The Mysterious Throat Wound:

JFK Assassination
steve manning
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The Mysterious Throat Wound:

Post by steve manning »

Its been awhile since I've posted anything, but, as I've stated before, I find the research of Gil Jesus impeccable! In fact, the evidence in this video is irrefutable! I understand how much it would suck to already have another theory in print, but how can we deny the truth, regardless who discovered it? As I stated in my other paper a few years ago, that whoever must have took this shot through the windshield would have no doubt been aiming right between JFK's eyes. The distance from the south knoll and the angle of the windshield probably lowered the trajectory of the bullet. The argument that no one would have fired that soon from the front is weak because, the rumor about the abort team may have threw the initial plan of only shooting from the rear out the window. Thus its seems reasonable, if not likely, that whoever was shooting from either below the underpass on the south side or above somewhere, might have thought, this may be our last chance to kill him, and took the first shot he could zero up. Furthermore, and perhaps most importantly, what about the clear, UNIFORM testimony of all the doctors and nurses? This evidence was some of the most reliable in the entire case and cannot be explained away. When interpreting any historical event, the evidence or testimony with the closest proximity to the crime should be given due weight and consideration. Not to mention the fact they were all trained in gunshot wounds there in Dallas. The notion that shrapnel dropped down from the head wound and exited there, while plausible still seems unlikely. I believe it is more likely the bullet, entering from the front (which was never officially recovered) probably deflected off the spinal cord and went up...either that or it was lodged in the neck, which would explain the reason the wound was gaping at Bethesda, because someone went in to retrieve it. Finally, the testimony of the nurse who saw the bullet hole in the windshield was within ten minutes after the shooting...come on! Files was simply not the only one to shoot from the front.Please take a look at this video and see what you think; especially any of you folks who might be newer to this sight.ThanksSteve
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Re: The Mysterious Throat Wound:

Post by Slav »

Great video Steve I believe the throat wound came from the front as well it's seems like the most logical location and I'm leaning toward under the triple overpass as the possible location. With no disrespect to any other theory or belief.
steve manning
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Re: The Mysterious Throat Wound:

Post by steve manning »

Glad you liked it Slav! I think most everyone else on this site still recalls the paper I posted back in 2009...Wim was not too happy with it either. I'm glad you can see it the way Gil Jesus does...NO DISRESPECT TO THE OTHER THEORY but its simply much easier to believe.
Thomas Ruth
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Re: The Mysterious Throat Wound:

Post by Thomas Ruth »

Jack Lawrence's escape route in my mind had to be a storm drain and he followed it out to the trinity river where he made his way back to the dealership. I walked around the south knoll area about 6 months ago and i didn't see a storm drain on the south knoll but my access around that area was limited to a locked gate that went to a parking lot of a business. In my mind he definitely is a shooter!
Bob Lilly
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Re: The Mysterious Throat Wound:

Post by Bob Lilly »

Good work Steve. I think you are right about the throat wound. 1. The shooter could still have been on the knoll as JFK had his head turned to right and seems to have been hit just as he emerged to shooters view from behind Stemmons Freeway sign. The shooter did not have to be in front of car (overpass area).2. When the shot was fired he had not yet emerged to Zapruders view so the shooter was to Zapruders right, (west of Zapruder towards the fence).3. Raise your elbows out, cover your mouth with your right hand and cough (like you are trying to clear your throat). See how your head involunatrily moves forward? Just like JFK when he took the head shot from the front.4. The head shot was taken from about 25 feet west along the fence from the corner of the fence. This is where the best field of vision is and in a concealed spot. This is where the puffs of smoke originated. This is where the mud on fence 2x4 and car bumpers was. This is where the cigarette butts accumulated.5. Most importantly, this is where the muzzle flash originated; the flash you see at the beginning at the Nix film just a moment before a piece of Kennedy's head departs back and to the left.6. The throat wound could not have been caused by pieces of the head shot bullet or super heated mercury from that bullet as the throat wound was received before the head shot.7. There were two shooting teams on the Mall. (and likely 2 behind in the buildings)
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Re: The Mysterious Throat Wound:

Post by RobertP »

If the throat wound was indeed from the front, what calibre and type of bullet caused it?
Bob Lilly
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Re: The Mysterious Throat Wound:

Post by Bob Lilly »

Robert,What caliber caused the throat wound is a very good question. I can't say but maybe others can. It's been awhile but perhaps a .223 round? Maybe 30/30 from that range? It went right through it seems. Anyone else have an idea? Certainly not a Parker Hale.
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Mysterious Throat Wound:

Post by Dealey Joe »

why no spinal damage??
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Re: The Mysterious Throat Wound:

Post by RobertP »

Bob Lilly wrote:Robert,What caliber caused the throat wound is a very good question. I can't say but maybe others can. It's been awhile but perhaps a .223 round? Maybe 30/30 from that range? It went right through it seems. Anyone else have an idea? Certainly not a Parker Hale.If it went right through, it would have hit the vertebrae and, as Joe asks next, why no spinal damage? Why also no large exit wound in the back of the neck?Another problem with the throat wound being connected to a bullet through the windshield is an x-ray technician named Jerrol Custer, who was present at the Bethesda autopsy. He later stated, in an interview, that there was an x-ray of JFK's neck missing showing many bullet fragments present in the vicinity of cervical (neck) vertebrae C3 and C4. Unfortunately, Custer never said how large the fragments were but, if there were "many", it can be assumed they were quite small.That being said, we now must think of a bullet of .22 calibre, such as a .222 or a .223, of a type that will easily break up between the throat entrance wound and the vertebrae. Could such a fragmenting bullet have gone through two layers of windshield safety glass without deformation? It had to, or the entrance wound in JFK's throat would have been much larger.Could the hole through the windshield be from a missed shot from behind, possibly from the lower storeys of the Dal-Tex Building, and the throat wound from a shot that did not go through the windshield?P.S. Another possibility is that a small calibre bullet entered the throat, struck the vertebrae and was deflected down into the chest cavity.
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Mysterious Throat Wound:

Post by Dealey Joe »

the throat would may have been from the front, but it was not a bullet it had to have been a piece of shrapnel.