Message from Arizona

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Message from Arizona

Post by Dealey Joe »

This article was written by Frank Maguire. He and his Hispanic wife, Helen, live between Tucson and Phoenix. Rec'd over the transom by a cyber pal. No URL. From the Arizona Trenches May 2, 2010 It’s my routine to leave the house early in the a.m., often around 5:00, and head for the foothills here in the desert around Arizona City . It is quiet and beautiful, and I watch the sun rise over the mountains to the east. I read, think, and write. Because the area is part of what the Border Patrol calls the “pipeline,” where human-cargo “coyotes” and drug-smugglers head north from the border, about 80 miles to the south, it can be a dangerous location. I have observed incidences of activity over the past three years. My writing place is 12 miles south of Casa Grande, adjacent to the huge Tohono O’odham (formerly called “Papago”) Nation reservation, close to the junction of U.S. Routes 8 and 10. The thousands of square miles of desert and the surrounding mountains make it very difficult for the Border Patrol. There is a large BP office in Casa Grande, and another, smaller, just north of rt. 10, in Eloy, less than a mile from where routes 8 and 10 connect. Every morning I chat with BP Agents who gas-up at the large Love’s Truck Stop on Sunland Gin Rd. , in Eloy. I have gotten to know a number of them, and I’ve written some articles on the dangerous conditions here in the “pipeline.” Per the advice of my Agent acquaintances, I am always armed. I carry a Colt Commander MK-80, Series IV .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol, with Hydro-Shok ammunition in the magazines. Sometimes, if there have been recent goings-on, I include a Marlin .44, lever-action carbine, or a Mossberg .12 gauge riot shot gun. I don’t go looking for trouble, but I would prefer to survive it if it presents itself. Yesterday morning, Saturday May 2nd, I was out at my regular hour. At about 7:00, on the dirt road just east of the mountains, about 500 yards from where I sat, two Pinal County Sheriff’s vehicles accompanied by two Deputy Sheriffs on ATV’s and an unmarked SUV drove up to some trails that run westward into the mountains. I watched until I could no longer see them, and then I drove into the desert where I would be able to regain sight of them. The patrol cars had stopped at one trail-head, and the ATV’s were climbing the trail. We were quite close and I chose to leave since I didn’t want to be a distraction to them. Later in the day, I saw the news that Border Patrol Agents, Casa Grande and Eloy Police, and Pinal County Sheriff had raided a number of local houses that were being used by human-cargo and drug smugglers and had arrested a large number of illegals. Also, one Pinal Sheriff’s Deputy had been shot by an Ak-47 wielding drug-runner. A few of the smugglers had managed to get away, and the police agencies were searching for them. The location they described is exactly where I was situated that morning. You are watching the war against Arizona being waged by despicable lying politicians and complicit business persons who have their own reasons for not obeying the federal and state laws in re. illegal entrance into the United States . As you watch, remember this: you are being lied to, and you and your families are being placed in serious jeopardy by the very people who are saturating the news networks with accusations that Arizona is a haven for hateful bigots. The reality is, contrary to the deceitful hypocrites who are far from the border wars that we in Arizona deal with every day, Arizonans are persons who take the U.S. Constitution seriously, and who do not rationalize or sentimentalize the laws of our nation away. Consider, fellow citizens, that we in Arizona are acting as your first line of defense. If you join in the efforts against Arizona , you are guaranteeing that the war against illegal entry across America ’s sovereign borders will get even worse. And even you in the silly sanctuary cities established by fools and liars will be forced to contend with a virtual alien army as your “neighbors.” In closing: the area in which I live with my Hispanic wife, Helen Isabel Estevez Maguire, is at least fifty-percent Hispanic in population. I choose to live here. Other than the continuous invasion by illegals, who are hidden in stash houses in Arizona City , Eloy, and Casa Grande, the citizens here get along very well. Contrary to the accusations of ethnic hatred, there is a neighborly atmosphere. As we, here, watch the hypocrites attacking Arizonans while they live in their protected, lily-white communities, we just shake our heads in disgust. Our advice? If such as these want to see what hypocrisy and hatred look like, all they need to do is to check out their faces in a mirror.
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Kirk »

