Odd Behavior

JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Odd Behavior

Post by SLogan »

Has anyone ever noticed this strange reaction or lack of reaction of two people on the z-film (Z226). Right as the limo begins to clear the freeway sign there are two black gentlemen on the grass opposite the sign . Their positioning is such that they are looking up Elm st. waiting for the arrival of the President's limo . You can see them clapping but as the limo passes they never even take another look at the President .The Limo goes by and they are still looking up the street . Their body position never changes .They don't scatter or duck.It looks like their only reason to be there is they're waiting for the arrival of the Press Bus instead of the POTUS . Kind of strange, like they were inserted into the picture without the thought of what their purpose was for being there .