My opinion on 9/11 cause

JFK Assassination
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by ChristophMessner »

Mark68 wrote:My biggest problem w/ the whole "terror" BS is terrorists don't stop until they're dead (see pscyhopaths). If it was a true terrorist attack which it certainly wasn't it has to be most lucky act in the history of man. Not only super incredibly lucky w/ tower 1 but even far, far luckier w/ the collapse of tower 2. The conservative odds of this happening has got to be in excess of 1 in a few million. If not even less. To insult our intelligence even further the finding of Attah's driver's license besides being yet more outright bullshit is even less odds, like 1 in few hundred million.Your right in that it definitely was the first strike towards a NWO, then the fake economic collapse that soley benefitted the world bank. The funniest thing (not ha-ha) is the more desperate THEY become and more DESPERATE acts they commit the weaker they become and ultimately the more they're gonna lose. I'll never lose my faith in goodness and karma. Not "christianity". Buddhism is helluva lost closer to a true "religion" than a collection of BS lie stories exaggerated more as time goes by.You speak out of my heart, Mark. JDB4JFK wrote: There are four things in life that are for sure:1. YOU WILL LIVE!2. YOU WILL PAY TAXES!3. YOU WILL DIE!4. YOU WILL BOW DOWN AND FACE THE LORD!5. You will smile about the nonsense so many christians tell about the transcendence, as if they would know earlier. turtleman wrote:Oh please don't throw that "bow down and face the lord" crap at us JDB4JFK. Our religious fringe is as wacky as the Taliban we are at war with. I have had it with our christian god B.S. too. And do yourself a favor. Don't feel sorry for those that don't subscribe to your beliefs. Mark68 I don't know where or when you fell out of the sky but you have not said anything I don't agree with. You don't mince words.You speak out of my heart, too. JDB4JFK wrote:The funny thing about that is if we evolved from apes than why are there still apes? Cause God wanted the apes to have some species to laugh about later on. JDB4JFK wrote: By the way JFK BELIEVED IN JESUS CHRIST AND GOD! Maybe! Who knows? His death looks like conscious sacrifice, too. Jsnow915 wrote:whether JFK believed in God or not...he was still a human being and he had quite a few skeletons in his the rest of the Kennedy clan....they werent as perfect as you might think.True. But nevertheless the assassination on Jack and Bobby Kennedy were attacks on the meaning of the office, too, it was a demonstration that the top of the hidden power pyramid doesn't care about democracy and elections and people's will. Mark68 wrote:The religious correlation is the organization which orchestrated the murder of JFK (Christians In Action) are the "problem solving" section of the protestant oligarchy (sp?) aka Scottish Rites/Freemasons. Kinda of "funny" the very people who killed Kennedy basically because they knew he wasn't going to pursue a war in Vietnam which was going to prevent some key "religous" people from making billions are the same people who posture to be members the Scottish Rites and/or Freemasons which both are fundamentalist christian organizations. is much truth to all this. But I guess reality is more complex. In each interest group you have some independant minds who can cross plans or have new ideas. And the clever ones rule the stupids by nature, whether they want or not. And hierarchies of unconditional obedience can turn out to be less effective than interaction plus dialogue.
Dealey Joe
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Dealey Joe »

Gentlemen I do not argue religion but I will add a few things.For one I agree that Church religion is way off the mark.Ministers think they have to have a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to attract believers.I have yet to find a church group what has a clue as to what God is.Most think and teach that the Ten Commandments are Gods laws, and can only see a God as being human in nature.These are actually Rules that God gave to Moses because the people were demanding Laws.Gods laws are things that are unchangeable and dependable, the laws of science, nature,The sun and solar system, Gravity ect.Regardless if you believe in a creator, big bang, or just happening is your right.But I do agree that modern religion is a hoax and a conspiracy that promises Heaven as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.But I sure do believe in God the creator and provider and I don't need to attend someone's church to find that.But you do whatever you need to do to find God. (Whatever motivates you)Like old Hank Jr. said "They told me to send God my money, but they gave me their address"
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Bob »

Dealey Joe wrote:Gentlemen I do not argue religion but I will add a few things.For one I agree that Church religion is way off the mark.Ministers think they have to have a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to attract believers.I have yet to find a church group what has a clue as to what God is.Most think and teach that the Ten Commandments are Gods laws, and can only see a God as being human in nature.These are actually Rules that God gave to Moses because the people were demanding Laws.Gods laws are things that are unchangeable and dependable, the laws of science, nature,The sun and solar system, Gravity ect.Regardless if you believe in a creator, big bang, or just happening is your right.But I do agree that modern religion is a hoax and a conspiracy that promises Heaven as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.But I sure do believe in God the creator and provider and I don't need to attend someone's church to find that.But you do whatever you need to do to find God. (Whatever motivates you)Like old Hank Jr. said "They told me to send God my money, but they gave me their address"Well said Joe. First off, EVERYONE has a right to believe what they want regarding religion or whether or not there is a God. I was raised a Roman Catholic. Now I am an OPRC. That means I'm an occassionally practicing Roman Catholic. Many of the preachings of the Church are 180 degrees from their actual practices, and that is NEVER good. Right now I would say I am a true spiritualist now...and I'm still searching for answers. One of my best friends in Florida is an agnostic. I would say that religion, at least in the United States, has bastardized the TRUE teachings of Jesus. Religion is all about following the money now. A practice that Jesus would abhor. Religion also mixes with politics nowadays. Most of the politicians that preach about family values and religion act the exact opposite in their personal life. The marriage of religion and politics helped cause the death of Jesus. The Church has protected pedophiles. The Church has protected Nazis, and people that have committed evil acts. That is not was Jesus taught. FAR from it. Yes, the Church does many good things as well, but overall the Church, and all Christian religions anyway, seem WAY off the mark in some of their teachings, but more so with their practices. The Jewish faith, the Muslims, the Buddhists and all religions seem to have flaws, mostly again in the practice of their faith. The meaning of life is like solving the JFK assassination in many ways. The answer is out there somewhere.
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Mark68 »

