The Magic Bullet

JFK Assassination
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The Magic Bullet

Post by RobertP »

Here is an interesting little excerpt from the Warren Commission hearings. I was inspired, after reading the link posted by Tom Bigg, to do some calculations and determine, mathematically, just how delayed Connally's reaction to the magic bullet actually was. Remember now, when reading it, that JFK first appeared from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign, in the Zapruder film, at Frame 225 (Z225), and was plainly reacting to having been shot in the throat at this point. Here goes:Mr. SPECTER – Dr. Shaw, have you had an opportunity today here in the Commission building to view the movies which we referred to as the Zapruder movies and the slides taken from these movies? Dr. SHAW – Yes. Mr. SPECTER – And what, if any, light did those movies shed on your evaluation and opinions on this matter with respect to the wounds of the Governor? Dr. SHAW – Well, my main interest was to try to place the time that the Governor was struck by the bullet which inflicted the wound in his chest. This meant trying to carefully examine the position of the Governor's body in the car so that it would fall in line with what we knew the trajectory must be for this bullet coming from the point where it has been indicated it did come from. And in trying to place this actual frame that these frames are numbered when the Governor was hit, my opinion was that it was frame number, let's see, I think it was No. 36. Mr. SPECTER – You mean, 236? Dr. SHAW – Yes, 236, give or take a frame or two. 235, 236, 237. Now, just to establish something constant, Zapruder's camera ran at a speed of 18 frames per second. Therefore, if we divide 1 by 18, we find the gap between each frame to be .0555555... seconds. There are 12 frames from Z225 to Z236 but, just to make the LN'ers happy, let's say there were only 10 frames. So, 10 x .055555 = .555555 or just over 1/2 second.If the muzzle velocity of the 6.5mm Carcano was roughly 2200 feet per second, we can likely guess that, after passing through JFK and not striking bone, the 6.5mm bullet would probably still be moving at roughly 1500 feet per second before it hit Connally.For starters, if a bullet travels 1500 feet per second, in .55555 seconds, the timespan between Z225 and Z236, it will travel 833 feet. Next, if a bullet travels 1500 feet in one second, how long does it take to travel the roughly four feet between JFK and Connally? Okay, we first divide 1 second by 1500 feet which equals .0006666... then multiply by 4 feet and we get a product of .0026664 seconds.But wait a minute, there is only .05555 seconds between frames! If we divide .05555 by .0006666, we find that the bullet could travel a one foot space 83 times between frames. If we divide .5555 by .0026664 (number of seconds to travel 4 feet), we find this bullet could have made the trip from JFK to Connally just over 208 times in the time between Z225 and Z236; and perform this magical feat in just over half a second!Isn't it strange that Dr. Shaw doesn't think Connally was struck by the magic bullet until Z236? If JFK was reacting to the throat wound at Z225, just as he emerged from behind the sign, isn't it likely that he was struck well BEFORE he emerged from behind the sign, possibly as early as Z210? The Zapruder stills seem to blur a bit at this point; could it be Zapruder was startled by a gunshot? If the bullet struck both men virtually simultaneously, why isn't Connally reacting at Z225??
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

Robert, you are quite right that the bullet would have to have been magic to loiter between the two men before advancing.More troubling is that Oswald did not fire any long arm per the Dallas paraffin test confirmed by the AEC Oak Ridge Lab.The back wound at T-3 (per Admiral Burkley) did not transit per Humes as witnessed by O'Neill and Sibert who remained for the entire autopsy until the morticians took over.But it's worse: the three stooges said the occipital was the inshoot but yielded to the HSCA panel which moved it up four inches or one hundred centimeters to account for the arc of metal fragments high from the right ocular inshoot courtesy James Files or another frontal shooter.More metal left in Connally than missing from CE 399.The throat wound was entry per Perry et al, and required the all-night badgering of Secret Service schmuck Elmer Moore who would later call Kennedy a "traitor."The non-Oswald shooter in the Depository or Dal-Tex building shot Connally.John and Nellie were adamant it was a separate, later bullet.The needs of the Commission as dictated by the Secret Service and FBI required a fantasy perpetuated by the cartoon animations on the Dunkel Comedy Channel.
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Re: Did the magic bullet stop between JFK and Connally?

Post by JDThomas »

Here is a fairly good recent article concerning the impossibility of the magic bullet: brought to attention by Douglas Caddy, Houston, Texas
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Re: Did the magic bullet stop between JFK and Connally?

