Message from Arizona

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by R Croxford »

If anyone in here that considers him/her to be an american citizen gets pulled over and the normal license and registration that normally comes out of an officers mouth is followed by can you prove your an american citizen. Which one of you would tolerate that shit? Let one officer question my citizenship and watch me go ballistic. We are not supposed to use our social security numbers for nothing. it is against the constitution for any of that crap to happen. We are not supposed to have numbers and papers. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!.Immigration is an issue. I want stricter border control. I want more cops to protect our border cities. I do not want an american citizen who looks Hispanic to be asked for his papers. If you allow one citizen to lose his/her rights. You take them from all of us. Something to think about.Peace.
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Kirk »

Joe,I understand, and can agree on certain points. I am never against protesting, but I always wonder about what results people think their actions will get. Meaning: What is the perception of one's action. Perception is not reality, but in reality perception is important.Frito Lay is interesting company.... We all Remember the Frito Bandito. To me as a child it was funny, and I ate my frito pie the same as any kid in school for lunch, when I had lunch money. I also remember having a Frito Bandito eraser on my pencil as well. I would rub out my mistakes with his sombrero. Mostly I went to elementary school with poor kids just like me, except some were black and some were brown, and some were white etc., and more often then not the whites, myself included actually had it better off. I wouldn't have known it except when I would stay over at their houses, or they would stay over at mine. Any way my generation was pretty lucky considering at least in my part of Texas, that we were a few years removed from some of the racial bullshit. One of my better friends was named David or Davy Gonzales. Thinking about it now. I never asked him about what he thought about Speedy Gonzales or Frito Bandito. I just assumed he was proud of it. Truth: I think we all assume way to much. The reason Mexico is and has been a land of corruption is not because of the people as you know, but the powers that control them, and most of those powers call the United States home, but they would leave our country high and dry in a heart beat, if the money was right.I don't know what the answer is, but I know we can't find it, unless we ask the right questions. Why it is...the way it is? Would be my first question.KirkDealey Joe wrote:I don't have answers for the situation but I do know there is a war going on.i heard the report again this morning.The Hispanics are going to Arizona to picket Frito Lay and protest their sponsorship of the Fiesta Bowl.This is the problem, they are not happy living here and going with the flow. they are now at the protest stage of the game,what next? Take over the game?Everyone likes cheap labor. i know people who harbor and house illegals just to get free labor.they befriend these illegals and have good relationships but the bottom line is to get situated and bring the rest of their families into the good deal. I can tell you this. it is most likely they will "take back" their "country"as far as I am concerned they can have it. but what then? there is a reason they want to leave the place they haveeither turned into a septic tank or allowed it to.How long after we leave will it take for them to do the same here.when you boil it down they are playing on our good will, shown already they cannot take care of themselves.regrettable but true.If you have a problem seeing this take a trip to Chicago or any other large metro area where we decided everyone needed a nice place to live so we built them nice apartment buildings and even houses. did that work? Hell no. they trashed their own habitat.took almost no time at all. now that has mostly what ws left has all been torn down. We are sill trying to assure that all people are treated equal.Wake up America.I just saw Michelle Obama on TV attacking our food establishments to reduce there caloric output DRASTICALLYdo they give a shit about calories? hell no, they are interested in control, just like the bunch that are headed for Arizonato stop Frito Lay from sponsoring the Fiesta Bowl one of Arizona's best attraction of income for the state.enough!
Dealey Joe
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Dealey Joe »

Kirk another one of your great and thoughful answers, thanks
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Kirk »

Joe,You don't want make me blush do you? KirkDealey Joe wrote:Kirk another one of your great and thoughful answers, thanks
Dealey Joe
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Dealey Joe »

do you know how to tell the difference between a cowboy and a trucker?cowboy has the B.S. on the outside of his boots.I don't know what you do if you are a truck driving cowboy?don't sound good does it
Dealey Joe
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Dealey Joe »

another note...i was told on good authority that the schools here is backwater Durant, OKlast week had a "GAY APPRECIATION DAY"make me want to PUKE.
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Kirk »

Well Joe,I got a truck that I have to drive, and I dress like a Cowboy, so I pretty much have a Masters Degree in BS. Being from Texas doesn't hurt that either. Mostly I consider myself a small town rural man that trys to see things for what they are. I figure you and I know the same people, but they just live in a different place.KirkI have only seen the new Stadium from a Distance. I am really not interested in going to a game there. I have been invited a few times, but the expense and that kind of BS doesn't interest me. There are only a couple players on that team that I am proud to root for.Dealey Joe wrote:do you know how to tell the difference between a cowboy and a trucker?cowboy has the B.S. on the outside of his boots.I don't know what you do if you are a truck driving cowboy?don't sound good does it
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Bob »