I think this article reflects on a view of some on this many sided problem. I think the real answer to this will be found when we decide what we all really believe this nation is and stands for. Immigration legal or illegal is a problem when it is made to be one and that is the case. Just like the Day in Dallas we can ask Who, What and Why?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Dealey Joe »

This nation has always welcomed those who had a desire to be part of it.they were required to have a sponsor and to speek english and a few other requirements.this country is now the land of the illegals.Dallas was full of Cubans in 63I don't know if they were even considered illegal?
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Kirk »

Yes and No.... We the People have always wanted cheap labor when we could get it. Whether it was building railroads or picking fruit or doing dry wall. Yes, we had sponsorship requirements from time to time. Mainly based on knowledge or single culture to culture.... Germans sponsoring germans, Russians for russians and so on. We don't do that so much any more. We want nurses and doctors, and programmers, but fortunately not lawyers.The Power Elite wants cheap labor. Encouraging illegal immigrations does a number of things that depress the labor cost. One illegals do not get insurance by and large. Illegals do not unionize, nor sue for grievances. This not only hurts the living wage of the illegal, but of course the citizens or legal status workers. It is maximisation of labor as resource. It is in my opinion a war on working class people, not just the middle class, and there is no such thing as middle class values. They are working class values. Not to preach to much because I am at best a hypocrite in faith, but these illegals by and large are good people who want to work that is why they are here, and by in large they pay taxes, though under social security numbers which do not exist or numbers that belong to some one else in total, or in many cases collected by employers, but never reported. Plus they pay sales taxes, and use and pay for services such as utlities. They by and large are law abiding, if you do not count there legal status. Most every study shows they do not commit any more violent crimes then any other population, and more often then not are victims of unreported or under reported crimes because of fear about their status.I want to do away with illegal immigration all together by making it relatively easy and safe to get a legal work permit, and no retributions given about the past. Now how we will deal with the birth situation, and that is at the heart of it, and that is a fair argument and debate which should be and must be had, but without the bitterness that seems to drive and divide us.
Michael Calder
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Michael Calder »

Kirk,You mention the illegal aliens are nice people. They are. But let them be nice in their own country. You can't uderstand the problem and consequences of this mexican take over unless you live it. I live in Los Angeles. The San Fernando Valley section of LA where I live was perhaps 80% caucasian even 20 years ago. It is now 80% mexican. From the eastern border of the valley to the western border is now all mexican. From East LA to downtown, along the Wilshire Corridor, all of Hollywood, almost all of South Central, and now they are pushing into West LA. Look at the students pouring out of Hollywood High School. You won't see a single caucasian face. Speaking of the Los Angeles Unified School District, out of 630,000 students, only 10% are caucasian. The other 90 per cent are not. And none of us who are citizens and caucasian asked for this. And it didn't have to happen. Where are the caucasians, anyway. What is not reported is that along with this horrendous mexican invasion has been the most extensive white flight from a major American city since the white flight from Detroit in the 60s and 70s. The caucasians have been voting with their feet this entire past decade. And now, with the recent Los Angeles City Council vote taking the side of illegal aliens over their fellow citizens in Arizona, the flight will accelarate. You might ask why should anyone care? Well, when caucasians leave a city they take with them their financial capital. They take with them their intellectual capital. They take with them their character and most of all the take with them their children. The future. And it's not the single white males in their 20s who are leaving. It's the married couples. Brian Suits is a radio show talk host. He recently left a plum job at KFI radio for a job in Seattle. He expressed the thinking of tens of thousands of caucasians living in LA. He said that if he stayed in LA he would have to pay for private school for his child or his child would be going to a public shcool that is 90 oercent mexican. If he insisted in buying a home and living with his fellow caucasians he would have to live in Santa Clarita and have a two hour round trip drive in bumper to bumper traffic coming to work. His wife just barely escaped having a crime perpetrated on her. (more minorites ) He moved to Seattle because it was a quality of life issue. Bryan Suits is typical of every caucasian family man in LA. And they are leaving. And it's to bad. This was a great city.
Phil Dragoo
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North Mexico