Post by Bob »

Except for the deceit of one man, the magic bullet theory wouldn't even be talked about as remotely plausible. Even then, it's a ridiculous theory. Made possible by this bastard... same a-hole that pardoned Nixon to stop any further investigations about Watergate Which would have led to 11/22/1963. The same guy that made Poppy Bush CIA Director. The same guy that made Dick Cheney his Chief of Staff and brought on Donald Rumsfeld as his Secretary of Defense.
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Re: The Magic Bullet

Post by kenmurray »

CBS endorses the Magic Bullet absurdity: ... absurdity/
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Re: The Magic Bullet

Post by Slav »

How the heck do all these flakes make it on tv and the real story never even hits tv except Jesse Ventura story, who is still in control of the TV.I wish there was a station that would show the true story. No wonder why Bush laughed at Fords funeral, it is funny how he could have pulled this off for so many years and still have people believing in his coverup. a joke.I just seen on TV the white house recieved 800,000 letters from people after jfk was shot, clearly he must of been the last real president, look at the lines of people that filled the sidewalk, there was never a crowd like that ever again. Who wants to see the puppet in office I mean president.
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Re: The Magic Bullet

Post by Bob »

More and more crap is coming out of the MSM regarding this ridiculous theory. Like this one... ... 4.htmlNone of them EVER mentions what Jerry Ford did to change the dynamics of why the shot was impossible. But what did we expect? By the way, the actual back shot, several inches below where the Warren Commission said the shot was (the neck)...never exited JFK's body.The MSM are whores to the power elite. The same power elite that murdered JFK, and still has a stranglehold on the United States.Why?Because of the gutless and spineless MSM, who refuses to tell the real truth about the JFK assassination to the After all, they are co-conspirators after the fact, in terms of the cover up.The same goes with other Black Op events like 9/11.
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Re: The Magic Bullet

Post by kenmurray »

Here is an excellent presentation on why the Magic Bullet is a complete work of fiction:
Randy Bednorz
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Re: The Magic Bullet

Post by Randy Bednorz »

I always found this "forensic" speculation tedious.But your brain is awake if you were stunned by the media's dominating presentations this year.This time, they went to lengths to show that the Zapruder film demonstrates Connally leaning to the left -- therefore the bullet wasn't magic.Here at Wim's site, I see he had posted the film, and it was withdrawn for some apparent "copyright" violation. And I have to ask why so, if the US government had engaged in a tug-of-war over the film so ARRB could get it into the archives. But the clip shown on this site that remains highlights the critical "head" shot. And you can find autopsist analyses that were made during the ARRB hearings which conclude several things, among them:-- the Bethesda photos were doctored [to cover up . . ]-- . . . the massive hole in the right rear of the skull-- there had indeed been a bullet entering from the front above the right ear [and . . ]-- . . . it was likely a mercury bulletWe all remember high-school physics, or even "college" physics. People forget, somehow, viewing the Zapruder film, that shooting a gun at a watermelon doesn't make it possible for the watermelon to spit back at you. Why? It's called "momentum" and "kinetic energy." You can't even put bottom-spin on a cue-ball and expect it to reverse direction until the momentum imparted is overcome by the reverse spin.The First Lady was shown picking skull and brain material off the trunk of the limosine -- almost a yard behind JFK's sitting position. Then, there's the blood-spatter "halo" shown in the film. This, by itself, seems puzzling. The "halo" occurs at the point of the head-shot. It almost seems symmetric: not what you would expect from the frontal bullet, and not what you would expect with one from the rear. What it does demonstrate is what you might expect from an exploding bullet and a collision of two projectiles.I can only conclude that the "halo" is the result of two bullets coming from opposite directions and colliding. The massive loss of brain tissue is consistent with a mercury bullet. And the brain matter on the trunk is consistent with the head shot from the front.But -- as I said -- I've always found this type of discussion tedious. Instead, there were the witnesses: Lee Bowers, Gordon Arnold and others. If the Warren Commission wanted an expert witness, they'd have had it with Arnold -- an active-duty soldier at the time -- in transit to Alaska on leave. I think I'd explained this before, but they make those guys crawl through an obstacle course while firing live ammunition over their heads.If all those shots all came from the rear, Jackie would've been picking pieces of brain and face off the shoulders of Connally and the driver, or the back panels of the front seats.So it is so, so contemptible that the 50th anniversary documentaries gave any credence to these other explanations. The secret service agent had to assist in getting that poor woman off the trunk and into the back seat.