Another Film

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
Posts: 398
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Post by R Croxford »

All I will ask is this.
How many known videos are missing from 9-11?
I will state some I know.
Video from gas station next to pentagon,
Video from the DOT camera in front of the pentagon,
Video of first impact filmed from building 7 from a couple less then 100 yards away while testing their new camera at the same height as impact,
Video from man who has both impacts on one tape, was caught trying to sell it to highest bidder.

Why is all this video locked up? With 85% of Americans doubting the truth of the events of that day?? Why not show us the truth?

That day is bullshit. Nov. 22nd 1963 is bullshit ,RFK is bullshit, MLK is bullshit. Scooter Libby is bullshit.
So is it still hard to believe that some of the facts are not facts? If they never found the camera how do they know the make?
Is their a user manual that someone has seen? A receipt? Something?

Facts? Does anyone actually have any? Proof positive? G learn to communicate with people. If you know anything about this forum, you would know that not one single thing from John McAdams is worth shit.
This site is all crapola. Put all your eggs in one basket Jr. What do you believe? I see alot of pipe running and a little variance in story. What do you consider false about the JFK murder?

Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Well I'm just guessing that you guys are american and me I'm not I'm Canadian. And when you don't live in a certian country you can tell when things are bullshit or not. I remember watching 9/11 on tv and I was only like 10 or something and then I remember thinking that it was bombs not some damn planes. But I did my time of research in to 9/11 and especially the pentagon "plane" crash, there was so evidence whatsoever that it was a plane. The American goverment had been planning this out they were probly weaiting for some pushover President like Bush, As they probly told the previous presidents the plan and the pres would hav said it's to risky and if they do it then he will expose it then they would have to kill him right? but no then there would be a terrorist attack and an assassiantion that would make you think 9/11 was all bull and it must have been planned as 9/11? 911? help? does that seem a conisidence or just odd? peace
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Hey R.C. and Ricky,
Ask yourselves this question---after 1993 WTC, Oklahoma City 1995, USS Cole 2000, why is the Pentagon, supposedly the greatest center of military intelligence and security in the free world, having to depend on gas station and hotel videos to find out what happened??!! You mean to tell me the Top Brass in our nation did not have video surveillance of every outside door, window, and entrance to the place? And you have to have a top level security clearance even to get in the place?? We are going to have to depend on Days Inn and StopnGo to tell us what happened? There is something terrible wrong with this picture! Are you kidding me, with the defense budget and the tax dollars they have spent on this place? What kind of security do we have in this country?? None, that is what!! Google the name Stanley Hilton and see what you find.
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Thats bullshit sue the bastard as much as you want thats what it should be it was a conspiracy and they should ahve won bush is a strait out mother fucker
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Let me know what you think about Stanley Hilton. He was Bob Dole's top aide. This is not just crackpot street people making these claims. He is suing the government on behalf of 9/11 victims. They of course are trying to censor him, even the JUDGES in the case are threatening him.

Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Huh, Well to me he seems to be a good man in doing this and hopefully will keep at it, The American people needs to know what the Govorment is doing. there are several books out claiming that soon the US will end up like the Soviet Union.
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

We will end up like Russia if the American people don't stand up and put a stop to all of the B.S.
There are many parallels to what happened in Russia and in Nazi Germany. They are censoring everything and violating our civil rights at every turn and calling it national security and telling us 'You are either with us or with the terrorists".
It is scary really. They have bankrupted our nation to pay for illegal wars. We can't afford health care, our schools are in a mess, they have us totally dependent of foreign oil, they refuse to promote alternative energy sources or clean up the environment.
Bush will be exposed just like Nixon. They cannot keep lying forever.
Look at what is going on, Bush's own are abandoning him even as I write this.
The cycle of history is repeating itself.
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »


Remember what they said at the end of the JFK movie---

"What is past is prologue".

Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Ricky Clow »

Yup yupp, and wanna know something nuts about 18 billion a month is spent on the war in Iraq by the us
LiAnn Simpson
Posts: 191
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Think what good could be done with that money, my God. Houses built for the homeless, health care for everybody, better streets and roads, and hey, we could have already come up with all kinds of alternative fuels so we could give the middle finger to the Saudi Oil barons.