Post by Phil Dragoo »

New Mexico attracted Georgia O'Keefe and D.H. Lawrence. The collision of three cultures made it the land of enchantment. The earlier alien invasion was at Roswell.Bill Richardson was our congressman when Rio Arriba County was first in per capita heroin deaths. Sheriff Naranjo is said to have planted drugs in the pickup of Moises Morales the head of La Raza. Bill Richardson was considered too corrupt for Obama's Commerce Secretary but Manny Aragon made him look like a choir boy and may explain David Iglesias' resistance to Domenici's pressures to move on him.The state is Richardson's sanctuary—history won't be stopped by a fence, he bragged. Albuquerque the largest city is sanctuary. Santa Fe the capital is sanctuary—with a book population circa 60K and a 90K actual.Watchoo doon on mah street is a welcome I've had in many cities, Roxbury comes to mind. There is a look that says the same thing and it's the look anglos get in North Mexico these days.After 34 years it was not enchanting.Many vehicles every day appearing with license plates from our southern neighbor. The Feds busted a national dealer in the apartment across the main drag by the middle school.We could see the Buddhist temple where the Dalai Lama spoke but just as Nepal is being Sinofied so, too, is America becoming hyphenated, and the classic Progressive Teddy Roosevelt wasn't down with that.El norte is beautiful, the times on mesas or in Carson, the view from Pedernal.Cortez came with four hundred and the tale of massacre and treachery is a trail of tears. One of the saddest stories involve a dead friend who was half Indian and half Spanish, but that takes too long to tell.The penitentiary riot in 81 that killed 31; the guy from my then-home village who shot dead seven; the time my home village sent Robert Redford up the hill to Truchas to film Milagro. I suggest that when Johnny Sutton gives Aldrete-Davila immunity (would you or I get that for running a half ton or seven hundred pound load) and gives Ramos and Compean eleven years—and that's the prez' dear friend, why, then, the fix is in.They want that border open for the free flow of cartel commerce and to keep the prevailing wage suppressed and to woo a new voting demographic.The leaders are not living there. Bingaman enabled Trie and his half mill in a bag from Beijing; Anne Bingaman out of Reno antitrust set a record pulling down two mill lobbying six months for Global Crossing so the fiber optics could put military and commercial communications in reach of Lippo's playmates.The Chinese precursors to the Mexican superlabs.It is not the innocent sob story of los pobres.Next week: Tucson—are those helicopters after us?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Dealey Joe »

I don't know the details but last night on the local news station I caught just a bit of a piece they were doing on a LARGE GROUP of Hispanics going to Arizona in protestof the way their people are evidently being treated there.I am sure there is much more to this storey.
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Kirk »

