Doug Horne Talks With NPIC Photo Analyst Dino Brugioni

JFK Assassination
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Doug Horne Talks With NPIC Photo Analyst Dino Brugioni

Post by Bob »

Please check out this very informative video with Doug Horne. In it, he talks with Dino Brugioni, a photo analyst for NPIC (National Photographic Interpretation Center). There were two separate NPIC events when the original Zapruder film was shown. One on November 23rd and one on November 24th. Brugioni was at the event on the 23rd. Homer McMahon and Ben Hunter were at the event on the 24th. Horne interviewed all of these people. All of this...and much more (like what really occurred at Bethesda the night of the assassination) is in Volume IV of Inside the ARRB.Brugioni (the Chief Information Officer at the CIA's pre-eminent photographic analytical laboratory) says the Zapruder film we see today is nothing like the film he saw, especially with the head-shot sequence, which he said lasted much longer in terms of frames.
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Re: Doug Horne Talks With NPIC Photo Analyst Dino Brugioni

Post by kenmurray »

Doug Horne and Dr, David Mantik appear on Brent Holland's show:
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Re: Doug Horne Talks With NPIC Photo Analyst Dino Brugioni

Post by JDB4JFK »

Great interview Bob, but why didn't Doug Horne ask Dino Brugioni what the photos showed since he was a photo interpreter? At lease have him give his opinion on where he thought the shots came from! Obviously the photos Dino displayed were to telling on where the shots came from, so they did another display using the altered film. Also why doesn't Doug think its highly probable that both Dan Rather and Carl DeLoach were lying when the said the head was violently thrown forward?
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Re: Doug Horne Talks With NPIC Photo Analyst Dino Brugioni

Post by Bob »

JDB4JFK wrote:Great interview Bob, but why didn't Doug Horne ask Dino Brugioni what the photos showed since he was a photo interpreter? At lease have him give his opinion on where he thought the shots came from! Obviously the photos Dino displayed were to telling on where the shots came from, so they did another display using the altered film. Also why doesn't Doug think its highly probable that both Dan Rather and Carl DeLoach were lying when the said the head was violently thrown forward?JDB4JFK, in terms of what Dan Rather saw, it was most likely a copy of the film that Dino and his group saw on November 23rd. Remember that Dino said that the head shot sequence was much longer than the one we now see in the Zapruder film. Also, recall what Jimmy Files has said about his shot. He was aiming for JFK's right eye, but because the head moved forward, hit hit JFK in the temple area instead. There is a reasonable chance that what Rather said he saw was actually on the film. The shot from Chuck Nicoletti hit JFK in the head and it moved forward. The shot from Files was almost simultaneously fired and that caused the massive head wound and exiting debris that Brugioni saw on November 23.
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Re: Doug Horne Talks With NPIC Photo Analyst Dino Brugioni

Post by JDThomas »

Thanks for this Bob - I thought that I knew what there was to know about the Brugioni/Homer McMahon business, but this interview had some real gems.First of all the wound patterns - Brugioni saw more headshot debris over more frames than the current Zap filmHe also does not remember any image bleeding into the sproket hole areas of the film (no full flush left) casting further doubt over the film in evidence.That the CIA still had his briefing boards at the time of the Rockerfeller Commission, but did not disclose them and denied their existance.Brugioni should have been called to give evidence and would probably have let the car out of the bag - likely he was deliberatly hidden by the CIA - his evdence could have been explosive if he had been found by the ARRB.The Limo stop has been debated for a long time, Horne mentions this and the turn onto Elm, but Brugioni does not as a great deal to this.His info about the Zap camera is interesting in that it indicates that the film speed and frame rate will not have been constant - this is important when examining shot timings and is likely something the FBI either did not consider or ignored.What always bothers me about the Dan Rather business is his staement that JFK turned around the face the Texas School Book Depository - this clearly never happened and appears to be an early attempt to explain the frontal throat wound - its more like Rather was being briefed on what to say rather than he what he actually saw - with this in mind I have to take everything he says about the filnm with a pinch of salt.
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Re: Doug Horne Talks With NPIC Photo Analyst Dino Brugioni

Post by Bob »

JDThomas wrote:Thanks for this Bob - I thought that I knew what there was to know about the Brugioni/Homer McMahon business, but this interview had some real gems.First of all the wound patterns - Brugioni saw more headshot debris over more frames than the current Zap filmHe also does not remember any image bleeding into the sproket hole areas of the film (no full flush left) casting further doubt over the film in evidence.That the CIA still had his briefing boards at the time of the Rockerfeller Commission, but did not disclose them and denied their existance.Brugioni should have been called to give evidence and would probably have let the car out of the bag - likely he was deliberatly hidden by the CIA - his evdence could have been explosive if he had been found by the ARRB.The Limo stop has been debated for a long time, Horne mentions this and the turn onto Elm, but Brugioni does not as a great deal to this.His info about the Zap camera is interesting in that it indicates that the film speed and frame rate will not have been constant - this is important when examining shot timings and is likely something the FBI either did not consider or ignored.What always bothers me about the Dan Rather business is his staement that JFK turned around the face the Texas School Book Depository - this clearly never happened and appears to be an early attempt to explain the frontal throat wound - its more like Rather was being briefed on what to say rather than he what he actually saw - with this in mind I have to take everything he says about the filnm with a pinch of salt.Good takes on this, JD. I agree that Rather was most likely briefed on what he would say, but at least his statement of JFK's head going violently forward after a shot (from Chuck Nicoletti) may have been correct (at least somewhat).In terms of the limo actually stopping, it's hard to argue with so many people who have said this indeed happened. Witnesses like DPD motorcycle officer James Courson, DPD motorcycle officer Bobby Joe Dale, Clemon Earl Johnson, DPD patrolman Earle Brown, DPD motorcycle officer Bobby Hargis, DPD motorcycle officer James Chaney, DPD patrolman J.W. Foster, Paul Willis, Mary Woodward (Dallas Morning News), Alan Smith, Roy Truly, Billy Lovelady, Bill Newman and Charles Brehm all said the limo actually stopped.Also, Jimmy Files has said that he was solely focused on JFK as the motorcade came up Elm Street, but he did say that the motorcade slowed to a crawl and may have even stopped. But the motorcade was not his focus, as it was JFK himself.