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Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:49 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. J.J.C. Bruinsma:Thank You for your response, and your comments. I notice that you are from Amsterdam. A very close friend of mine, Mr. Wim Dankbaar, is from Holland. Do you know him ? If so, give him my Best Regards when you communicate with him. Either way, let me tell you a quick secret story about my friend Wim.The day that I met Wim several years ago in Chicago, Illinois, we spent twelve (12) straight hours talking right through two (2) lunches and a dinner, with our mutual friend, Nick Whalen.Anyway, in your previous comment to me above, you mentioned that there was "...still no smoking gun." Your exact language made me think af a previous post of mine about Lt. Colonel Dan "Dangerous Dan" Marvin, who helped write a book called Without Smoking Gun. This is the story of where the CIA tried to recruit Marvin to assassinate Lt. Commander William Bruce Pitzer, telling Marvin that Pitzer had committed treason, when in fact Pitzer was a key player in the autopsy of JFK.After posting this comment, I will post a comment to you also on that Headline so that you will hopefully be able to find that Headline much easier.J.J.C. Bruinsma I would be curious about your thoughts when you have time, after reading that complete Headline. And even more so after you have read Lt. Colonel Dan Marvin's book, Without Smoking Gun.Lt. Colonel Dan Marvin is still alive. And he is one of the greatest living, fighting advocates for Truth and Justice that I have ever known. Great insight can be gained from Marvin about the past, the present, and the future, especially as it relates to the Military Industrial Complex, JFK, and the CIA.Best Regards.Respectfuly,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:39 pm
by tom jeffers
bruce,i made that exact same comment a few days ago about why wasn't the z-film taken immediately, which i think establishes evidence that he was there for a purpose. i think they thought they could use it to prove whatever the cover story was going to be and that is why it was put away for a long time.i have always believed that there were alternative patsys in dealey that day and plan a b and c etc. the fbi and dallas police gathered the evidence, the cia confiscated all film and once all the pieces were in place and patsy (a) oswald took the bait, then plan a was a go and all evidence was manipulated to coincide. anything that could be changed or altered was done so and anything that couldn't was eliminated or disappeared. Jack white has spent thousands of hours analyzing that film and in my mind it is a fake. i think it was hidden so long because even though it was changed, technology wasn't that good at that time to mask jimmys incredible head shot. they tried to paint in a red blob and flap on his temple to imitate an exit wound but "back and to the left" was too overwhelming!Namaste'

Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:30 pm
by kenmurray
Alternative patsys like 2 "Oswalds" at the Texas Theatre: Stage

Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:39 am
by andries
To manipulate surten aspects in that film arround 1963 they didn,t need Wizzard, it could be done with a near adequate result.But that,s the whole essence of the case,the head is so overwhelming moving backwardsthat a shot from behind could absolutely not be sold to the public anymore.Why not manipulate the movement of the head ?? Also at this crusial point they didn,t need a Wizzard to do so

Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:39 pm
by j.j.c.bruinsma
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. J.J.C. Bruinsma:Thank You for your response, and your comments. I notice that you are from Amsterdam. A very close friend of mine, Mr. Wim Dankbaar, is from Holland. Do you know him ? If so, give him my Best Regards when you communicate with him. Either way, let me tell you a quick secret story about my friend Wim.The day that I met Wim several years ago in Chicago, Illinois, we spent twelve (12) straight hours talking right through two (2) lunches and a dinner, with our mutual friend, Nick Whalen.Anyway, in your previous comment to me above, you mentioned that there was "...still no smoking gun." Your exact language made me think af a previous post of mine about Lt. Colonel Dan "Dangerous Dan" Marvin, who helped write a book called Without Smoking Gun. This is the story of where the CIA tried to recruit Marvin to assassinate Lt. Commander William Bruce Pitzer, telling Marvin that Pitzer had committed treason, when in fact Pitzer was a key player in the autopsy of JFK.After posting this comment, I will post a comment to you also on that Headline so that you will hopefully be able to find that Headline much easier.J.J.C. Bruinsma I would be curious about your thoughts when you have time, after reading that complete Headline. And even more so after you have read Lt. Colonel Dan Marvin's book, Without Smoking Gun.Lt. Colonel Dan Marvin is still alive. And he is one of the greatest living, fighting advocates for Truth and Justice that I have ever known. Great insight can be gained from Marvin about the past, the present, and the future, especially as it relates to the Military Industrial Complex, JFK, and the CIA.Best Regards.Respectfuly,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Mr.Bruce Patrick BrychekMy relation with W.Dankbaar is only my visit his webside and i have send hime.mail once,i am a great fan of his/this site and spend a lot of timeon the Internet in the JFK case try too find new stuff /video,s.Last week on Dutch TV the doku ,,638 ways too kill Fidel Castro,, it is alsoon Google,everbody must see that doku,i think the people in the dokuare in the plot too kill JFK,the CIA fail to kill Fidel and that team took JFK,and MLK and Bobby and................the fuckers are still in command.I saw the Lt. Commander William Bruce Pitzer story in TMWKK,but thats oneof the so manny story,s,i mean the smoking cun bv. the orginal Zapruder film,more on J.Files that man need too talk,Mr.Fils please give us MORE i thinkyou have a lot more too tell

Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:43 pm
by Bob
J.J.C.,I found this on You Tube... ... elatedThat is the longest version I could find however.

Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:54 pm
by j.j.c.bruinsma
Bob wrote:J.J.C.,I found this on You Tube... ... elatedThat is the longest version I could find however.Bob the full doku is on Google more than 100 min.doku,last nighti have see it for the second time,fantastic doku see howthe Busch familie protect the crimminals, blow upa aire plane and are still FREE in the USA:in the doku MUST SEE.Orlando BoschLuis PosadaAntonio VecianaFelix RodriquesH.HuntFamilie Bush

Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:03 pm
by Bob
Nice work J.J.C.I'll check it out today at some point!

Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:29 pm
by tom jeffers
i just finished it. 638 is hard to believe. atleast they do not pander to carilles or bosch. they expose them for what they are terrorists. a friend of bosch's said that if blowing up hotels hurts the cuban travel industry then thats ok, they did their job. i never realized that veciano had tried to kill castro that many times. bob mayhiew tries to play this good catholic and he admits to being a jesuit. he is as crooked as they come. the americans ought to be ashamed that we raped and pillaged that country while stealing all of their natural resources for the benefit of big corporations while the people lived like peasants.a year ago i saw a video on utube when castro came to the us right after defeating batista and our newscastors kept calling him a hero and all the americans in the background were cheering him. has anyone got that link?thankstom

Re: The Invisible Or The Protected Mr. Abraham Zapruder:

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:36 am
by ChristophMessner
As far as I know they had four copies of the Zapruder film on 24/11/63 already. Nevertheless, if the Zapruder film was effectively locked away for so long, it is almost a wonder that it reached the public again at all. How could Henry Luce keep the drawer locked for so many years without causing protest against him? Why didn't Marilyn Sitzman report seeing James Files walking behind the pergola? Why didn't Jimmy's shot blow out JFK's left rear part of the skull?