Michael,Not to beat the dead horse, but being from Texas I kind of have experience with the problem, and with the fact that the power elite wants the problem to stay a mess. We should make it easier to be a legal resident and worker, but harder to become an actual citizen. Most experience is really with individuals, and very few are actual stereotypes, unless they are acting a part.Whit flight is a problem as any with any large group that stampedes easy. Like in any stampede many get swept along running, but have no clue what they are running from.I am being simplistic? Yes, but in fact that is unfortunately where the debate is kept again by what I call the power elites.Kirk Michael Calder wrote:Kirk,You mention the illegal aliens are nice people. They are. But let them be nice in their own country. You can't uderstand the problem and consequences of this mexican take over unless you live it. I live in Los Angeles. The San Fernando Valley section of LA where I live was perhaps 80% caucasian even 20 years ago. It is now 80% mexican. From the eastern border of the valley to the western border is now all mexican. From East LA to downtown, along the Wilshire Corridor, all of Hollywood, almost all of South Central, and now they are pushing into West LA. Look at the students pouring out of Hollywood High School. You won't see a single caucasian face. Speaking of the Los Angeles Unified School District, out of 630,000 students, only 10% are caucasian. The other 90 per cent are not. And none of us who are citizens and caucasian asked for this. And it didn't have to happen. Where are the caucasians, anyway. What is not reported is that along with this horrendous mexican invasion has been the most extensive white flight from a major American city since the white flight from Detroit in the 60s and 70s. The caucasians have been voting with their feet this entire past decade. And now, with the recent Los Angeles City Council vote taking the side of illegal aliens over their fellow citizens in Arizona, the flight will accelarate. You might ask why should anyone care? Well, when caucasians leave a city they take with them their financial capital. They take with them their intellectual capital. They take with them their character and most of all the take with them their children. The future. And it's not the single white males in their 20s who are leaving. It's the married couples. Brian Suits is a radio show talk host. He recently left a plum job at KFI radio for a job in Seattle. He expressed the thinking of tens of thousands of caucasians living in LA. He said that if he stayed in LA he would have to pay for private school for his child or his child would be going to a public shcool that is 90 oercent mexican. If he insisted in buying a home and living with his fellow caucasians he would have to live in Santa Clarita and have a two hour round trip drive in bumper to bumper traffic coming to work. His wife just barely escaped having a crime perpetrated on her. (more minorites ) He moved to Seattle because it was a quality of life issue. Bryan Suits is typical of every caucasian family man in LA. And they are leaving. And it's to bad. This was a great city.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Dealey Joe »

I don't have answers for the situation but I do know there is a war going on.i heard the report again this morning.The Hispanics are going to Arizona to picket Frito Lay and protest their sponsorship of the Fiesta Bowl.This is the problem, they are not happy living here and going with the flow. they are now at the protest stage of the game,what next? Take over the game?Everyone likes cheap labor. i know people who harbor and house illegals just to get free labor.they befriend these illegals and have good relationships but the bottom line is to get situated and bring the rest of their families into the good deal. I can tell you this. it is most likely they will "take back" their "country"as far as I am concerned they can have it. but what then? there is a reason they want to leave the place they haveeither turned into a septic tank or allowed it to.How long after we leave will it take for them to do the same here.when you boil it down they are playing on our good will, shown already they cannot take care of themselves.regrettable but true.If you have a problem seeing this take a trip to Chicago or any other large metro area where we decided everyone needed a nice place to live so we built them nice apartment buildings and even houses. did that work? Hell no. they trashed their own habitat.took almost no time at all. now that has mostly what ws left has all been torn down. We are sill trying to assure that all people are treated equal.Wake up America.I just saw Michelle Obama on TV attacking our food establishments to reduce there caloric output DRASTICALLYdo they give a shit about calories? hell no, they are interested in control, just like the bunch that are headed for Arizonato stop Frito Lay from sponsoring the Fiesta Bowl one of Arizona's best attraction of income for the state.enough!
Dealey Joe
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Re: Message from Arizona

Post by Dealey Joe »

Another note.a great example of a group that have turned what the bleeding hearts try to make us feel guilty about.the American Indiana, They have learned to make the most of a situation and learn from others.They have not attacked the people they live with. and they do certainly have a good reason for doing just that.They are prospering, they have learned how to be good citizens, responsible for their own back to the communities they are part of.I think there is a great example of the northern Indian tribes that have turned into welfare recipients.The same is very apparent of the Alaskan eskimo, all on welfare, they draw their check the first of the monthand drink it up by the 15th. then the cops pick them up and keep them in jail till check time again next month.