In Kennedys own words.

JFK Assassination
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

You dont need Rescue, you need to open your eyes, and wake up. Your a pawn, a dupt, a patsy. If your theory is correct then we shouldnt associate Catholic priests with pedaphelia. Come on, it says something about the organization because the Catholic Church ordered its cardinals to keep it quite, WHY? To remain in power, thats why! I was a Catholic, I know! God plays no favorites! NONE! I WILL NOT DEFEND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!

I also know many, many masons, and they are willing to talk, off the record. X Masons dont write books if they want to live, ask Capt Morgan. Please dont waite for a book, its not coming. They are the ones who told me about the Satanists, and Luciferians. They also enlightened me about what really goes on in the De Molay. They have much in common with the catholic priests!

Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Could all these things go on right under your master mason nose and you knew nothing about it? Hell Yes it could! 90% of americans dont know the Federal reserve is a private money making enterprize that is enslaving all who use federal reserve notes (IOUs). So im sure a little goat riding gone wild has happen more than a few times without you knowing it. My experiance with Masonry is extensive. Ask me no secrets, and I tell you no lies! Dont defend an organization you know nothing about. Go back to your faithful brothers and ask them in a covert way, Im sure they are more that willing to clear their conscience.

No, its obvious that the scum that have infiltraited masonry do there dirty work without killing the golden cow (masonry). Once they are accepted in a higher level they dont want to involve masonry because its where they get their pawn power.

If I were you I wouldnt feel too bad about being hoodwinked by Freemasonry. They have coerced and tricked some of the best and brightest the world has ever conceived, I must admit. This isnt about attacking you, its about attacking an oath, that came straight from hell!
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

here you go again dragging catholic preists and pedophiles into a discussion about masons. thats how guys like you and organizations like the cia spread lies and untruths, you mix in known facts and truths with lies and expect everyone to buy all of your crap.

why aren't their books written? because it doesn't exist. not unless you buy a dan brown FICTION novel. their is no bigger corrupt power base than the cia and there have been a ton of books written about it. even about the bilderbergs, trilateral commission and the cfr. those books leeked out.

yes billy i am truly a patsy. those masons are brainwashing me and using my $74 a year dues to get rich and finance their power grubbing ways. by the time our lodge pays the expenses on the building and buys our dinner once a month at meetings, it surely must have mega millions to utilize for unholy purposes.

what about our founding fathers in the united states? you know the ones that wrote the constitution that guarentees you the right of free speech so that you could spread the crap about masonry around? were they satonists and luciferians too? how are these so called power brokers getting all of their power by being in the masons? According to you masonry must be a training ground for the NWO. Well billy, i am a master mason and i promise you i haven't yet received my call from the rothchild's or the rockefeller's for an invitation.

just exactly how am i being a patsy by raising money for crippled children and orphans? just exactly how are we being groomed to accept our positions of world domination? oh they must be keeping those plans for world domination out of the lodges i have attended.

it is not masonry that is corrupt, it is big old money. most masons that i know are working class tax paying americans. they are more concerned about how to dominate their wives than to dominate the world. its easy and popular on these threads to bash anything that is not understood.

I am not naive nor am i a patsy. I rarely post on any site, mostly i read and try to understand peoples opinion. i know who i am and what i stand for. i have known most of my fellow masons all my life and know them to be good decent humans who are concerned about the quality of life for their family's future. Most are fairly intelligent and many are more learned than I (I am a CPA) and we are not easily duped.

I belong to the masons to have an organization behind me to give back to the community. I volunteer about 10 hours per month for charitable work. I am a giver not a taker and I assure you most of my fellow brothren are the same. Look elsewhere for your conspiracy theories because they are not among us.

tom jeffers
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Post by Bob »

Here is a very short (just kidding) list of famous masons, not including Perry Mason...
Billy Boggs
Posts: 194
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Thanks Bob, your right, that list is short. I have noticed that not only does freemasonry use its brothers, it also uses their greatness, and claims the members greatness for its own. Kinda like hyjacking the fame. The greatness of these people belongs to them , and them alone. Freemasonry may try to grab the glory by saying that it was their affiliation, or training in FM that made these people great. Far from it. It may be true in some cases the associations within the lodge may have helped some to fame who would otherwise be famless. But for the most part, it belongs to them. But again on the other side, Im sure there are countless numbers of people threw history who are just as, or greater than these. One that comes to mind very quickly is, Jesus Christ. But Im sure one day in he history books in the far future the masons will claim him too.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Tom I have family members that are masons. I see the rings the bibles the necklaces and all the things involved in it. I know they do great things. Butttttt. There are things you know and things you do not. are you a 33rd degree? Do you beleive that masons and Templars are related? What do you think about Rosylyn Chapel? I do not know it all and niether do you my friend. I applaud you stance on Masonic belief. But admit that you DO NOT KNOW ALL THE THINGS THAT MASONS ARE. And we can move on.
P.S I will become a mason before it is all over.
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Post by Pennyworth »

[quote="Billy Boggs"]You dont need Rescue, you need to open your eyes, and wake up. Your a pawn, a dupt, a patsy. If your theory is correct then we shouldnt associate Catholic priests with pedaphelia. Come on, it says something about the organization because the Catholic Church ordered its cardinals to keep it quite, WHY? To remain in power, thats why! I was a Catholic, I know! God plays no favorites! NONE! I WILL NOT DEFEND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!

Hello BB,

Go to New World Order my latest posted link on one world government ..someone has something to say about the Pope and the Roman Church...glad you brought it up
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

again you missed my point by taking a part of what I said and mixing it with crap and then trying to make what I said was crap. I never said anything about associations of catholic preist with pediphilia. I said what does it have to do with the argument about masons. By the way some pedophiles are catholic preists but that doesn't make all catholic preists pedophiles. I am not catholic but I know there are some truly righteous catholic preists. Not all of them are bad, many of them really try to bring people closer to god.
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Post by Pennyworth »

tom jeffers wrote:again you missed my point by taking a part of what I said and mixing it with crap and then trying to make what I said was crap. I never said anything about associations of catholic preist with pediphilia. I said what does it have to do with the argument about masons. By the way some pedophiles are catholic preists but that doesn't make all catholic preists pedophiles. I am not catholic but I know there are some truly righteous catholic preists. Not all of them are bad, many of them really try to bring people closer to god.

Cease fire bro!!!! I was just responding to a segment statement referral you made about the Catholic Church..true it is not all fact I went to mass yesterday...the pope of the catholic church is not gong to keep me from going to mass even though he advocates NWO!
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Not all of the Church is corrupt, nor is all the members of freemasonry. But it seems the two institusions refuse to deal with the corrupt within their ranks.
Posts: 2931
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Peeler's interview....

Post by Pennyworth »

...Peeler: Yeah. But anyway, there’s all these government conspiracies. The name of the tape that they did, the BBC, John Sergeant is the one that made this up, it’s called “The Secret Rulers of the World: The New World Order.â€