JFK Assassination
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Ok guys as if we needed one more tangent to go off on but I just couldn't help myself. Check this list of mysterious plane crash deaths of key people in politics, etc. Most of the crashes are unexplained and there was NO DISTRESS SIGNAL sent out before any of them crashed! The FBI got to Dorothy Hunt's plane crash before the fire department?? Seem Strange??
1. Hale Boggs - was on the Warren Commission and openly criticized the government's role and secrecy.
2. Senator Paul Wellstone of Minneota - A Rove Target
3. Senator John Tower - Openly criticized Reagan and Iran-Contra Affair
4. Dorothy Hunt - Wife of E. Howard right before Watergate Hearings
5. KAL Flight 007- Congressman Lawrence McDonald
6. TWA Flight 800 - Never Been Fully Explained
7. JFK Jr - needs no explanation, we have not been told the truth on this one either and he WAS discussing a run for Congress beforehand.
I welcome your comments. Where does coincidence leave off and conspiracy begin?????????
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

ron brown
osama's father too, in texas
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Sure makes sence, why shoot a 50 cent bullet and kill one guy when you can crash a multi million dollor planes and kill hundreds . And for the record i wasn't being sarcastic.

Ricky L. Clow
LiAnn Simpson
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Thanks R. Croxford,
There was not only Ron Brown but Congressman Mickey Leland, although Leland's plane appeared to be brought down by bad weather in Africa. When Leland's plane went down the Congress would not even conduct an investigation, his aides were furious and started calling up Congress members in the middle of the night and told them to get off their butts and find out where the plane was, they did not even seem to care!
Sorry I forgot to mention those two, they were just as important!!! There have been so many we lost count.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Ok Liann ready?
Korean airlines flight 007 flew into russian airspace and was blown out of the sky?? Accident?
A closer look.......Here we go. ... y_theories

One notable passenger of Flight 007 was Larry McDonald, president of the right-wing John Birch Society and Democratic congressman from Georgia. McDonald believed that international bankers, spearheaded by the Rockefeller family in America, ran both the capitalist US and the Communist USSR in an international economic superstate. A vocal critic of the USSR, McDonald was the founder of the Western Goals Foundation, which was intended to combat the threat from Communism. McDonald was the only U.S. congressman ever killed by the Soviets during the Cold War. North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms and Idaho Senator Steve Symms, both conservative Republicans and Congressman Caroll J. Hubbard, a Democrat of Kentucky, all staunch critics of the Soviet Union, were scheduled to fly to Seoul on KAL 007, but instead flew on KAL 015 which, with KAL 007, stopped at Anchorage airport for refueling before the next leg of the trip to Seoul.(Shootdown, R.W. Johnson, Viking Penguin, New York, N.Y. 1986, pgs.3,4)On September 1, 1983, Larry McDonald died when Korean Air Flight KAL-007 was shot down by Soviet fighters after the plane entered Soviet airspace. After McDonald's death, a special election was held to fill his seat in Congress. McDonald's widow, Kathy, was a candidate, but she lost to George "Buddy" Darden. Much of the congressional district McDonald represented would later be represented by Newt Gingrich.

Now Liann pay close attention ok.
Quotations by Larry McDonald * "We have four boxes with which to defend our freedom: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box." - Jim Poz quote repository. * "The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and communism under the same tent, all under their control...Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."

Welcome to the forum Liann
LiAnn Simpson
Posts: 191
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Thanks R.C.!

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Ok, that's the air tragedies, but reading those pieces on KAL made me immediately think back to the Kursk tragedy, remember the Russian submarine, definitely sabotage of some kind going on there.
And I want to know why W has all of a sudden become big buddies with Putin again, after Putin gave him the middle finger regarding Iraq. Look at all the radiation poisoning deaths of Putin's critics that have been going on, and don't even get me started on the number of Soviet cosmonauts that have disappeared under mysterious circumstances, there have been dozens, will try to find the link. Guess Bush and Putin have more in common than we think, they just use different methods to silence their critics. ... rg8810.htm
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »
Here is some more fun facts.
John Kerry's wife's former husband.
Heinz and six other people were killed on April 4, 1991, when a Bell 412 helicopter collided with the Senator's Piper Aerostar plane over Merion Elementary School in Lower Merion Township, Pennsylvania. All aboard the two aircraft and two first-grade girls playing outside the school were killed. The helicopter had been dispatched to check out a problem Heinz's plane was having with its landing gear. While moving in for a closer look, the helicopter's rotor blades struck the bottom of the plane, causing both aircraft to lose control and crash. (Coincidentally, former U.S. Sen. John Tower was killed in a plane crash in Brunswick, Georgia, the very next day.)

After speaking at a news conference in Williamsport, Pennsylvania on April 4, 1991, Heinz was headed to Philadelphia to conduct the first in a series of investigative hearings to examine the telemarketing of medical equipment to Medicare beneficiaries, "Bleeding Medicare Dry: The Great Sales Scam

In 1976 Heinz attempted to replace Hugh Scott as member of the Senate. His main opponent was Arlen Specter. During the campaign it was revealed that Heinz had accepted $6,000 in illegal corporate campaign money from Gulf Oil. Despite this setback, Heinz defeated Specter in the primary and went on to win victory over William J. Green III in November, 1976.

The helicopter that hit him....Several years later, in 1991, he was killed when his plane collided with a Sun Oil Company helicopter over a Philadelphia suburb. The senator, his pilot and copilot, and both of Sun’s helicopter pilots were killed. Sunoco based in Penn.

Havin fun yet. Hehe
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Like the energizer bunny....

Man I stumbled on some shit here. read this cats history on that link.
He needs some magnifying on the JFK site as a possible player.

Tower also angered conservatives by his support of the nomination of Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr., as president in 1976Oooops.....George Bush Sr. and CIA Director William Casey engineered the October Surprise to bribe Iranian officials into retaining U.S. hostages until after the 1980 elections, two of the passengers on Bush’s BAC 111 flight to Paris were Senator John Heinz, along with Senator John Tower from Texas.Even more intriguing is the fact that John Heinz chaired a three-man presidential review board that probed the Iran-Contra affair and had in his possession all the damning documents from that sordid affair, while John Tower led the infamous Tower Commission that investigated a variety of different CIA criminal activities and dirty dealings. Coincidentally, both John Heinz and John Tower died in plane wrecks on successive days in 1991 – Tower in Georgia, and Heinz in Montgomery County, Pa. Once again I must ask: what are the odds of such an occurrence, especially when both men had close ties to George Bush Sr., who was a former CIA director in the mid-1970s? Did both of these men uncover information that they refused to keep silent about any longer?

I hate nights like these sometimes. My head can only hold so much bovine Crap.
R Croxford
Posts: 398
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Post by R Croxford »

Bush Sr., Tower and Heinz all belong to the CFR
LiAnn Simpson
Posts: 191
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Post by LiAnn Simpson »

Just when I thought I was done...........................there's more! Clinton is responsible for more dead people than all the other President's combined. A must-read!!!!
