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JFK Assassination
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Re: other forums

Post by kenmurray »

Paul May with his many aliases exposed by Gil Jesus: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.nae. ... 7acf5fcf89
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Re: other forums

Post by piopat »

some people and there forums have there own agenda thats obvious(and it aint to bring out the truth of this case)they attack and ridicule good people who saw the assassination and have come forward at great risk to them selves to tell the truth(some have paid the ultimate price for this truth).these sites represent only disinformation,most if not all witnessess who gave statments that differ from the warren commission have been attacked,ridiculed,called crazy and just down right liars.and yet these people put forward so called witnesses that i feel would either have been laughed out of court or who should never be there in the first place as there statments have been changed numerous times and could not be relied on in any court.oswald would surely have walked free if this case came to court.here is a link to a site i had a look at,while a lot of stuff is accurate(the agenda is quite clear,to pin it on oswald at all cost) http://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2008/11/wi ... years.html .he talks about the tippit killing and mentions witnesses to the killing.he mentioned a lady as a top witness for his case(her name eludes me)she was in the men who killed kennedy,she stood at the corner at the time of the tippit shooting and claimed oswald was the man she saw kill him.she covered her face and stood there and then pulled her hands down to see the killer standing in front of her,he then ran off.there was no mention of aquilla clemmons who saw 2 men who ran off in different directions(the previous lady mentions only seeing one man,and her description of his clothes did not match oswald,and her account of what happened changed many times becoming a farce).there was a man in a car dealership near by who saw 1 of the 2 men his description did not match oswalds clothes(but i believe he did see one of the killers,but he did not get a mention either)there is a clear pattern of ignoring certain witness here(if these forums were valid and honestly trying to find the truth they would investigate and report every aspect of the case and all witnesses and give good valid reason why evidence or a witness was not valid)they dont do that they choose to ignore or try to discredit.they had to mention domingo benavidas,as he used tippits radio to call for help(benavidas saw 2 men and refused to identify oswald as either,and only changed his story after being threathend and his brother killed,maybe he was mistaken for domingo).
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Re: other forums

Post by piopat »

i was amazed to see the author on this forum go further and say benavidas might have been involved in shooting tippit or even the killer,and whats more he may have been involved in the killing of martin luther king.the lenghts they go to discredit some people make it clear what there agenda is,by the way i read on an other forum where they said beverly oliver also could have been involved in killing martin luther king. interestingly neither of these forums gives any reason for saying these things or any information or facts to back it up.have a look at the forum and let me know what you think.i left a comment but the comments are not like posts they are kept for checking before they get posted(could this be to stop certain comments getting through that would rubbish there claims?)i dont know if they would have posted my comment,ill have to check back just for fun.talk soon guys
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Re: other forums

Post by piopat »

i checked to see if my comment was on the comment board it was,he never answered my question and and only said read his book.he said quote(obviously there has been a lot more twisting and distortion over the years by conspiracy believers,including the statments of benavidas,clemmons,bowley and brennan)you can view the comments on the link above at the end of his version of events.his book is with malice ,interesting that he seems to be alligning him self and his book with bugliosi reclaiming history(says it all)its worth a look at the link anyway.
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Re: other forums

Post by neab »

I still don't get how this forum gets so much crap. I feel like I've missed something along the way, granted I haven't tracked every thread in creation but I feel like I get a good picture of whats going on in the few forums I look over. If nothing else, it is unusual. Thread over on JFK assassination forum polled 73% not beleiving files, 22% unsure *i voted here* and just the 1 voter beleiving. Is this the only forum that beleives? If so, why ?
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Re: other forums

Post by andries »

I ques it,s oke arround here in comparising with other JFK forumslast week they kicked me out off the non conspiracy believers JFK forum,after only one post Perhaps i,ve gone to far, i made them an offer to put all non conspiracy believers on the Unesco list,not for protection but fot help Dispite i have verry little with files, I must say that most off those naive people from non conspiracy forums live pretty far back.They are the products of education from naive american parents, teachers, higshools an colleges etc etc etc.
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Re: other forums

Post by Bob »

andries wrote:I ques it,s oke arround here in comparising with other JFK forumslast week they kicked me out off the non conspiracy believers JFK forum,after only one post Perhaps i,ve gone to far, i made them an offer to put all non conspiracy believers on the Unesco list,not for protection but fot help Dispite i have verry little with files, I must say that most off those naive people from non conspiracy forums live pretty far back.They are the products of education from naive american parents, teachers, higshools an colleges etc etc etc.Andries, there are only about 20% of the American public that are naive about the JFK assassination. But the disinformation machine is trying to spike that number higher by using big names like Vince Bugliosi to write a bullshit book about Oswald being the lone nut, that in turn was torn to pieces by Jim DiEugenio. The MSM also continues it's alliance with the power elite by producing the BS specials on the JFK assassination on Discovery for instance. Plus, you have the "other" forums that preach that same agenda, that seem to yell and scream a lot to anyone that dares to give a different side to the argument, armed with facts as well. Sort of like the town hall meetings we here in America are having regarding the healthcare issue. The people that are lying and distorting facts are doing all of the yelling and screaming. When people debate in that fashion, it shows an inherent weakness in their argument. Bottom line, the people in the United States aren't that naive overall, but there are forces that try to dumb down the sheeple as much as possible. Case in point...Fox News. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of that piece of propaganda that is passed off as "news". I hope that other folks that have "real" opinions in those forums, and are sick of the yelling and screaming, might give our forum a chance. The folks in our forum that sometimes check out other forums should invite people over here that are sick of that discourse in other forums.
tom jeffers
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Re: other forums

Post by tom jeffers »

you're right about that "SLICK"!
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Re: other forums

Post by andries »

Hi BobConerning good propaganda and good gouverments goebels alway,s said they alway,s come together, and one cannot exist without the other,he was the thruly wizzard of evil words.Bob a guestion : what is your opinion about Jack Ruby i mean for me he has alway,s been the key figure.He is present everywere were it matters, before and after the assassionation and his own killing job off course.What makes a man doing , what he has done even in the spotlightI ques he never counted with the fact that in the end he had to kill oswald.Was Oswald supposed to be dead before his arrest ?What went wrong ? he must have been under a tremendous pressureand looks like a verry dissepointed man in the interviews.Ruby is the only link for me to not dismiss the entire story of files
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Re: other forums

Post by Bob »

andries wrote:Hi BobConerning good propaganda and good gouverments goebels alway,s said they alway,s come together, and one cannot exist without the other,he was the thruly wizzard of evil words.Bob a guestion : what is your opinion about Jack Ruby i mean for me he has alway,s been the key figure.He is present everywere were it matters, before and after the assassionation and his own killing job off course.What makes a man doing , what he has done even in the spotlightI ques he never counted with the fact that in the end he had to kill oswald.Was Oswald supposed to be dead before his arrest ?What went wrong ? he must have been under a tremendous pressureand looks like a verry dissepointed man in the interviews.Ruby is the only link for me to not dismiss the entire story of filesAndries, here is some more info on Jack Ruby, who knew Oswald and tried to get out being the one who had to silence the patsy (yes...Oswald was supposed to be kill BEFORE his arrest)...http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/nixonruby.htmHere is his classic press conference...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we2eucWXqjgMore clues from Jack...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-L5xYwb ... elatedLook at this vid as well...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNBJkbnN ... elatedRuby is a key piece of the puzzle...and like Files...had his roots in Chicago.