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Re: Bruce Brychek

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:36 pm
by tom jeffers
hoffman's brother and father stated that he had a habit of embellishing his stories in the past and he kept adding details to this story as time went on. i think he meant well but i think he talked himself into believing he saw something that he didn't. i do not believe he lied intentionally but he did relish the attention.

Re: Bruce Brychek

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:56 pm
by neab
Didnt his close ones not want him involved though ? I thought they even said he had nothing useful to say too etc, just cos they wanted to protect ed. I got his book and found him genuine, put it this way, most of you beleive the judyth baker stuff but question ed hoffman? Why? Cos it's counter to files account? Both might be true, files probably didn't tell the whole truth in his confessions, i mean come on ,why would he ? Noyone can catch him in a lie of what happened behind the fence. We only had lee Bower's account to put it against.

Re: Bruce Brychek

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:06 pm
by Bob
neab wrote:Didnt his close ones not want him involved though ? I thought they even said he had nothing useful to say too etc, just cos they wanted to protect ed. I got his book and found him genuine, put it this way, most of you beleive the judyth baker stuff but question ed hoffman? Why? Cos it's counter to files account? Both might be true, files probably didn't tell the whole truth in his confessions, i mean come on ,why would he ? Noyone can catch him in a lie of what happened behind the fence. We only had lee Bower's account to put it against.I understand what you are saying, as I think the absolute best witness to everything that happened on the knoll was Lee Bowers. He never got a chance to elaborate after the auto "accident" that claimed his life in 1966. Although I agree that Files has not been completely truthful about things regarding the assassination, the biggest issue I have with Hoffman's story was the route he said the shooter went after the shooting. It was completely different to the route Files claims he went, which was towards the TSBD. In fact there is a photo that shows someone that could be Files heading in that direction. Maybe Wim or someone could post that photo, because it corresponds exactly where Files said he was.

Re: Bruce Brychek

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:19 pm
by ThomZajac
I have a question, and please keep in mind that I am not expressing my views on any particular theory.I remember that Hoffman said the shooter gave the riffle to a man in a railroad worker uniform who broke it down and then walked off towards the railroad yard, but I don't remember what he said about the shooter's departure. Did he say anything about that?

Re: Bruce Brychek

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:37 pm
by Bob
Federal Bureau of Investigation report on the testimony of Ed Hoffman (25th March, 1977) On March 25, 1977, Richard H. Freeman, Texas Instruments, Semi-Conductor Building, Richardson, Texas, telephone number 238-4965, home address 2573 Sheli, Frisco, Texas, telephone 377-9456, telephonically advised Special Agent (name deleted) that he knew sign language and has communicated with Virgil E. Hoffman, a deaf mute who is employed at his building at Texas Instruments. Mr. Hoffman communicated with him by the use of sign language and Hoffman was concerned that the FBI perhaps did not fully understand what he was trying to communicate. Hoffman communicated the following information to Mr. Freeman: Hoffman was watching the motorcade of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, at Dallas, Texas. Hoffman was standing on Stemmons Freeway watching the presidential motorcade, looking in an easterly direction when the motorcade sped away and headed north on Stemmons Freeway. Hoffman communicated that this must have been right after President Kennedy was shot. Hoffman saw two men, one with a rifle and one with a handgun, behind a wooden fence, approximately six feet in height, at this moment. This fence is located on the same side of Elm Street as the Texas School Book Depository building but closer to Stemmons Freeway. Since he is deaf, he naturally could not hear any shots but thought he saw a puff of smoke in the vicinity of where the two men were standing. As soon as he saw the motorcade speed away and saw the puff of smoke in the vicinity of the two men, the man with the rifle looked like he was breaking the rifle down by removing the barrel from the stock and placing it in some dark type of suitcase that the other man was holding. The two men then ran north on the railroad tracks by actually running on the tracks. Hoffman was standing approximately 75 yards from this fence. This fence was at approximately the same height or level as the ground floor of the Texas School Book Depository building.On March 28, 1977, Virgil E. Hoffman accompanied Special Agent (name deleted) to Stemmons Freeway, also known as Interstate Highway 35 North, Dallas, Texas. Hoffman communicated that he was driving a 1962 Ford Falcon on November 22, 1963. He parked his car on the west shoulder of Stemmons Freeway at the northbound lane near the Texas and Pacific Railroad overpass that crosses Stemmons Freeway. He could not see the presidential motorcade as it was proceeding west on Elm Street toward the Triple Underpass. He saw the motorcade speed up as it emerged on Stemmons Freeway heading north. His line of vision was due east looking from Stemmons Freeway toward the Texas School Book Depository building. The two men he saw were behind the wooden fence above the grassy knoll north of Elm Street and just before the Triple Underpass. He indicated he saw smoke in that vicinity and saw the man with the rifle disassembling the rifle near some type of railroad track control box located close to the railroad tracks. Both men ran north on the railroad tracks. He tried to get the attention of a Dallas policeman who was standing on the railroad overpass that crosses Stemmons Freeway, but since he could not yell, he could not communicate with the policeman. He drove his car north on Stemmons Freeway after the motorcade passed him in an effort to find the two men, but he lost sight of them.

