Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States

JFK Assassination
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Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States

Post by Bob »

I know all of you know who Oliver Stone is. He gave us JFK, a classic film about JFK's assassination, which had a lot of things right in the movie, even though it's over 20 years old now. Some of you may also know, that Stone was interested in working with Jimmy Files, but Jimmy did not want to work with Stone. Anyway, Stone is very good at what he does. He at least attempts to get the truth out there through his movies and documentaries. A couple year's back, Stone was on Real Time with Bill Maher, and he only agreed to go on if he could plug James Douglass' book JFK And The Unspeakable.I don't know how many of you have Showtime, but Stone has put out several episodes of the Untold History of the United States. He broaches subjects that few have ever touched on cable television. Stone discusses the past of Prescott Bush for instance, with all of his Nazi connections. Bush was not alone, as a number of U.S. corporations were tied to the hip of the Nazis. He also talks about Operation Northwoods in another episode, which is mostly about the JFK era.Please check these eight episodes out (there are two more that will be posted as soon as they are available)...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DxGzWen ... c1pTZfne98
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Re: Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States

Post by kenmurray »

Great Job Bob. I haven't seen these yet.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Bob Fox:Bob - Excellent information. I was unaware of this work by Oliver Stone.Thank You for bringing it to our attention.In addition, to underscore a point you made above. Oliver Stone interviewedMr. James Earl Sutton - Files three (3) times.I have the only original copy of the notes made by Jimmy from these three (3)interviews in my possession and control. Only Jimmy and I have seen them.Further, I have the Original Signed Contract, signed by Oliver Stone, and profferedto Jimmy, which he never signed.We are evaluating with our attorneys, and consultants, whether this information will be published in Jimmy's Autobiography - Biography - Memoirs that covers hisentire life and career.There is much to evaluate, and consider.For the record I have privately consulted with Bob over the years, and sought hisconfidential opinion on many matters. Bob's above statement is accurate, andsubstantiated.Respectfully,BB.
Douglas 606
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Re: Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States

Post by Douglas 606 »

Thanks Ken for posting the link above:I listened to the new Oliver Stone interview this week on NPRadio. There are huge holes in Mr. Stone's assessment of the threats JFK faced in 1963.The words "mafia" or "organized crime", etc., are not mentioned even one time during this 50 minute interview. Mr. Stone evidently hasa serious problem coming to grips with the one major threat that President Kennedy faced and that was first and foremost the mafia and elements of organized crime.I don't blame James Files for not wanting to be associated with movie maker Oliver Stone.
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Re: Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States

Post by MajaP »

I have all ten episodes, but have so far watched only one - the 6th one, the Kennedy episode. It doesn't discuss his assassination, only his presidency. I liked it.
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Re: Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States

Post by JDB4JFK »

Douglas 606 yes you're right the Mafia hated JFK and wanted him dead and maybe supplied a few shooters, but they are just the sprinkles on the cake. Oliver Stone gets to the meet of the assassination by talking about who had the power to pull the assassination off. The Mob didn't invent or train Oswald to be the patsy, the Mob didn't have power of the parade route, the mob didn't have the power to select the Warren Commission and make a debacle of the case, and the mob had no power over LBJ! As far as, Jimmy goes who knows why he didn't like Stone? Maybe Stone ask him some questions that he didn't want to answer. Bottom line is this, like Stone or not he's one of the few in Holly-weird that is willing to challenge the government on this issue. You know it's funny about Holly-weird they will go after Bush for his crookedness, and they should but won't touch the obvious Kennedy Assassination. Also why haven't we seen a movie like JFK regarding the 911 bullshit?Just my two cents!
Douglas 606
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Re: Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States

Post by Douglas 606 »

JDB4JFK wrote:Oliver Stone gets to the meet of the assassination by talking about who had the power to pull the assassination off. The Mob didn't invent or train Oswald to be the patsy, the Mob didn't have power of the parade route, the mob didn't have the power to select the Warren Commission and make a debacle of the case, and the mob had no power over LBJ! As far as, Jimmy goes who knows why he didn't like Stone? Maybe Stone ask him some questions that he didn't want to answer. Bottom line is this, like Stone or not he's one of the few in Holly-weird that is willing to challenge the government on this issue. You know it's funny about Holly-weird they will go after Bush for his crookedness, and they should but won't touch the obvious Kennedy Assassination. Also why haven't we seen a movie like JFK regarding the 911 bullshit?Just my two cents!I agree JDB with your basic premise. Well stated.Yes, Stone zeros in on many aspects of the plotting and planning. This is good, no doubt about it. I just wish he had known about Files before he made his JFK movie. Files is the complete game changer in this sordid event. Jim Files puts real faces and facts on the shooters...especially his own face.Yes, who knows why Files didn't like Stone. My guess is that Files felt that he might not stick to the facts as presented by his testimony. He felt that Stone might embellish some of it and ignore other parts. Knowing low-lifes like Files, as I have, his story is completely believable. Its really so simple and common place in an odd way. I suppose a lot of people expect that the shooters were some romantic James Bond types. When in fact, they're just your typical Chicago hit men with lots of weapons, a new car and the connections to pull it off. Files was paid $30,000 for his participation. I assume the Nicoletti was paid a larger sum.I believe Chicago crime boss Tony Accardo may have originated the idea of a hit on JFK. During the run up, his connections with the CIA, LBJ and others helped to facilitate it overall when and as they were needed. Recall that mafia man Roselli flew into Dallas on a ''CIA plane'' the morning of Nov 22. Just some thoughts I've gleaned from much study of this subject.
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Re: Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States

Post by kenmurray »

Oliver Stone and Jim DiEugenio appeared together on BOR:http://blackopradio.com/archives2014.html
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Re: Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Oliver Stone and Jim DiEugenio appeared together on BOR:http://blackopradio.com/archives2014.htmlMore good stuff from Abraken Linkin.