Daniel Hopsicker (mole or not?) wrote an eye opening article I find incredible.> shall not kill. I guess that doesn't apply to anyone outside of they're tiny, pathetic circle. I beleive there very much will be an "end of the world" as we americans see it. Because WE allowed our leaders to do it to us. All they're gonna do is run away to europe most likely and start over in the EU. Unfortuneatly, it probably will be in my disabled son's lifetime & I won't be around to protect him.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Mark68 wrote:Daniel Hopsicker (mole or not?) wrote an eye opening article I find incredible.> shall not kill. I guess that doesn't apply to anyone outside of they're tiny, pathetic circle. I beleive there very much will be an "end of the world" as we americans see it. Because WE allowed our leaders to do it to us. All they're gonna do is run away to europe most likely and start over in the EU. Unfortuneatly, it probably will be in my disabled son's lifetime & I won't be around to protect him.I ALMOST agree with you except for the idea of us "allowing our leaders to do it to us." If the media is controlled and only gives information out according to what their masters tell them to give out, how can we blame the general public?In my humble opinion, it is the duty of people like US (all of us here) to get information out there to the rest of society. There are STILL people out there who don't even KNOW that a third building collapsed on 9/11, World Trade Center Building 7 that collapsed in 6.5 seconds at a little after 5pm on 9/11. It wasn't even hit by a plane, and it pancaked in 6.5 seconds, straight down. The reason they don't know is because the media doesn't talk about it...period. We need to EDUCATE people and not put the blame on them for "allowing" leaders to do "it" to them.That's my 2 cents.
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Mark68 »

The more I research the more I can see the possible, if not definite, involvement of Isreal/Mossad in the fake "terrorist" attack aka 9/11. It certainly would produce a highly visible and reactive false flag which would greatly enhance ant-muslim feelings. While I don't agree w/ his Hussein-like dictatorship rule I do respect his & Huge Chavez's speaking what probably is more truth re: 9/11 than any other world leaders who are afraid of facing the wrath of the NWO.
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Mark68 »

And the more I think about this I'm reminded that the US/Isreal NEVER seem to learn a lesson. The outright EVIL that they sow to enhance they're global agenda ALWAYS 100% of the time backfires. Christain bullshit brainwashing to assure total allegiance & keep the $$/control flowing is reaching the end of its road and they're gonna have to keep manufacturing "boogey men" to keep everyone afraid and thusly at least subconsciously needing them and they're weapons of war.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Mark68 wrote:And the more I think about this I'm reminded that the US/Isreal NEVER seem to learn a lesson. The outright EVIL that they sow to enhance they're global agenda ALWAYS 100% of the time backfires. Christain bullshit brainwashing to assure total allegiance & keep the $$/control flowing is reaching the end of its road and they're gonna have to keep manufacturing "boogey men" to keep everyone afraid and thusly at least subconsciously needing them and they're weapons of war.Regarding the "evil" you refer to, it gives me hope to think of our government and media as only having been hijacked, much like, I believe, these right-wing Zionists have hijacked the Jewish religion. It means that there is still hope to change things if we can just get the information out there. There are lots of orthodox Jews who don't agree with the state of Israel. There are also Jews who live in Iran and who get along just fine.The way I see it, our government has been infected and if heavily controlled by Zionist lobbies like AIPAC. Any criticism is handled through the largely Zionist-controlled media (see my other posts on my 9/11 topic regarding media control) and organizations like the Jewish Defense League and the Anti-defamation League (whose name is kind of ironic because they, the ADL, seem to be the ones always defaming other people). LOLSo, if they heavily influence our government, our media, and the entertainment business, we can fight them with facts.
Michael Dell
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Michael Dell »

Ahmadinejad is forming a panel to investigate 9/11... “I announce that the formation of an independent and neutral team to examine the facts and discover the truth of the September 11 events is the demand of all the peoples of the region and the world.” ... ation.html
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Re: My opinion on 9/11 cause

Post by Bob »

Ahmadinejad is ruffling some feathers Michael. Good for him. But Iran will be the next piece taken in the neocon chess board. Expect a phony false flag event at some point. Not to mention all the oil Iran has. Iran has even more oil than Iraq. Just like wars in Afghanistan and Iraq...the CIA, the war profiteers (like Blackwater and Halliburton) and big oil will all be happy as pigs in shit. So will Israel.