Re: Bruce Brychek

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:53 pm
by ThomZajac
Thanks Bob, I think I remember a reenactment of his story (TMWKK?), and the one man (non-shooter) walked away from the fence by himself to a utility box of some kind. But it's all very foggy.I need a beer.

Re: Bruce Brychek

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:04 am
by neab
Thing is, nearly everytime he tried to communicate what ACTUALLY happened they misunderstood what hes tryin to say, like on every occasion he told the FBI. He says this in his book, so if u look at what he said to FBI according to them, it looks like he's told conflicting stories. Even in that TV thing he was on, he tell's that they got it partially wrong, i think the narrator said the railyard man walked away fast when he walked away slowly or something. I might be mistaken on the order. Point is, his book is the only trust worthy thing of his account. Anyway, only reason i chimed in was cos I'm surprised at the amount of disbelievers, even on other forums i've lurked.

Re: Bruce Brychek

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:14 am
by ThomZajac
Disbelievers of Hoffman, or of a conspiracy?

Re: Bruce Brychek

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 9:00 am
by andries
People have tried to discredit Ed.story by just simply saying,it,s verry unlikely But do alway,s remember Ed Hoffman did not know lee Bowers or Arnhold neither their statements. nevertheles statements are scary simulerEd Hoffman statements could only be made less he was there .and off course he was there, and in general it,s the most solide story without any spectaculair doubts or remarks Ed Hoffman observations were far better than average,we all know why.Ed Hoffman had a reasponsebly job at T Instruments as was known as a reliable guy who did not make up things expecialy people with a handicap like Ed are known for their thruth expresions and not for their imagionations If we read and study all statements and testimonions off the witneses who were before, during, and in particulair right after the assassionation on, and behind the grassy knoll and we compare this with Ed,s statement we must conclud that Ed is a complet idiot telling enormous lies and we must have peace with that ????????

Re: Bruce Brychek

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:42 pm
by andries
andries wrote:People have tried to discredit Ed.story by just simply saying,it,s verry unlikely But do alway,s remember Ed Hoffman did not know lee Bowers or Arnhold neither their statements. nevertheles statements are scary simulerEd Hoffman statements could only be made less he was there .and off course he was there, and in general it,s the most solide story without any spectaculair doubts or remarks Ed Hoffman observations were far better than average,we all know why.Ed Hoffman had a reasponsebly job at T Instruments as was known as a reliable guy who did not make up things expecialy people with a handicap like Ed are known for their thruth expresions and not for their imagionations If we read and study all statements and testimonions off the witneses who were before, during, and in particulair right after the assassionation on, and behind the grassy knoll and we compare this with Ed,s statement we must conclud that Ed is a complet idiot telling enormous lies and we must have peace with that ???????? In this case we proudly intend to believe crooks,idiots or criminels, who in normal live are being bold marked as people who are unreliable without limits.And we doubt or simply dont believe Ed Hoffman