Did the motorcade route changed?

JFK Assassination
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Did the motorcade route changed?

Post by Kjeld »

Hello, first i want to say that i do believe Mr. Files his story, but i got one problem with it. He said that the route was changed, of instead going straight trough Main Street they went trough Houston Street and Elm Street. But did the route change at all? I've read articles where it says the route didn't change. It may be a small detail but i always wondered if it changed.
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Post by dankbaar »

I believe it was changed but probably not last minute, as suggested in the movie JFK. I think it was changed the weekend before the assassination.

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Re: Did the motorcade route changed?

Post by myra »

Kjeld wrote:Hello, first i want to say that i do believe Mr. Files his story, but i got one problem with it. He said that the route was changed, of instead going straight trough Main Street they went trough Houston Street and Elm Street. But did the route change at all? I've read articles where it says the route didn't change. It may be a small detail but i always wondered if it changed.

Jim Garrison said in "On the Trail of the Assassins" that the Dallas newspaper of Nov 22, 1963--front page--showed a map of the route going straight thru Main St, not thru Dealy Plaza. He also claimed that when this exhibit was presented to the Warren Commission, the map was missing. Just a big ol' blank space where the map was. And the WC accepted it...of course.

Of course it could be that the newspaper map was sent to press well in advance and couldn't be updated in time.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Did the motorcade route changed?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:08.26.2006 - Kjeld Posted this Headline.Mr. Joe Hall could you please Post your recent research and findings here ?Joe Hall had previously discovered that two (2) different Dallas, Texas newspapers had printed two (2) different Motorcade/Parade Routes for JFK for 11.22.1963.Mr. Wim Dankbaar raises an even deeper point that I have always concurred with. I also believe that the Motorcade/Parade Route was consciously changed at some earlier point in time. It violated every applicable Rule of Safety and Security for such events, especially for the President of the U.S.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Did the motorcade route changed?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I am not aware of the early details of the possible routes for the motorcade.However concerning the route I think it was a good chance the early route may have been to stay on Elm and then changed to Commerce because of the larger streets and the President would be more visible.Garrison had it all wrong when he stated the route was changed in order to get the motorcade over onto Elm form Commerce.The Dallas Morning News, the largest newspaper in Texas had consistently published the route incorrectly to go out Main then onto StemmonsFreeway.Anyone who is familiar with downtown Dallas knows the entrance onto Stemmons must be made from Elm St.The other large Dallas newspaper The Dallas Times Herald, had published the route correctly all along.Anyone not familiar with the entrance to Stemmons and picked up the Dallas Morning News would get the incorrect route information, then at the last minute they found their error and published it correctly too, then reading the new information would think the Route had been Changed.It seems complicated but actually very simple human error by the DMN proofreaders.Additional. The Shot from the Grassy Knoll would not have mattered if on Main or Elm, it was only a very few feet further and an easy shot. actually Main St was a better shot anyway.
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Re: Did the motorcade route changed?

Post by JDThomas »

The contention remains that the Houston & Elm turn violated Sercret Service Protocol for the protection of the President and should never have been accepted by the SS as a viable route under the circumstances. The fact that the SS has since destroyed many of its records relating to the case in violation of Federal Law (and without sanction) only makes this rat smell even worse.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Did the motorcade route changed?

Post by Dealey Joe »

can't argue with that.Now who planned the route in the first place? I am a bit confused as to how there would be a motorcade with no turns in it?