Tony Romo is from southern Wisconsin. Tony is a good QB, and sure seems like a very nice guy. I always liked QBs from the Cowboys. I liked Dandy Don Meredith, Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman for instance. They certainly played tough against the Packers, especially the latter two. My buddy Red from high school broke most of Roger the Dodger's QB records at Navy in the late 70's. Red and Navy also beat Jim McMahon and BYU in the first ever Holiday Bowl.Back to the topic at hand...I always was proud of the fact that the United States was a melting pot of all races and religions. However, it has become clear that the power elite WASPS (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) really run things in this country.If our current population trends continue, the Caucasian Americans in the United States will become a minority in the middle half of this century. By that time, the Hispanics, African Americans and Asian Americans will outnumber the CAs by a 55%-45% margin, with Hispanics being about 30% of that breakdown.The biggest issue with illegal aliens is not the amount of crime that some try to pin on them, but more the effect that is caused in the healthcare system, that is already flawed big time, due to greedy insurance and pharmaceutical companies.I see both sides of this issue, and I certainly understand the emotional tones that have made this a volatile situation.
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Kirk »

Well Bob,I agree with most everything you said. Especially Roger Staubach and Dandy Don, and don't forget Craig Morton. I have a soft spot for Danny White because he had to fill Staubach's shoes, and brought them to the league championship game almost every year, but was snake bit as they say. Plus he could punt. Romo is a good quarterback, but could be a great one, if he figures himself out. He has lost some time and opportunities already, and you know that some times that is all one gets. He needs a better coach like he had with Bill Parcells to rain him in. But considering he was unheralded before he has done well. I actually noticed him long before he ever became a started. He could throw, but he could move in the pocket in a way that you just can't teach. You either have it or you don't. He has it.Personally I think we all discriminate whether we admit it or not. The ignorances comes in when we do not admit it, and when we discriminate based on something that can't be changed and shouldn't be changed about somebody. Color, creed, sexual orientation etc. etc....Personally I am not expert on anybody, but me, and I am some what lacking even there. I have a number of friends with strong held views on matters of race, religion and sexual orientation etc. We are friends because we can agree to disagree, and we hear each other out. For me it is about understanding where they are coming from, and if it is something from their own actual human experience or not. I could understand why one friend has trouble with hispanics because she happened to have been sexually assaulted by a hispanic man a number of years ago, but as I point out to her that was one just one man who happened to be hispanic. I can understand why another friend doesn't feel comfort around white people in general, even if we are friends. Well, at least he says we are friends, but we have shared interest in music and work. He has told me many times how poorly he has been treated by whites, and always wonders about being rejected from certain opportunities. I of course being a big mouth tell him I understand, even if I don't in total, but that was those white people, and that was their mistake, and their loss in the end.Being a Texan boy meant proving you were tough to the point of being stupid sometimes, and I passed that test a number of times. The last thing you wanted to be thought of was a homosexual, even when you were to young to have a clue about sex to begin with. I think that is one reason I played football to begin with, that and most of my friends played, and I was kind of a natural at sports. Later when I went to military school I saws lots of things that I didn't understand and I didn't like. KInd of good preparation for adult life. I can honestly say that I discriminated against some people that were gay, that wasn't what they were called of course. It was based on my self esteem ,and fitting in, and had almost nothing to do with them or something they did to me. Now, I never bullied anybody, but I did look the other way.What comes round goes around as they say. About 13 years ago my late little brother Pat was diagnosed with Aids. He was not gay, but apparently in the Navy had to have blood transfusions. He was scared of dying, and also scared of what people would think, including me. Unfortunately many people do think and are thoughtless at the same time. Sure enough many so called friends deserted him either physically or emotionally. But the Gay Communtiy in Austin came to his Aid and support. They helped him to find services and treatments. but mostly they gave him friendship to the day he died. They came by the hundreds to his funeral at our private cemetary out in the middle of nowhere, on one of the coldest December days on record. Standing on a high hill with little cover from the cutting wind. They talked about Pat, prayed and they sang.Of course as I have said that is just an individual experience, but I try not to look the other way anymore.Bob wrote:Tony Romo is from southern Wisconsin. Tony is a good QB, and sure seems like a very nice guy. I always liked QBs from the Cowboys. I liked Dandy Don Meredith, Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman. They certainly played tough against the Packers, especially the latter two. My buddy Red from high school broke most of Roger the Dodger's QB records at Navy in the late 70's. Red and Navy also beat Jim McMahon and BYU in the first ever Holiday Bowl.Back to the topic at hand...I always was proud of the fact that the United States was a melting pot of all races and religions. However, it has become clear that the power elite WASPS (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) really run things in this country.If our current population trends continue, the Caucasian Americans in the United States will become a minority in the middle half of this century. By that time, the Hispanics, African Americans and Asian Americans will outnumber the CAs by a 55%-45% margin, with Hispanics being about 30% of that breakdown.The biggest issue with illegal aliens is not the amount of crime that some try to pin on them, but more the effect that is caused in the healthcare system, that is already flawed big time, due to greedy insurance and pharmaceutical companies.I see both sides of this issue, and I certainly understand the emotional tones that have made this a volatile situation.
mike martinez
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by mike martinez »

Being of hispanic descent, I have no problem at all with the Arizona law. I also think the percentage of hispanic's who support the law is not as low as some might think.We complain about illegals as well but its kinda like talking bad about your brother, we can do it, but no one else can...I have no problem being asked for my license and registration when pulled over by the cops so nothing has changed in my mind.Romo will bring a Super Bowl championship to the Cowboys!!