Walter Cronkite Passes Away

JFK Assassination
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by ThomZajac »

Well, I think most of us agree on the big picture; very bad, secretive people are running the show (the wizards).But I think the central question I'd like to propose is this: Were the 'wizards' pleased with Cronkite?I say there were ecstastic. And in large part it was because he made a favorable impression with the likes of us (as well as the sheeple). The praises that you guys have been singing for him are for his style, not for his message- which was precisely the message of the wizards. (I'll have to look up his stance of the Viet Nam War, but I'd be surprised if his was a scathing critique, More likely he simply expressed the concern that perhaps the war needed to be rethought.)I have long maintained that one's most dangerous enemy is an enemy that is not recognized as being the enemy. With FOXers, they are impossible to miss. But with Cronkite, well, he was the most trusted man in America! But that wasn't because he was rising up against the wizards, it was because of his style. And this greatly pleased the wizards.One tactic for eliciting a desired response from a prisoner is first to have a bunch a really mean, angry men torture him. Then, a really nice, comforting man enters the scene, makes the prisoner comfortable, shares some good food and wine with the prisoner, talks in an easy going gentle manner, and asks again for the desired information.That nice, comforting man, my friends, was Walter Cronkite. I can accept that he himself was not evil to the core, but he was the bagman for the bad guys. Did you guys watch that PBS Special? It was filled with lies, disinformation, key omissions, and started with the premise that Oswald shot JFK ("but did he have an accomplice?" ) It was horrible as horrible gets. And how to sell that shit? "We'll, let's get the most trusted man in America to narrate it." Listen, I know I'm a bit of a righteous bastard on this point, but I do feel you are missing the boat on this in a big way. Again: CRONKITE WAS A POWERFUL TOOL USED BY THE RULING ELITE IN A MOST EFFECTIVE WAY. HE SERVED THEM, AND HE SERVED THEM EXCEEDINGLY WELL. HE WAS ON THE OTHER SIDE. HE WAS ONE OF THEM.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by Bob »

Thom...I understand your argument. It's well thought out and has some substance. You are smarter than the average California bear after all! However, there will be plenty of time to debate about old Walter. I'm sure there will be more discussion on July 20th, the 40th anniversary of the first Apollo landing...if one believes it really happened. ... lvEGR1hhk8
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by ThomZajac »

Nice links, Bob, brings back lots of memories.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by ThomZajac »

Cronkite was, in 1968, a bit better on the Viet Nam War than I had given him credit for-"The Vietcong did not win by a knockout [in the Tet Offensive], but neither did we. The referees of history may make it a draw. . . . We have been too often disappointed by the optimism of the American leaders, both in Vietnam and Washington, to have faith any longer in the silver linings they find in the darkest clouds. . . .For it seems now more certain than ever that the bloody experience of Vietnam is to end in a stalemate. . . . To say that we are closer to victory today is to believe, in the face of the evidence, the optimists who have been wrong in the past" -- Walter Cronkite, CBS Evening News, February 27, 1968.I don't know how persistent he was on this matter, and his work of the JFK assassination was contemptible, but he does deserve some credit for the above.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by Bob »

An interesting story about the modern MSM and Walter... ... index.html
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by ThomZajac »

Yes, I saw it too. It does underscore how incredibly low broadcast- and other- journalism has sunk since the coup of '63.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by Bob »

Yes...the conspirators in JFK's murder and the power elite that really run the world thought that if they controlled the MSM through TV and the press, that their secrets could stay under the carpet. They never imagined the phenomenon called the internet. Thank God! That is the only weapon the people have right now in getting out the truth. The MSM and politicians are bought and paid for.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by ThomZajac »

For a look from the other side, check this out from my evil twin sister- ... e.htmlOkay, she's not really my sister...
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:For a look from the other side, check this out from my evil twin sister- ... e.htmlOkay, she's not really my sister...Good counterpoint! There are arguments on both sides regarding this.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:ThomZajac wrote:For a look from the other side, check this out from my evil twin sister- ... e.htmlOkay, she's not really my sister...Good counterpoint! There are arguments on both sides regarding this.It's interesting that David Von Pein used the Walter Cronkite issue to try and make us look bad and make himself look good. I even told him so over there yesterday, that I thought they were using the Walter Cronkite issue to make themselves look good.The truth is that if Cronkite was playing ball in any way regarding covering up the JFK assassination, then he was playing ball in a very similar way that Dan Rather did. I'm sure he was a nice guy, but, then again, he couldn't completely go against the grain or he wouldn't have had his job for so long. Then again, if he did 1000 great things and then helped to cover-up the murder of a president by keeping the truth from the public, what does that make him? I know it's wrong if he did help to dupe the public because that would mean that he participated in running our democracy into the ground. People can only make informed decisions if they are INFORMED. It's the very reason why disinformation people like Bugliosi and Mack have any steam at all, because the mainstream media have gone to sleep about the JFK assassination and in many cases have actively participated in spreading lies about it...therefore keeping the public uninformed about what's going on today. On a side note, I've noticed that whenever you see a news guy tooting his own horn about playing "hardball," like that ass Chris Mathews, they're usually full of it. I KNOW Chris Mathews of MSNBC is full of it because he was kissing butt to Gerald Posner. If these supposed truth-seeking news people covered the JFK subject honestly, people would make parallels to what's going on today. People are not stupid in general. They just believe what they hear in the mainstream news because they will not entertain the idea that there are murderers in powerful positions. The real irony is that they watch shows like the The Sopranos or the Godfather and have no problem believing that there are mafiosi who would murder innocent people for financial gain. Then you show them real life, and they can't believe it. Why? What's the frickin' difference? For that matter, regarding 9/11, what's the frickin' difference to these people. If they can accept that innocent people can be murdered by criminals just for financial gain, why can't they believe that hundreds of them could be murdered for the same reason? WTF? It's more of a paradigm shift that they need. If they look at a subject or issue and automatically presuppose that the government would never cover-up something like JFK or 9/11, they'll never see the truth. If they look at an issue refusing to even entertain the idea that there are rogue elements in our government that have murdered innocent people for their own political and financial gain, they won't see the truth. So...they need a shift in paradigm or way of thinking. They need to be shown repeatedly where the government and people in power have lied. On a related note, I told Von Pein that I suspect that either he doesn't know better or is promoting Bugliosi and similar lies intentionally. I then told him that since I don't think he's a complete dolt that I DO believe that he's doing it intentionally. He then tried to make it like I was accusing him of being CIA. (He wishes he was.) I told him that he was flattering himself and that I actually thought he was just doing it for financial gain. He then denied it and then accused me of not even having looked at the Bugliosi bull#%%t. He then went on to say that he WAS well versed in the Bugliosi book and giving me the example that he even had a free autographed or inscribed copy of it from Bugliosi himself. So, he kisses Bugliosi's butt, and then they have a mutual jerk fest. LOLOkay...a FREE copy, inscribed by Bugliosi himself that was given to him. WTF? Does that sound normal? Doesn't it sound like Von Pein is getting something out of promoting Bugliosi's lies? It does to me, and I told him so. Did Bugliosi inscribe the free copy of the book for Von Pein after Von Pein gave him a lapdance? Who knows? LMAO Whew! Okay, I'm off my soapbox rant.