperbag with him that morning only his sandwichbag. Frazier and his sister allege he was carrying a long homemade bag from materials used at the TSBD to carry a disassembledMannlicher Carcano rifle. LHO said he brought window curtain rods to enclose the 4 windows of his tiny room on the Beckley Streetrooming and boarding house. Roomers bought their meals elsewhere or made their own, boarders paid more and ate meals atthis 16 room house that were rented out by the owner, and managed by Mrs. Earline Roberts, the housekeeper. Mrs. Roberts alsodid day work at various DPD officer homes for extra cash. Shortly after the JFK murder, Mrs. Roberts went into seclusion and stopped giving any interviews. A year or so later she died allegedly of a heart attack.