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Re: James Files: There was just something about that guy

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 3:15 am
by neab
You guys are really soft imo. While I admit he is quite impressionable and seems friendly enough in his confession(s). Let's not forget the guy worked for the mob, broke many laws, and has admittted to shooting your former president in the head and it was like "taking out the garbage " to him. You can say he was influenced from a young age or wahtever,but you know what you're doing at 21 ,you're not 5 years old and don't know the difference between right and wrong. There is some irony in files' life though, all the crimes he committed that he didn't get caught on, and he gets busted for doing nothing wrong (according to how he tells neway), I find that funny, maybe its karma?If Files has genuinely found God and has made a U turn, then more power to him and I wish him well.I hope he seeks forgiveness and truly wants to repent.

Speed? Had no reason to speed.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 5:30 am
by Phil Dragoo
Soft? What's soft is letting this go this long.Don Lucchesi: It's not personal. It's business.Michael Corleone: Very well. You want to do business with me. I will do business with you.Something clean and compelling in Mr. Files' talking. Harder edged in the earlier; more relaxed in the later.I wouldn't call him friend or brother; I'm not sure I have a friend, and my brothers rarely speak.From the first, and throughout, I find him credible, and economic.One shot. A head shot. Three minutes to convince me I need to talk to you.Why did I put myself out there? I didn't. Ask the FBI.Jack Ruby was "taking out the garbage". Jack Ruby spoke with some of these men and their men during his three months on final.They injected him, he told us. They came for Sam Giancana as he cooked his sausage. Jimmy Hoffa. John Roselli was drummed out of the corps.Doug Horne said Robert "The Mob Did It" Blakey lied; the 26 Bethesda witnesses agreed with the fourteen Parkland witnesses: forty witnesses said John Kennedy's brains (cerebellar tissue extruded through avuncular occipital defect) blew out onto the trunk in front of Clint Hill and Jackie scrambling for a large piece.Just as Mr. Files said.The gentleman next to me that I was concerned about took care of the motorcycle policeman and I put my case under my arm and walked toward the Dal-Tex building.Where Braden-Brading was seen. Where John Roselli and Charles Nicoletti were.The Roberdeau map and blog page show how close the rear cone contained not just the sixth floor of the Depository but the upper floors of the Dal-Tex Building where figures were seen on the rooftop that day.The concrete walls and steel bars, the sounds of clanking and muted chatter, the scene could swallow the man at any moment.And like the man beset by two tigers in the Zen koan he delights in how sweet the wild berry tastes.