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Re: Moment of Impact

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:56 am
by Dealey Joe
To me this is the time of the first shot.evidently a miss as there is no reaction from JFK or anyone else otherthat the crowd and police. everyone did not react to the noise.The hole in the back is most likely not JFKs head so why should we consider it his back?Also looks like more than one wound?The hole in the neck was most likely made by the trach tube, not a bullet.As for the brace, watch some of the videos of JFK disembarking Air Force One and it is very plain he is wearing full back bracing under his clothing.

Ready on the right, ready on the left

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:04 am
by Phil Dragoo
Robert Harris (JFKHistoryForum) posits two suppressed shots from Dal-Tex circa Z160 which hit the pavement.Jimmy Files puts either or both John Roselli and Chuck Nicoletti in that building, and we know Braden/Brading was there.Billy, I like the windshield holed with the throat entry wound thrice identified by Malcolm Perry—which identification brought on the Secret Service puke calling him all night, Arlen Specter jumping him, Allen Dulles drilling his filling (“Is it safe?)It was a wound in the man's throat from the front. Probably through the windshield, as the Ford glass engineer left compelling evidence (see the work of Doug Weldon).Jimmy Files put his XP-100 Remington Fireball mercury round in Kennedy's right temple, leaving the constellation on the lateral x-ray on the way to the blowout of the right occipital.We have surgeons up close and personal talking about cerebellar exudation—let's stop with the “flap” crap.The back wound. The first joint of Hume's finger. Gerald Ford—who assured us there was no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe—assured us the wound was portable and could be moved wherever the Commission required.Conspiracy. Crossfire. Coverup. Coup d'etat. Baddabing, et cetera.And the back brace was low, and the Ace bandage was lower. Neither was anywhere near the FBI's designated five and three-quarters below the shirt collar, five and three-eighths below the coat collar. Fitted, tailored clothes. Not bunched up. He wasn't doing the Watusi or the Twist or the Hustle. And he didn't cry out, “I'm hit, get me to a hospital,” as the traitor Secret Service stooges alleged.Expect Tom Hanks to unload a Toy Deposit Story salvo in this key three-year window of the fifty-year anniversaries of election and assassination.A cabal of black-hearted, soulless men murdered a leader of vision in broad daylight in a cowardly crossfire.We may agree to disagree over details, but not the large, shameful, bloody tapestry.And here is food for thought. Oh but they had nothing like this at the time. And how many years before disclosure did the government have the U-2, the F-117, the B-2, et cetera.

Re: Moment of Impact

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:31 pm
by Kit Carp
I hate making claims without offering the actual testimony or evidence to back it up, so I went and tracked down the actual eyewitness testimony of those who saw what the President was wearing under his clothes. Note how the witnesses casually back each other other up, but use different phrasing and witness different things in different ways, making the testimony seem very honest, and to me, quite solid as to the state of Kennedy's back support, and where, exactly, it was.1.Mr. SPECTER - Would you describe as precisely as you can that back brace? Dr. CARRICO - As I recall, this was a white cotton or some sort of fiber standard brace with stays and corset, in a corset-type arrangement and buckles. Mr. SPECTER - How far up on his body did it come? Dr. CARRICO - Just below his umbilicus, as I recall. Mr. SPECTER - How far down on his body did it go? Dr. CARRICO - I did not examine below his belt at that time. Mr. SPECTER - Did you at any time examine below his belt? Dr. CARRICO - I did not; no, sir. Mr. SPECTER - Do you know if anyone else did? Dr. CARRICO - Not in a formal manner. Mr. SPECTER - What action did you take by way of treating President Kennedy on his arrival? 2.Mr. SPECTER - And what else was done for the President? Dr. PETERS - About the same time there was a question of whether he really had an adequate pulse, and so Dr. Ronald Jones and I pulled his pants down and noticed that he was wearing his brace which had received a lot of publicity in the lay press, and also that he had an elastic bandage wrapped around his pelvis at--in a sort of a figure eight fashion, so as to encompass both thighs and the lower trunk. Mr. SPECTER - What was the purpose of that bandage? Dr. PETERS - I presume that it was--my thoughts at the time were that he probably had been having pelvic pain and had put this on as an additional support to stabilize his lower pelvis. It seemed quite interesting to me that the President of the United States had on an ordinary $3 Ace bandage probably in an effort to stabilize his pelvis. I suppose he had been having some back pain and that was my thought at the time, but we removed this bandage in an effort to feel a femoral, pulse. We were never certain that we got a good pulse.

