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Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:28 am
by andries
in that case we better add jim reeves on that list, cause ike was the one that had to go according to jim,s song,He,ll have to go,sadly those bastards hit jim first.later they attempt to assassionad ry cooder but ry escaped to mexico to find ritchy vallens who wasn,t killed at all

In his own write

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:08 am
by Phil Dragoo
23,370 words reduced to rock and roll and 181 other words:Rock and roll was not fun anymore.Hell, which is where Elvis went.Your life is over. Time for golf.I'm dissatisfied with every record the Beatles ever fucking made.God willing, there are another 40 years of productivity to go.I don't believe in yesterday.I am only interested in what I am doing now.I'm too busy living my own life to be following what other people are doing.I don't want to have anything to do with benefits. I have been benefited to death.America has poured billions into places like that. It doesn't mean a thing.It wasn't until Heartbreak Hotel that I really got into it.Beatles talk bores me to death.Surrealism to me is reality.I find caffeine is easier to deal with.A little mushroom or peyote is not beyond my scope twice a year or something.The swimming is fine. But forget about the teacher.If the Beatles or the Sixties had a message, it was learn how to swim.Produce your own dream.It's all illusion. Everything is unknown. Then you're ahead of the game.

Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:56 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:06.18.2007 I Posted a Headline: Request To Mr. Paul Pennyworth. I opened this vein of thinking to communicate about The Viet Nam Era Music, related matters, and thought patterns. I sought to hear all of the various thoughts of the JFK Forum Members, leaving My Agenda Open, as I often do, allowing the Total Thought and Reflective Thought Process to develop naturally, and seek its own level. Obviously, I stimulated it from its inception to the Viet Nam Anti-War Theme to establish some direction. But I had a much Broader Theme intended.I felt then, as now, that music of the young, and all Americans in general, had a tremendous effect, and ability to control, and perhaps even program Americans, more so than Banning Books.John Lennon, in My Opinion, came to epitomize The Totality of The Anti-Establishment, Free Thinking, Open Thinking, Futuristic Civilized Global Thinking.This has all vanished in today's music.I not only believe that John Lennon's death, and all related circumstances need to be studied. I think that we should study the deaths of many anti-establishment, Viet Nam War Era Musicians, and Speakers. Certainly, liquor and drugs were involved in many cases. But deaths and autopsies can be faked, or covered up. Drugs can be provided. Certainly we all have learned that to some degree on the JFK Forum.I agree with Phil Dragoo, perhaps only more so. MK Ultra is alive and doing well today, along with the Controlled Main Stream Media, Controlled Main Stream Music, Mind Control, and Thought Control through all levels of communication, hence Total Thought Control and Programming of the Masses.Is the music and chewing gum for the minds available today through all levels of communication really reflective of Open and Free Thinking ? Or is it anti-reflective Open and Free Thinking ?Try to get some music that you can understand, or has an anti-crazy-violent themes published today. I haven't bought music in over 10 years that doesn't fall into the broad spectrum of Oldies but Goodies. What music have you wanted to purchase today off of the Main Stream Music Channels ?Study the CIA Job Forum. Communication, hence the ability to infiltrate, control, and direct thought processes is the Number 1 job requirement.I will Re-Post my: Request To Mr. Paul Pennyworth. Read, Study, and Write your thoughts relative to the many Great JFK Forum Members that reflected there, and compare and contrast those thoughts with the John Lennon Headline and Posts.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:08 pm
by Jsnow915
Just a little something to add....Sean Lennon said the government killed his father.... ... a060682575

Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:08 pm
by Jsnow915 ... .....sorry but you have to add the a060 part of the apparently wont take the full cut and paste

Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:47 pm
by Bob
This has been an outstanding thread with the great discussion and information. I think everyone here knows that John Lennon was someone I really looked up to. Not just because of his superb music, but his overall outlook on which peace was always the message. My three biggest influences in music are John, Jim Morrison and Neil Young. Two of them left way too early, just like JFK, MLK and RFK. Neil is still around and he still keeps giving us his anti-establishment and anti-war music. John's murder smells too much like the attempt on Ronald Reagan's life, which has been discussed here. Another lone nut. Where have we heard that before? Finally, I have told this story before, but something very strange happened to me the night Lennon was murdered. I was on a date witth my girlfriend at the time, and as the evening wore on, she noticed that my pocket watch had stopped. She had given the watch to me the previous Christmas. Anyway, I told her I would go to the repair shop the next day and get it fixed. I dropped my girlfriend at home later, and then headed home in my car. On the radio, all I heard was Beatles music. Then, I heard the announcement about the murder of John. I was devastated. I stayed up all night watching TV and listening to the radio. I heard that Lennon was shot and killed at 10:50 pm in New York city, at the entrance of his home at the Dakota across the street from Central Park. Then I realized something. My pocket watch had stopped at 9:50 pm, but I was in the Central time zone at the time. Basically, my watch stopped when John Lennon died. I have NEVER had the watch repaired. It STILL sits out for me on my dresser as a reminder about what happened. John was my favorite musician ever. Neil is my next favorite. When the events of 9/11 transpired, there was a music special on TV that week for the victims of that tragedy. Neil was one of the artists. He did one song. Not one of his either. It was a classic Lennon tune. I still get teary eyed every time I hear it...

Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:54 pm
by Dealey Joe
Great Song BobGreat artist too.

Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:40 pm
by Michael Dell
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Is the music and chewing gum for the minds available today through all levels of communication really reflective of Open and Free Thinking ? Or is it anti-reflective Open and Free Thinking ?Try to get some music that you can understand, or has an anti-crazy-violent themes published today. I haven't bought music in over 10 years that doesn't fall into the broad spectrum of Oldies but Goodies. What music have you wanted to purchase today off of the Main Stream Music Channels ?Bruce, One of my favorite things to research is how The Powers That Be try to manipulate popular culture to control society. A lot of it can be traced back to England's Tavistock Institute. the music industry, above all, is incredibly corrupt. It doesn't take much investigating to realize MTV and the major record labels glorify sex, money, and fame above all else. Popular musicians are pre-packaged puppets used to push agendas. And when musicians stand up to the system, they either get killed (Tupac Shakur), slandered (Michael Jackson - I can say quite confidently he never abused children), or left behind (Lauryn Hill). It really is an ugly, ugly business. Music videos also contain hidden symbolism with direct Masonic ties. The 2009 MTV Video Music Awards was a giant Masonic ritual. It's all quite bizarre. Here's a link to a fellow who does good work on the subject. Of course, I'm not saying he's right about everything, but his work adds valuable insight... speaking of musicians who may have been murdered, I would invite everyone to please investigate the circumstances surrounding Bob Marley's death...

Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:26 pm
by Dealey Joe
Believe it or not, Music is the sound of our souls and the thing that drives us.Personally I have, and do enjoyed most types of Music.Now understand there are noises and sounds some make in the name of music which to me is not.we walk to the beat of our own music.I think my absolute favorite is Southern Gospel, I like Jazz, I even some I don't even know the name of.The thing I want to share with you younger guys and gals:Be sure to do all the things that you can imagine. take trips, Go fishing, go hunting, go to Dealey,spend all the time you possibly can with your parents first, then family and friends.I can tell you that when you age you begin to consider all the enjoyable things in your past.These are the things you must live on and with. The good times is what you will remember most.They don't all need to be big thing, even little things like having a good talk with your mother before she passes.The little thinks like taking a iced tub of soda pop to your kids Sunday school picnic.since we can't all go to the moon or be famous in some other way. do what makes you happy now.Things you will recall with pleasure.most of your best memories will be simple things.An old man once told me, " son don't be layin' on your deathbed thinking about all the things you wished you had done"That has been good advise for me.There is one thing that I will always wish I had done and that was to be a airplane pilot.I had three kids and just didn't have time nor the finances to spare.In 1963, I could have soloed for $200. but those days are long gone.Anyway don't let life pass you by.

Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:01 pm
by kenmurray
Just a couple of my favorite Beatle tunes featuring John: ... re=related