JFK Assassination
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Post by RobertP »

I just read the strangest quote, and thought I'd pass it on to everyone. The quoted person is Bill Greer, of course, who was driving JFK's limo in Dealey Plaza.* William Manchester, who interviewed Greer, tells us what the driver told Jackie on 11/22/63 at Parkland Hospital: "Oh, Mrs. Kennedy, oh my God, oh my God. I didn't mean to do it[?!?!], I didn't hear[who, Kellerman?], I should have swerved the car[how about hitting the gas!], I couldn't help it[!]. Oh, Mrs. Kennedy, as soon as I saw it[?] I swerved. If only I'd seen it in time! Oh!"Anyone have any clue at all what Greer is speaking of? And why do we not see the limo swerve in the Zapruder film?RegardsBob
Phil Dragoo
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Kellerman's fantasy

Post by Phil Dragoo » I heard what I firmly believe was the President's voice, "My God, I'm hit!" I side with Malcolm Perry that the throat wound was one of entry and the president did not say, "My God, I'm hit!" or anything else.Greer hit the brakes and only accelerated after the head shot. Vince Palamara's essay is readily available on line 59 Witnesses: Delay on Elm Street in Bloody Treason examined and tested to indicate the impossibly fast head turn of Greer. Frames were removed to conceal the stop, whether full or California rolling.Umbrella, yellow stripes, everything but the honking horn in the basement of the police station to say, "Hey, driver, this is where he gets it."Neither Greer nor Kellerman are agents who did their jobs to protect the president.
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Bill Greer Speaks

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Bill Greer Quote

Post by Bob »

For all of you that have not read Volume IV of Inside the ARRB by Doug Horne, I implore you to read it. It talks in detail of the shenanigans that went on at Bethesda on Friday night, with Roy Kellerman and Bill Greer leading the dog and pony show.
Phil Dragoo
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NPIC Events I and II

Post by Phil Dragoo »

BobAnother reason to read Doug Horne's Inside the ARRB Volume IV is its two-hundred pages on the Zapruder film from roughly page 1100 through 1300.Friday November 23 and Saturday November 24 the CIA's NPIC tasked two separate crews (Brugioni, McMahon) on two separate films to create two sets of briefing boards.Horne deconstructs the Kodak defender of the Z film Zavada in some ultra-tedious tiptoeing which indeed walks back every argument.Horne--as did the analysis in Twyman's Bloody Treason--points to a jet-black quadrangle with razor-like edges in Z 317 hiding the blowout wound in the back of Kennedy's head seen by forty people at Dealey, Parkland, and Bethesda.I reviewed it on Amazon and got a compliment from the author:Horne IV on preautopsy, Zapruder alteration, May 12, 2010 By Phil Dragoo - See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government's Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK (Volume 4) (Paperback) I found this 390-page volume to be exceptionally valuable on its two main points, that there was a preautopsy at Bethesda to alter evidence, and secondly, that the Zapruder film was altered. Horne presents testimony indicating the arrival of the body at 6:35 with Humes wielding a skull saw in the 6:45-7:15 period, then feigning surprise with Siebert and O'Neill's recorded remark re "surgery to the skull." Horne presents lengthy technical proofs the archive Zapruder is not the Dealey camera original; that Kodak's Zavada is not credible; that two events occured at the CIA NPIC: I with Bruglioni Saturday 23 Nov; II with McMahon Sunday 24 Nov. These two factors, the preautopsy and Zapruder alteration, are each conclusive proofs of conspiracy, crossfire, coverup; together they present as unarguable proof. QED coup d'etat. Which is not to say that everything Horne writes is universally accepted--rather, it is a rich presentation of the results of many researchers over the decades which is stimulus for thought and discussion. ... centReview
Tom Bigg
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Post by Tom Bigg »

I'll just say that Greer has been smeared as the one who fired the fatal head shot at Kennedy, which is ridiculous from every sensible perspective.He was a dim-witted Irish immigrant, raised as a farm worker, but should have not have had that job if having it meant doing his job well in an emergency. Many of the SS agents were suffering from hangovers from the previous night at an infamous bar. Had they been fresh and sharp it is quite possible history would not have been so tragic.