Re: Moment of Impact

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:33 pm
by Billy Boggs
Yes, Phil, We may agree to disagree over details, but not the large, shameful, bloody tapestry. And in my mind that "shameful, bloody, tapestry, is nothing less than the overthrow of our form of government. But also, not just treasonous Secret Service agents, but agents from another mindset, another government. They infiltrated from within, and we opened our American arms with love and compassion, and acceptance. And they, bit us like a snake hiding in the grass.When our founding fathers debated what "America" was going to be, they already knew the "snake". Benjamin Franklyn tried to warn the others of the pending doom that would befall us some 200 years later. It seems old Ben knew the truth for a good reason, he was a snake himself, and knew of the plot. But just as JFK thought he could trust the people around him, so too did George Washington, and was betrayed by a snake in his administration. That snake met his end by a simple bullet during a duel. But by that time the snakes back door had been established in our government. Andrew Jackson closed that door, and it remained closed for a time until 1912 when it was re-established.Now, as professed by Ben some 200 years ago, America, is infested with illegal, alien, secretive, snakes who only take and never give back. Who bite, and never allow us to heal. Who teach, but we never learn. Who conceal, and never reveal the truth. And once again we had someone who could see the dark truth of the snake, and they shot him dead.

JFK Single-Gunman Theory Shot Down By Science

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:23 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Moment of Impact

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:55 am
by Barney
members; Pres. Kennedy uttered not one single word, accd. to his wife, Jackie, seated right next to his left arm, She gave sworn testimoney to the Warren Commission in closed session, that my husband made no sounds at all, while Gov. Connally when hit squealed like a stuck pig'So that is the reason, I was distracted and failed to pull Jack into my lap, these god aweful squealing sounds, and then came the fatal headshot, and I was sprayed with brains, blood, hair, and his scalp was peeling off, so I grabbed him into my lap and tried to hold his scalpon and his brains in with my hands. A large piece of his brain was blown onto the trunk and a piece of his skull was gone.The very first shot, when Jack grabbed for his throat, I did not recognize as a rifle shot there was so much noise in motorcades, what withthe crowds, and the vehicles and particularly the hot motorcycles would backfire occasionally. After the first shot, Jack, had this puzzledlook on his face, strange looking of shock, but uttered not a sound. Jackie Kennedy--

Re: Moment of Impact

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:33 pm
by Billy Boggs
The very first shot, when Jack grabbed for his throat, Do you have a link to this testimony?

Re: Moment of Impact

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:07 am
by Barney
In the ZAP film, Jackie Kennedy was not looking into the face of Pres. Kennedy but was looking downward at first, then shelooked over to her right at Gov. Connally crying out in pain from his chest wounds, and then she looked into the face of herhusband after the impact to his head blew it apart, with blood, brain matter, and fluids spewing out all over the car seat,trunk, onto the rear riding motorcycle cops and a piece of skullcap being blown over into the grass, later found by a youngboy, known as the Harper fragment. What Jackie Kennedy said to the Warren Commission differs somewhat from what theactual slow motion Zapruder filmstrip shows us. So, what she stated is incorrect, as is that of the last surviving witness,Mrs. Jean Hill, the lady in the bright red raincoat. She never was in the street as she claimed, nor did she run forward withher friend Mary Moorman, to take a closer shot of the President, she had no camera to take a picture with. She took wetsnapshots from Mary who clicked away with her fairly new Polaroid Instant Camera. As Mary stripped off these pictures,Jean smeared on the fixative and shoved them into her raincoat pocket. She alleges these were seized by the SecretService and the Dallas Police Dept. where they were taken following the shooting.

Jackie Kennedy's Testimony To The Warren Commission

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:28 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Moment of Impact

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:34 pm
by Barney
There are legions of investigators and conspiracy buffs, who state Oswald could not have done the shooting that occurred on JFK. I disagreefor these reasons; he had scored Sharpshooter in the US Marine Corp, no easy feat of marksmanship at 500 yards distance. He had the timeand opportunity to plan where he would shoot from, and plenty of time to zero in his rifle, the one he actually shot with, to hit a target thesize of honeydew melon at 40-50 yards. There happen to be two Mauser type rifles made like the Italian Carcano, one is in 6.5 mm a finesniper caliber, lower velocity, less recoil and noise, but plenty of punch and the other, in 7.65mm but the exact same configuration as theItalian Carcano, with the small internal magazine, that holds 5 rounds in a removable clip that pops out when the last round is fired. Therifles cannot be fired unless the magazine clip is inside the permanent clip holder below the action and stock. The 21 foot Linc. limo wasgoing only about 10-12 MPH when the shots were fired just after the limo made the 90 degree turn from Houston onto Elm. Jack Kennedycould lower or elevate his rear seat by up to 10 inches but most of the time chose the lower setting which elevated him only 3-4 incheshigher than those seated in front in the so-named jump seats. If Kennedy should lean forward any, then more of his upper torso would beexposed to gunfire from the rear. An explosive round or two from the rear could easily have caused all of the facial and head damagesthat occurred to Kennedy due to fragmentation of the shell jacket into many fragments flying about inside the skull cavity at medium velocity. The Italian Carcano rifle in 6.5 mm is not considered a high velocity rifle, but a medium velocity round. Most any rifle can shootwith marginal accuracy at under 100 yards tho the accuray will be unpredictable due to fouled or ruined lands and grooves inside the barrel.