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Re: Help With A College Project

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:52 am
by Phil Dragoo you decide to deconstruct the Magic Bullet, Commission Exhibit 399 (CE 399), please feel free to use the above icon combining its pristine tip with its historically essential creator and proponent.As has been said, with the refutation of the Single-Bullet Theory, the necessity of more shots and more shooters proves conspiracy, destroys the Lone Gunman myth, and throws open the case for re-examination.We've been lied to for nearly a half century, and at great cost to our national conscience.God speed

Re: Help With A College Project

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:47 pm
by Alec
My speech is lined up for Wednesday, and I think I am going to go ahead and do the JFK assassination, persuading everyone that the single-bullet theory and lone gunman endorsed by our government is false.I need visual aides. These can consist of many things.-One visual aid I will use is a poll on how many Americans believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.-Another will be the Zapruder Film-Do you think the Moorman photo of the badgeman SHOULD be used? I would let people decide for themselves as to whether or not a person is there.My closing argument will be the Zapruder shot. I will then ask people to point whether they feel a shot came from the front, or behind.Any other thoughts, ideas, will be appreciated.I am still working on a killer introduction statement and closing statement.Thanks guys.

Re: Help With A College Project

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:06 pm
by ChristophMessner
I'm pretty sure that umbrella man and radio man were mainly standing there to attract JFK's eyes to make him sit upright and look to the right. The tramps in the train were mainly patsy-supply for the fence shooters and else. Firestairs-man and apron-man signaled the shooters.

Re: Help With A College Project

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:54 pm
by Bob
Alec, I would NOT use the Badgeman scenario in your presentation. That will just cause more confusion. The key is the single bullet theory. Make sure you can prove it is an impossible theory. Mention the Gerald Ford situation, when he raised JFK's back wound to fit the plausibility of the ridiculous theory. No single bullet = CONSPIRACY

Re: Help With A College Project

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:01 pm
by Kit Carp
The best way to finish strong is to includ the findings of the government's own House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1976. Advocates of the Long Nut Theory are loathe to include the truth...that our own government's "official" latest investigation in the case actually found that Kennedy was indeed probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. End of report, bada bing bada-boom.Here is the actual line from the House report."The Committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that president John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy."

Re: Help With A College Project

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:12 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Alec,In a five to seven minute speech, you can easily cover these points to persuade anyone that JFK was killed as the result of a conspiracy.- The Zapruder film shows JFK's head being thrown back and to the left, strongly indicating a shot from the front. It's basic transfer of momentum from the missile (bullet) hitting the head and transfering its energy as it penetrated the skull. An easy way to point this example out is to ask your audience, rhetorically, what direction someone's head would go if you walked up to them and shot them in the forehead or temple.- In addition to what the Zapruder film shows, you can talk about how the House Select Committee On Assassinations in 1977-1978 concluded that a shot DID come from the grassy knoll, which was to the front and right of the President. This was based on acoustic evidence and sound tests they did in that investigation. (There's an audio recording of the assassination, and this government committee did sound tests in the plaza. Of course, the committee concluded that there was a "probable" conspiracy because, they reasoned that someone DID fire a shot from the knoll but that didn't mean that the person was working WITH Oswald and that the shot missed. How's THAT for BS? LOL)- In addition, there's the testimony given to the Warren Commission by a police officer (I believe it was Officer Smith...correct me if I'm wrong, guys.) who got off his motorcycle and ran up the hill toward the knoll with his gun out. I believe this was the officer who encountered the fake secret service man. (I say fake because the Secret Service also told the Warren Commission that they didn't have anybody in the plaza on the ground because all the agents were with the Secret Service man on the knoll HAD to be an imposter.) Anyway, my point is that a police officer had reason to suspect that there was a shooter on the knoll or he wouldn't have dumped his bike and ran up the grassy knoll with his gun out looking for a shooter. Also, why was there a fake Secret Service man who discouraged the officer from searching the area behind the picket fence at the knoll? You can even find pictures here on this forum of the policeman going up the hill toward the grassy knoll. - There are also interviews of witnesses done by Mark Lane. You can find YouTube links to it (they're in black-and-white), where he interviewed many witnesses who said they say either smoke or heard a shot come from the knoll. Similarly, there are interviews done of all the doctors at Parkland Hospital who ALL described a large exit wound in the back of the Presiden't head. How's that for a start?

Re: Help With A College Project

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:43 pm
by Alec
Pasquale:When writing my outline for tomorrow's speech, everything you said I have already included. Which means that I am DEFINITELY on the right track! Thanks bud! 5-7 minutes goes by VERY quickly. I am going to list all of the important witnesses (Jean Hill, S.M. Holland, Officer Smith, Ed Hoffman, etc) and just mention their roles.Thanks to everyone for their help.P.S. Does anyone think it would be a good idea to print out maps of dealey plaza and hand them out to the audience? I would mark out where the witnesses were and where the grassy knoll and such are, too.

Re: Help With A College Project

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:48 pm
by Alec
Also, I am trying to think of an "attention-grabbing" introduction sentence(s) that will draw the audience in. I have failed so far in my efforts, but I want it to be something like...."What if I told you, that your very own government murdered your president..." or something along those lines.

Re: Help With A College Project

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:19 am
by Alec
Due to time constraints, I feel that it is best to persuade people that "Lee Harvey Oswald didn't act alone". I will tell the audience that I, personally believe Lee Harvey Oswald to be innocent, but due to time constraints won't be able to prove he was, but will prove that the shooter in the 6th book depository didn't act alone.I don't like my intro so far, hoping you guys might think of something better?Here is what I have as my intro:“It was voted #6 on the most important events of the 20th century. It was also the crime of the century, and yet, after 47 years, it has still yet to be solved. The interesting aspect of this crime though, is that the victim was our 35th president, John F. Kennedy. Our government “investigated” the murder of JFK, and came to the bone-headed conclusion that a single man fired 3 shots in nearly less than 6 seconds to get the job done. I do not have all of the time to show you that they were purposely lying to us, in an effort to cover up the true assassins, but I will prove to you that Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged alone assassin, wasn’t alone at all.”

Re: Help With A College Project

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:20 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Alec wrote:Pasquale:When writing my outline for tomorrow's speech, everything you said I have already included. Which means that I am DEFINITELY on the right track! Thanks bud! 5-7 minutes goes by VERY quickly. I am going to list all of the important witnesses (Jean Hill, S.M. Holland, Officer Smith, Ed Hoffman, etc) and just mention their roles.Thanks to everyone for their help.P.S. Does anyone think it would be a good idea to print out maps of dealey plaza and hand them out to the audience? I would mark out where the witnesses were and where the grassy knoll and such are, too.I think it would be a great idea to hand out maps to your audience, but I would make sure to show the map and the motorcade route in your slide show as well. You'd be surprised at how many people don't even know the layout of Dealy Plaza.