Walter Cronkite Passes Away

JFK Assassination
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Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by Bob »

First, two clips of Walter Cronkite regarding JFK... ... 3cqGs7ILet me say this about Cronkite. Yes...he worked at CBS, a news organization that was founded by Prescott Bu$h and others. That in itself is somewhat troubling, plus Operation Mockingbird was in full force when the CIA was placing operatives in the MSM.However, in terms of journalism integrity, I thought Cronkite was head and shoulders above anyone else in his time. Cronkite was the VOICE of news in my generation. From what I have read, Cronkite and JFK were very friendly. You can see the emotion of Cronkite, when he had to read the official word that JFK was indeed dead.Also, here again is a documentary Cronkite hosted on PBS about the JFK assassination... ... atedUnlike Peter Jennings, who was a clear disinformation operative when he hosted a special about the JFK assassination, Cronkite brought out the facts that were available at the time of his documentary (1988) and tried to let the viewer decide who may have killed JFK. That was a time (1988) when the MSM appeared to have nads, as TMWKK was also put on the air then. But is was also the time when Poppy Bu$h was taking office as President, and a couple of freedom of information documents first placed Poppy near the assassination.Then in 1991, the movie JFK was made. From that time since, the disinformation machine and the MSM has tried to reverse the damage done by TMWKK and JFK by producing so many bogus specials like the one hosted by Jennings and those seen recently on Discovery.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by kenmurray »

Bob, he was the Voice of our generation. I grew up listening to Cronkite as an 8 year old kid listening to his coverage of JFK assassination. He was the "most trusted man" in America according to my dad. It was CBS news or nothing. Heck I hardly knew that NBC or ABC news existed till later on during he 60's. We pretty much watch programs from CBS. When I discovered Rowan & Martin's Laugh In I wanted to watch it all time till my mother didn't like those girls like Goldie Hawn in those mini skirts.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by ThomZajac »

Because Walter Cronkite was so trusted, he was of great value to the ruling elite: he was a tool that was used very successfully to promote their agenda in a manner no one else could.CBS was/is CIA and Cronkite was their man, and he could be counted on to do an excellent job of selling their lies.I do he believe he deserves some credit for eventually displaying some courage in his commentary regarding the Viet Nam War, and to a lesser degree, the JFK assassination. But he was little more than a mouth piece for the very bad guys. A professional, likable, intelligent man to be sure, but a man who on the whole, in my strident opinion, did far, far more harm than good.And that's the way it was.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by kenmurray »

Speaking of CBS and the rest of the news media:
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by ThomZajac »

(Thanks for the link, Ken, I will get to it shortly, but first I needed to get the following off my chest).Okay, I tried watching the Cronkite PBS special. I tried.Cronkite is nothing short of a complete disgrace, working very hard to appear reasonable, open minded, and even handed, when in fact -an there really can be absolutely no denying it- he is doing everything he possibly can to convince the the viewer that the lone assassin conclusion was a thoughtful, HONEST, and reasonable one. Oh, he says, it might be possible that Oswald had an accomplice, but a careful examination of the facts and evidence using all the latest scientific methods makes the long gunman conclusion even more viable than it was twenty five years ago, blah blah blah blah blah.I'm surprised that some of your guys are so seduced by spokesman for the CIA. Cronkite was BAD for America. BAD for democracy. He was a BAD man.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by Bob »

Sometimes bad is good...especially compared to the modern MSM "news people". I said...Cronkite worked for a network that was founded by Prescott Bu$h. Prescott was CLOSE friends with Allen Dulles, the first director of the CIA...and the man JFK fired for the Bay of Pigs debacle and also a Warren Commission member. That takes me to Operation Mockingbird. The CIA program that placed it's operatives in the MSM... ... rd.htmlNow do I think Cronkite carried the torch for the CIA in some respects? Yes...but to a degree. Vietnam was a CIA war and he helped end that conflict with his words...but unfortunately the damage had been done with over 58,000 American dead, countless hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese dead and the bulging pockets of the war profiteers.Bottom line, Cronkite was the best of his time. Like JFK, he had faults, but compared to anyone else in his generation and certainly anyone in THIS generation, he was a true professional. Could have been better? Hell yes. But Cronkite was just part of the game. Just a piece of the puzzle already started by the elite rich who gained their fortune in the industrial age and then took over this country...which they still control to this day. By that I mean the Rockefeller family, Rothschild family and of course the Bu$h family among others.The press was controlled by the CIA through Operation Mockingbird and Cronkite had to deal with that situation the best he knew how. He wasn't perfect no doubt, but he also wasn't an out an out villain like those rich elite types that helped kill JFK because of the changes he hoped to make to the United States.I could never imagine Cronkite EVER working for an operation like Fox News for instance. That "network" is embarrassing. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of that propaganda "news" source.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by kenmurray »

I do believe that Cronkite was a Warren Commission supporter. His opposition to the Vietnam war had LBJ say to the effect that we lost Walter, we lost middle america. But compare to today's media guys like Matthews, O'really etc. I would take Walter if I had a choice compare to those guys.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by kenmurray »

Bob, Joseph Goebbels would also be proud of one David Von Pein and his spewing propaganda on the JFK assassination.
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Re: Walter Cronkite Passes Away

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Bob, Joseph Goebbels would also be proud of one David Von Pein and his spewing propaganda on the JFK assassination.No doubt. Von Pein "in the ass" and his ilk are just an extension of the disinformation machine that the MSM uses, both with the way the news is delivered, what news is delivered and when the news is delivered. The disinformation machine also makes sure that some real news is never talked about in the MSM...things like the Bu$h involvement in the assassination of JFK and events like 9/11. I would bet that less than 10% of the American population know about Operation Northwoods in 1962 (a similar plan to the events of 9/11 hatched by the neocons) or know that Prescott Bu$h was not only a Nazi sympathizer and investor, but also involved in a coup to overthrow FDR. The Bu$H family and those in the power elite help fund and support cowards like Von Pein, McAdams and Mack to keep people away from the real truth of 11/22/1963 and the REAL recent history in the United States.