Headshot clips

JFK Assassination
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Headshot clips

Post by dankbaar »


How does James Files know that Kennedy's head snapped forward if you can't see that with the naked eye and if he didn't aim for Kennedy's right eye?

You see, the warden of Joliet asked him once if he felt any emotion after shooting Kennedy. His repsonse was that he felt pissed that he had missed the target by 2 inches. That's why he says:

As I squeezed, take off my round, his head moved forward, I missed and I come in right along the temple. Just right behind the eye.



Johan van Leeuwen
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Post by Johan van Leeuwen »

Wim, what exactly is/are your question(s)?
How does James Files know that Kennedy's head snapped forward if:
1. you can't see that with the naked eye
2. if he didn't aim for Kennedy's right eye

ad. 1
He did not look with a naked eye did he? Did I understand it correctly that he used a scope? Could it be that he had his crosshair locked on jfk his right eye and just as he pulled the trigger saw the head move right with respect to the crosshair?

ad 2.
I do not understand what you mean with this. Do I understand it correctly that Files claims to have aimed for the right eye?

Feel I am missing something here
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Post by dankbaar »

The point is, you don't detect the forward motion with the naked eye, whether looking through a scope or not. It just goes to quick to detect in real motion. Try it yourself. We only know from slow motion or a frame by frame analysis that Kennedy's head snaps forward first , then backwards. Even few JFK researchers know that.

There are only two possibilities for James Files to know about the forward headsnap:

1) He did a frame by frame analysis of the Zapruder film
2) He aimed for JFK's right eye as he says he did, missed the eye and came in on the temple, because the head snapped forward. In other words: He knows the head snapped forward, not because of seeing that, but because he knows he aimed for the right eye.

Got it now? Which possibility do you find more likely? 1 or 2?

Clemens Lowenstein
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Post by Clemens Lowenstein »

However, he could probably not have seen the wound with the naked eye, cause very soon after the impact, Kennedy falls to the left onto Mrs. Kennedy, despite the blood flash.

So, how did he know that the wound was in the temple? Probably from news-reports. Or from the autopsy-pics. They however were published quite a while later.

Are you suggesting that James Files knew he had not hit the right eye right after the shooting? That seems impossible.
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Post by dankbaar »

Clemens Lowenstein wrote:Are you suggesting that James Files knew he had not hit the right eye right after the shooting?

Of course he knew that. He had a power scope on it. Ask any shooter if you can see the hit on your target.

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Post by Jor »

I think it's a combination of those things. He had probably seen that he mist and I supose that James did see the autopsy-pics.

by the way...
Did Files see al the pictures and does he know all the theories? What do you know about that?
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Post by dankbaar »

What a problem to drive this point home!

Okay, let me try this way: Name me one Kennedy researcher or Kennedy book from before 1994, that mentioned the forward headsnap!


Mark Johansson
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Post by Mark Johansson »

Jor wrote:I think it's a combination of those things. He had probably seen that he mist and I supose that James did see the autopsy-pics.by the way...Did Files see al the pictures and does he know all the theories? What do you know about that?

James Files knows hardly anything about the Kennedy assassination except for his and Nicoletti’s/Roselli’s participation. Warden Gomez said explicitly that James Files didn’t read or studied any books related to the assassination during his time as a warden.

If you have seen the 2003 interview, which you clearly haven’t, Files is being showed the autopsy photographed by Wim and Jim Marrs and he expresses himself that the pictures are hoaxes due to the photos are not showing the hole in the back of head.

I have myself test fired the weapon which Files used to kill JFK. I could easily see the target during the shooting.
Such a qualified shooter as Files should have hit Kennedy in the eye if a bullet hadn’t pushed the head forward from the back.

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Post by dankbaar »


Jor has the DVD I shot JFK and the book. He is going to get the rest of the DVD's as well, so then he can see the part you describe.

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Post by Paul »

dankbaar wrote:Okay, let me try this way: Name me one Kennedy researcher or Kennedy book from before 1994, that mentioned the forward headsnap!

This is the "key-question"!!!
There is NONE!
Only the real shooter could have seen and/or known/realize this.

Gr. Paul.