JFK Throat Wound: Exit or Entry?

JFK Assassination
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Re: JFK Throat Wound: Exit or Entry?

Post by kenmurray »

steve manning
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: JFK Throat Wound: Exit or Entry?

Post by steve manning »

Thanks for posting the info Ken, I know that is one of your specialties! MOST LIKELY LOCATION FOR FRONTAL SHOTYes, a shot from the front would not have been ideal, because it speaks of conspiracy. However, there was definitely some confusion about whether or not there was a real abort order or fake. A phony abort could have still sent the wrong message to one of the shooters/teams. Perhaps whoever might have been shooting from this locale had a similar attitude as Nicoletti, when he said, "Fuck em, it's a go, we’re going anyway." He was basically saying he didn't care if their team, was the only team left. We already know the abort rumor triggered at least one last minute change, and it was placing James Files on the knoll, behind the picket fence. Yea, sure it would have looked better NOT shooting from the front, but the idea that they already placed one shooter in front (Files) tells us they were willing to live with it if they had too. If that’s what it took to get the job done this time, then finally killing him was more important than how it looked. Again, they had to get him this time and they wouldn’t have another opportunity like this. For JFK, there was no leaving Dealy Plaza alive. In just a few weeks, the final leg of the reelection campaign would kick in, and there was little doubt he would in fact, be reelected. Good luck trying to get him after that, with the usual increase in campaign security etc.Where is Dealy Joe? No further comments?I have some great photos of the plaza and the possible location of a shooter but I could not get them to post? I have 5 photos that are excellent, maybe I can figure out how to post them?If anyone is curious, the next series of photos from Google Maps shows the hypothetical vantage point of a shooter from below the trestle on the south side of the knoll. I believe Doug Weldon estimates the range of distance to be about 350-400 feet (approx. a min of 115-130 yards), which is behind the dreaded X on Elm St. some 2 to 4 car lengths, give or take, where ever the exact spot is. The 1st of 5 pictures below, shows the west side entrance to the partially concealed walkway, under the trestle, adjacent to the south knoll, which is on the other (east) side of the trestle. A shooter could park somewhere close by on the south side. I might be mistaken but I believe Tosh Plumblee said they parked over there somewhere also? In addition, they also smelled gunpowder in that immediate area, as they walked back to the west side of the trestle.Photo #1 Below in photo #2 is a better look at where I believe a frontal shot could have been fired from; I’ve never been there, but a shooter could probably use one of these concrete windows, perhaps even quite a ways back, maybe to the 5th or 6th? A shooter could have used the concrete to brace his weapon, either kneeling, or standing, using some kind of rifle, probably with silencer, and a scope. Photo #3 Maybe a shooter would find more concealment, with the traffic going away from him, to the east? He could have braced his rifle up against the right side of this concrete doorway? A good sniper could have quickly got into position in either place; perhaps spending less than five minutes in the area, overall. If he did arrive early, perhaps he kept the rifle down low, or semi stashed somewhere, until he heard the crowds begin to roar and he would have a somewhat early view of the motorcade as it approached Houston St. Photo #4 this is what the view looks like without the advantage of a scope to look through. Such a shot would be no more than 400 feet. I was an expert with a peep site with military issue, I could make a still shot from there with a scope pretty easily, but not a peep. Photo #5 above gives us a lot better idea what a shooter would see through a weak lens, but a three power scope would drag it in much nicer than this. Doug Weldon I believe, actually was able to film this shot via a scope, or its equivalent. The last car (suv) back is probably too far back for the throat shot, as it was probably just clearing the Houston/Elm intersection, just getting below the 6th floor window. As the limo makes this hairpin turn, there is still several more car lengths to go before JFK throws up his arms and elbows. Between 350 and 400ft from the concrete doorway, under the bridge trestle would be in addition to that. Again, as I speculated before, the chances of a skilled shooter aiming at JFK’s throat were very slim indeed. If such a shot was taken, I’d be willing to bet the shooter was aiming at his head, probably right between his eyes. If you consider the possibility the rifle may have had a silencer, that alone would slow the bullet down. In addition, contact with the windshield would have slowed the bullet down even more. But a target coming toward you and gradually dropping in elevation could be done by a good sniper with some difficulty. But if he aimed too low, thinking the elevation would drop more; but if it didn't, the bullet would have hit lower than intended. Further, the angle of the windshield would probably account for a drop in elevation; a few possible reasons, he was shot in the throat, instead of the head.