JFK's speech on secret societies

JFK Assassination
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JFK's speech on secret societies

Post by Bob »

Billy has put this out there before, but this speech by JFK is so on the money in terms of what is happening today. No wonder the bastards (Bu$h & co.) that killed JFK feared him.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 1080&q=jfk
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

And as the JFKII documentary has exposed, Skull & Bones was deeply involved in his assassination threw CIA connections. But if you study the S&B,s you will see that the CIA is a primary depository for the members of this satanic cult. In fact, I wouldnt doubt it one bit if the real reason the CIA was formed was to enable the Skulls to have a global impact such as they do today. I look at the CIA as nothing more than the military wing of the skulls as the Jesuits are to the Catholic religion.

In my humble opinion, Secret Societies are the true cancer that are rotting the holeness of humanity.
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Yes and that speech is very creepy I find because in one part of it he says I might not have the exact wording but "Nothing should be withheld from the press or the public the things they deserve to know..." That I find he is saying about his assassination the US goverment is still to scared to come out and say "yes we shot Kennedy" and then just give us the dam reasons who did it and all that.....But by the time everything is released everyone who had anything to do with it will be dead and in my opinion the majority of people with be like oh ya ok..But people like me 15 year olds you don't see tomany of me rolling around in bed pissed of cause you have no clue what to belive although you now it's a conspericy..the young people like me are the people who it's up to to keep JFK alive in peoples minds...I am the only person that I know of that is a JFK assassination spoof and under 20 on P.E.I Canada!! well im very happy to be and I hope to go to Dallas with in the next 2 years!
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Post by Bob »

Ricky, I was actually a little younger than you when I first got interested in the JFK assassination. I only wish I had the information this site provides when I started studying what "really" happened. Just keep doing what you are doing. Study everything available on this site. Keep asking questions. Keep an open mind. By the way, if you are from PEI, I'm sure you know who Brad Richards is.
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Thanks Bob and I sure will I just bought the book "files on JFK" and it should be at my place by this Friday. I sure will take in evrything that I can on the website and yes I know who Brad Richards is though I never have met him.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: JFK's speech on secret societies

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Wim Dankbaar, Bob Fox, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:12.16.2006 - Bob Fox Posted this priceless Headline and speech by JFK. Pay close attention, and reflect deeply on both the theories and the words of JFK.Instead of a total waste of effort, energy and time on a senseless discussion about a meaningless project like a Petition To Exhume JFK'S body, which is totally ill conceived and ill founded, we might all be better served if the academic energy was focused and spent Exhuming JFK'S Timeless Brilliance And Wisdom for now and beyond.A Petition To Exhume JFK'S Body is like the proverbial ship to nowhere, like running in place on a treadmill, running nowhere, for the sake of running.Kudos to Bob Fox for this forgotten Futuristic Wisdom of JFK.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: JFK's speech on secret societies

Post by ChristophMessner »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:...A Petition To Exhume JFK'S Body is like the proverbial ship to nowhere, like running in place on a treadmill, running nowhere, for the sake of running. ... Why?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: JFK's speech on secret societies

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Christoph Hans Messner:Christoph - My Friend, do it.How much effort, energy, money and time are you prepared to donate other than your lip service from Germany ?How soon can we expect you to come to America and Lead The Charge with your efforts, energy, money, and time ?How soon can Jerry Craig expect assistance and money for you ?Jerry Craig, let me know when you receive assistance and money from Christoph.Call me when you're in America, please. I'll buy you lunch. You have my name, address and phone number. That will be my Total Contribution to your efforts when you arrive to Lead The Charge.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: JFK's speech on secret societies

Post by ChristophMessner »

Dear Mr. Brychek, you are a good analyser and have a good judgement. Yes it's correct, as long as I am just speaking and not investing it was a lip's service. But is translating Jimmy's interview into German nothing? Is all talking and discussing and debating nothing? I don't think so, there is some coining of political consciousness in the people when they think and talk about. You are realistic and funny and I take your word, you'll buy me lunch, and you have my word, I'll buy you a drink, as soon as I'm over there in the glorious land where JFK was killed and where my son is living and where I will take the lead in donating the medal for the most effective JFK-case-solving-prevention to you first. Cheers, Christoph
barney 1961
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Re: JFK's speech on secret societies

Post by barney 1961 »

Members: The Illuminati Society, which was secretly begun by Bavarian Monks was to establish a secret society of the Illuminated Ones, those who possessed much higher than average mental and professional abilities and skills, and in combination, to withhold such knowledge from the rest of society so they alone, could best profit and benefit from such advanced knowledge base. Even the mfg. of beer, fermentation ofalcoholic beverages, chemistry, metallurgy, masonry principles, medicine, accounting principles were secretly forbidden to the poor ignorantof society, even tho they might be royalty and wealthy, but lacking in modern education principles and disciplines.After a short while, this Illuminati Society, began to infiltrate the Free Masonry movement throughout Western Europe, so that soon mostmajor cities had a first secret meeting places, handshakes, shoulder pats, greetings, rituals, induction doctrines, burial ceremonies, andsevere retribution against any member who spoke out or wrote about these secret doctrines, including kidnapping, beatings, and death.This secret society was transported to the new Americas, who quickly assumed this level of secrecy usually among the wealthy educatedaristocrats among our early settlers, as governance was considered far to important than to leave it, to the ignorant immigrants who wereflooding our shores in vast numbers and settling in great numbers in rapidly growing areas instead of spreading out over the open vastinterior of the countryside since there was not much law and order, or a standing army, just local militias to guard against robbers, highwaymen, marauding Indians on the warpath, etc.- Most of the founding fathers of this Nation, all were Masonic Hall members of varying degreesincluding George Washington, our first President.