Six examples of *weird* suspicious behavior by JFK killers

JFK Assassination
Tom Bigg
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Re: Six examples of *weird* suspicious behavior by JFK kille

Post by Tom Bigg »

Thanks. These criminals must have a heck of a guilt burden with all they know about what they and their associates have done, and guilt, as psychologists tell us, makes people do strange things.It makes me wonder what would happen if someone in a position of influence like Bush or someone who has nothing to gain by the truth coming out, would spill the beans before they died?
Brian White
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Re: Six examples of *weird* suspicious behavior by JFK kille

Post by Brian White »

WOW! Great post,Robert!I've always been very suspicious of McGeorge Bundy,because from what I've read aboutthe Bay of Pigs,it was Bundy who called off the air cover for the invaders,AFTER JFKhad given the go-ahead to provide it for them. I DON'T believe this was on Kennedy'sorder-so why the hell would Bundy want to sabotage the mission? Didn't know he was Skull & Bones and a friend of Poppy Bush.This puts the whole thing in a much more sinister light.JFK DID NOT call off the air cover-it was Bundy.
Phil Dragoo
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Bundy: icy; carpet: blood-red

Post by Phil Dragoo »

“IT’S OVER”November 22, 1963A memorandum dictated by Moynihan to himself, describing his chaotic, terrible day after news of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy reached Washington. William Walton was an artist and Kennedy-family friend. Charles Horsky was a prominent lawyer and White House adviser on national capital affairs. Moynihan at the time was an assistant secretary of labor in the Kennedy administration.Bill Walton, Charlie Horsky and I were just finishing lunch at Walton’s house—in the grandest good mood with Walton leaving for the Russian tour that afternoon—I was talking about Brasilia and the phone rang. Oh no! Killed! No! Horsky’s office had phoned for him to return. We rushed upstairs. Television had some of it but the commercials continued. Bill began sobbing. Out of control. Horsky in a rage. Clint (?)Jackie’s agent had said the President is dead. Walton knew this meant it was so. He dressed more or less and we went directly to the White House from Georgetown. On the way the radio reported that Albert Thomas had said he might be living.We went directly to the President’s office which was torn apart with new carpets being put down in his office and the cabinet room. As if a new President were to take office. No one about save Chuck Daly. McGeorge Bundy appeared. Icy. Ralph Dungan came in smoking a pipe, quizzical, as if unconcerned. Then Sorensen. The three together in the door of the hallway that leads to the Cabinet room area. Dead silent. Someone said “It’s over.” ... ers-201011
Brian White
Posts: 169
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Re: Six examples of *weird* suspicious behavior by JFK kille

Post by Brian White »

Bundy was "icy",huh? Wonder why? I'm telling you,something is very sinister about this guy.