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Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:38 pm
by Shane
It should also be noted that JFK came forward with his arms crossed. The movement of his arms coupled with the fact that they were lifting to his throat could lead people to believe that was a throat shot (coupled with the initial report from Parkland doctors). But his body is moving forward, which leads me to believe this was the shot that came from behind and struck him in the back. If it would have been a shot from the front, his body would have reacted as such, throwing him backward. I have also heard (I cannot confirm this) that Kenendy was wearing his back brace. It is well-known Kennedy had a bad back. I have heard reports/speculation that if he hadn't been wearing the back brace, the shot that hit him in the back would have knocked him out of the field of James Files' fire. But he was wearing the brace and it left him sitting like a duck on the pond.But I do not want to contribute to rumor and speculation. Again, this post was intended to be comprised of facts that could not be disputed and would be an easy first step for those entering the forum of the JFK assassination conspiracy.

Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:03 pm
by Dealey Joe
I have contemplated the back wound and cannot come up with any logical conclusion why it would be a very shallow non life threatening would.Then a couple days ago a light came on and I can see that a bullet proof coat could do this.What do you think?

Connally Turns Around, Not Hit By Magic Bullet

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:17 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:31 pm
by Shane
I had a moment to browse the website again today and realized I had left off one the most gross and obvious signs of conspiracy –The autopsy photos, which go against the testimony of, to name a few, Jackie Kennedy, Clint Hill of the Secret Service, as well as the police officer riding to Kennedy’s left on a motorcycle, who was hit with such a forceful blast of blood and tissue he believed he had been shot.The discrepancy can be found not only in the testimony, but also in the different pictures released by our government. You can see these pictures on the website under “The Autopsy.”

Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:40 pm
by Bob
Dealey Joe wrote:I have contemplated the back wound and cannot come up with any logical conclusion why it would be a very shallow non life threatening would.Then a couple days ago a light came on and I can see that a bullet proof coat could do this.What do you think?I don't know about a bullet proof coat, but how about a very sturdy brace? Because that is what JFK had on that day. That is why he was not able to get down after the first shot hit him.

Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:00 pm
by Dealey Joe
I don't know. I just thought a cloth thickness or two would not stop a bullet?MAybe it did but I would like a little better explanation.

Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:18 pm
by Bob
JFK had a long-term back problem and always wore a steel-boned brace. Here is a photo of the type of brace and clothing JFK wore...

Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:20 am
by SLogan
Bob wrote:I say this ONCE again. The first shot that hit JFK was not a shot to the throat, but a back wound. As someone who has back issues, I make the EXACT same movement with my arms and have clinched fists as well, when I'm jabbed in the back unexpectantly. Also where is the exit wound if JFK was hit in the throat? Thom Robinson saw the doctors at Bethesda track the massive head wound in JFK's head to his throat. In addition to that, Robinson also noted that exit wound fragment (shrapnel) particles were seen on JFK's face. But...let's disregard Robinson. He was only at JFK's pre-autopsy procedure and his REAL autopsy.AGAIN...think about Parkland for a second folks. Yes...the doctors thought JFK's throat wound was an entrance wound...but it was a fart in the wind compared to JFK's massive head wound...that the doctors were much more concentrated on. JFK was as dead as a door nail that moment he took the simultaneous shots from Files and Nicoletti. The doctors knew it as soon as they saw him. But they tried to do what they could. Jackie Kennedy was there as well. They had to try and make an effort. It was a madhouse there, just like it was at Bethesda later that night. The throat wound was a secondary venture, compared to the softball sized head wound.I'm with Bob on the throat wound > No shot ......Where are the fragments.....there's no exit wound to this so called entrance wound so the bullet and it's fragments are where?Also I'm sure the brace and ace bandage were for his lower back. Were the brace and bandage washed before the picture was taken? Matching the autopsy photos of his back you can make out where the bleeding down his back stopped which also aligns with the shirt and suit coat evidence. His shirt wasn't washed prior to the evidence picture . Also I find it odd that there is no T-shirt . 1963 , dress shirt , suit .Any proper Bostonian would wear a t-shirt .

Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:11 am
by Alex Hidell
Where does it say in Physcis 101 that when a bullet enters a human body that it has to exit??????Ruby shot LHO in the left torso, bullet ripping through his heart and lodging just below the skin in his right torso area. Where was the exit wound for LHO's fatal shot from Ruby??? there was none!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because the bullet stayed in his body Guys, get a grip on this throat wound. Just because a bullet enters a human body does not mean it has to exit.Most likely throat wound scenario-Shot from front at frame 188 of Z film. JFK shows immediate reaction. All 13 medical professionals who examined JFK's throat wound at Parkland expressed the same opinion- all 13- wound of entrance, 5 mm across, perfectly round, very typical for an entracne wound and they saw bullet wounds every day ofheir lives.Bullet hits his cervical spine and veers downward into his lung cavity.Autopsy doctors recover a "missile" during autopsy that is subsequently "lost".Lungs show bruising and blood from injury- Case ClosedBack Wound was 5 and 1/2 inches below his collar. It does not linep with frontal wound. back woudn was found to be less than 1/4 inch deep. It did not penetaret chest cavity poer autopsy dotcors report. Case Closed.

Re: Evidence of a Conspiracy - a beginners guide

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:37 am
by Dealey Joe
You got it all figured out with the exception of Velocity and the one inch deep back wound.