Moment of Impact

JFK Assassination
Billy Boggs
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Moment of Impact

Post by Billy Boggs »

There has always been questions as to "when" the first bullet impacted President Kennedy. I will attempt to show exactly when President Kennedy was hit with the first bullet.Just after the Limo rounds the corner and straightens up, President Kennedy can be seen waving to the crowd. Then, in the blink of a eye, he starts to grasp his throat, never quite reaching it. Also, just before he starts responding to this situation, a reflective anomaly appears on the windshield next to the rear view mirror. This all happens before the Limo disappears behind the road sign.The red circle indicates the location. I admit this isn't the best quality, but at present I know of no other photo that can show this.In the next photo you can see that anomaly more clearly. You can see the "Frosty White" area that encircles the bullet hole, which is the dark area in the middle.Another photo taken at the hospital also show the same anomaly, in the same position. It can also be seen the amount of people standing in front of the Limo, in full view of any damage to the windshield.I believe this photo does not show the actual hole because the white of the technicians lab coat washes out the detail of the damage.To President Kennedy himself we have clear evidence of a bullet hole in his neck, in the front.I have contended that the front bullet did not necessarily have to pass through his body and could be stopped by his spine. But on the other hand it is quite possible that the bullet did in fact go completely through his body. Here is photo evidence that it did, but not through his shirt or jacket.This hole is described as a entrance hole from the rear, and did leave a hole in his shirt and jacket.The following anomaly can only be guessed at, what is it? You see something protruding from the Presidents back which is obviously covered in dried blood. You can see it throws a shadow as does the ruler held by the physicians that follows the same direction. Could it be something, lets say, a bullet, that stuck to his back in a pool of blood, trapped by his shirt? I can find no information as to any wound in this area. Do one of you?A short video explaining the back wounds and evidence.
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Re: Moment of Impact

Post by Bob »

JFK was wearing not one, but TWO back braces that day. JFK was wearing two heavy duty canvas, elastic back braces, under an under shirt, dress shirt, and suit coat. The shirt and jacket in The National Archives show a bullet hole through them as well.
bob franklin
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Re: Moment of Impact

Post by bob franklin »

a picture of Exhibit C35:

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Re: Moment of Impact

Post by kenmurray »

Then we have Gerald Ford moving the JFK back wound:
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Re: Moment of Impact

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Then we have Gerald Ford moving the JFK back wound: also has an excellent section about this in the contents section on the home page called Special Release...
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Re: Moment of Impact

Post by ChristophMessner »

a) An impact on JFK before he disappears behind the traffic plate is improbable, because Connally does not react until Z225 and because JFK reacted with reflex to the hit into the back and a reflex takes only .2 seconds after impact. First impact on JFK was at Z222, you see how his trunk was pushed forward and his head is following a bit later because of inertia. b) no reaction of Greer and Kellerman or spectators before they disappeared behind the traffic platec) the Altgens photo marking of a through-and-through bullet hole on the windshield perspectively right to the back mirror contradicts the hospital photo, on which you see only a crack to the left of the back mirrord) the black spot beyond the back wound could be a pimple only, you see more darker parts on the skin on the back, maybe pimple darken when the blood circulation stopped
Billy Boggs
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Re: Moment of Impact

Post by Billy Boggs »

a) An impact on JFK before he disappears behind the traffic plate is improbable, because Connolly does not react until Z225 and because JFK reacted with reflex to the hit into the back and a reflex takes only .2 seconds after impact. First impact on JFK was at Z222, you see how his trunk was pushed forward and his head is following a bit later because of inertia. Please forgive me for this observation, but what does Connolly reacting have anything to do with Kennedy being shot? Why would Connolly react when he isn't even looking at Kennedy? Connolly was hit with the 3rd or 4th shot fired from the rear. The first shot hit only Kennedy, no one else. Besides, everyone in that car knew it was coming except for Jacky and John, with maybe an exception for Gov Connoly's wife.
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Re: Moment of Impact

Post by ChristophMessner »

Billy, I just thought that Connally would react to any fireshot sound relatively immediately, because he said in one of his interviews: "... I knew immediately it was a rifle shot ..."Of course Connally's reaction is no proof / no proof regarding bullets in JFK, but I truely can't see any significant evidence of a shot before Z200 on the Zapruder film. Yet of course an early shot is possible. Do you think, Greer and Kellerman wore bullet-proof vests? Chris
Kit Carp
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Re: Moment of Impact

Post by Kit Carp »

As far as I am aware, all of the evidence, and it's considerable eyewitness testimony, places the single backbrace, (corset really), and the additional ace bandage everyone tends to tag also as a "backbrace", very, very low on the President...both below his navel and/or belt. It's quite specific, neutral testimony....and each piece of testimony buttresses the others, and "feels" reliable.Can anyone cite actual evidence of a higher placement for either item, or evidence of the third brace, corset, bandage...whatever?It would be really, really handy if there were a higher backbrace placed in a spot to slow down a bullet. I can understand the logic in wanting it to exist to explain the otherwise inexplicable hole, (or wounds), in Kennedy's high back.But, artifically putting it there, without evidence, is not the way researchers should operate, in my opinion. The truth is not always neat and tidy. The hole itself is not proof of a backbrace, nor should we mistake it as such.There are other possible explanations for this peculiar hole in the President's back.*** There were a lot of witnesses reacting to "something" well before Kennedy disappeared behind the sign. At least two secret service agents, Jackie, the little running girl, and various other folks are reacting to some stimuli at about the same moment. Testimony of various of these people tends to suggest that yes, they were reacting to what they at first thought was a firecracker or backfire. Conanally and his wife very specficially mention hearing an early shot, quite specficially before before C is seperately hit. C spoke clearly about turning to look at the President one direction, then turning the other, before being hit. This is precisely what he is shown doing, as they disappear behind the sign.Anyone who takes the time to carefully look at all of the frames, and not focus on one or two, is forced to come to the conclusion that Kennedy is reacting to being hit before the time Conally's lapel flaps as he is hit. When this occurs, Ks hands are well on his way to his throat. This of course, all by itself, completely destroys the Magic Bullet Theory. I've never heard any Lone-nutter come close to explaining how Kennedy can react before he is hit. The Lone-Nutters, in heads-in the-sand desperation, are forced to claim Kennedy isnt reaching for his throat...which is just ludicrous. The proof is right there in the first frames that show him emerging from the sign. Look at 'em....he is well along in reacting. Each frame is 1/18 or so of a second. There has to be a bit of reaction time involved. K is hit before disappearing behind the sign.The Warren Commission's own doctors all thought Connally ought to have reacted before Kennedy, due to the painful nature of all his shattered bones. Kennedy gets hit circa frames 180-196...Connally not until emerging from the sign. The strike on C is perfectly visible.Both of the super secret photographic studies of the film in the days after the assassination agreed on this, (the paper "boards still exist), and it's why the FBI disagreed with the "Magic Bullet" scenerio in it's findings.I also think you can see Kennedy reacting to that neck hit in the frame shown at the top of this page, and in the preceeding two frames, which arent shown here. You need to look at them sequencially to see it, on a good copy of the film. His hand either moves forward, or his head is pushed back. The frame is fuzzy, making it hard to tell which. I think that is the moment he reacts, and the neck strike is a couple frames before this.If so, there likely was an earlier shot still, as the people around him are already reacting visibly to something irregular, in my opinion.