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Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:57 pm
by John Zeroski
There is no doubt that the Kennedy assassination can be "unraveled".The TRUTH has always been there, IN PLAIN SIGHT.The Warren Commission was controlled by agents of the Rockefeller organization.The control of the CFR was taken over by this organization in 1953, about a generation after its founding. Dulles and McCloy were originally part of the Morgan group, and somewhere along the way they shifted over to the Rockefeller organization.The Bilderberg group founded about a year later, in Holland.Ten years after the takeover occurred the Kennedy assassination.Ten years after that the Trilateral Commission was founded.With the Carter administration the Trilaterals took control of the US government.Carter even had to be interviewed by the president-maker, David R.The infrastructure of the New World Order can be reasonably said to have coincided with the beginnings of the preplanned Cold War, the creation of the CIA, the Rockefeller takeover, the Bilderberg founding, and continued with the government takeover by the Trilateralists.If Donald Gibson were right in his fingering the CFR, only two real possibilities exist for which group was responsible for the assassination, the Morgan group or the Rockefeller group. Dulles and McCloy represented Rockefeller interests on the Warren Commission.Has anybody on this forum read Jim Marrs' Rule by Secrecy? The first part of the book is a good introduction to the New World Order agenda. He introduces a new set of suspects for the assassination. Is there a thread here on this book?I repeat, the perps behind the assassination have always been in plain sight. Blinders need to be taken off to see this.


Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:02 am
by kenmurray
Jim Marrs talks about his book "Rule By Secrecy:


Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:24 pm
by John Zeroski
As I have suggested, the leadership of the CFR is usually understood to have been taken over by the Rockefeller group in 1953.An interesting book on the Rockefellers written with the co-operation of the Rockefeller archives is titled God's Gold, by John T Flynn. Two interesting pieces of info emerge. John D Rockefeller presumably was the most hated person in America for a period of about four decades. Worth noting. Secondly, there is presumably a psycopath strain in the family, if you can believe what is written about the progenitor of this family, the con-man William Rockefeller.This strain is duly noted in the books by author Dr Emanuel Josephson. There are three or four which could be read by anyone interested in this family. Josephson also believes this family are psycopaths. His books on FDR put this president within of the Rockefeller orbit of influence. All this material is well worth anybody's time.Another Rockefeller basher is the noted conspiracy theorist Eustace Mullins. In chapter 10 of his book Murder by Injection he discusses the relationship between the Rothschild and Rockefeller groups. While he places the Rockefeller group far below the Rothschilds in terms of the global financial picture, he claims the Rockefellers are very important on the American scene as they are the "actual working control mechanism of the American colony".Whether Mullins intended this claim to refer to the possibility of Rockefeller involvement in the assassination or not, this possibility is worth thinking about. there is an enormous body of available information on the Rockefellers.BTW, the first half of Rule by Secrecy should be required reading by anyone who wants to begin an historical approach to secret societies and the JFK assassination.


Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:39 am
by R Croxford
If me and you and every single person who has the intelligence to see the reality that is the CFR and the rest of the global manipulators. It will never be unraveled. Officially. No one cares. They are too busy watching American Idol and dancing with the stars. I am the choir.


Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:10 am
by Dealey Joe
The 2% of us who do care have to carry the ball.


Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:23 pm
by John Zeroski
In a valuable book, The Assassinations, co-author Jim DiEugenio made this claim on page 324:"In 1964, author Morris Bealle, a genuine conservative and critic of the Eastern Establishment, wrote a novel called Guns of the Regressive Right, depicting how that elite group had gotten rid of Kennedy. THERE CERTAINLY IS A LOT OF EVIDENCE TO SUBSTANTIATE THAT CLAIM". (my caps)This book, GOTRR, has a group of corporate types, probably meeting somewhere in Rockefeller Center to discuss the assassination. I believe most of them, who were given name changes, are still easily identifiable. DR is the #2 person of this group. Has anyone who read this book able to identify the leader?Bealle has also written an excellent book on the Rockefellers, included in a short bibliography at the end of a web post on this organization titled Rome, Rockefeller, the U. S. and Standard Oil. Link: this website has a great deal of information, I am usually leery of sites that have a religious bias, and this one is no exception. However, there are things worth looking at, including the essay on the Rockefeller Power Grab.Another section on this site claims the power grab was part of the reason for the assassination.Link: another part, there is a very short bibliography which includes the short Gary Allen book titled The Rockefeller File. This book has a short chapter concerning the Rockefeller "religion", which has been excised from the internet version. If you are at all interested in the Rockefeller group, this is a very good short introduction.The larger bibliography at the end of the main part has included the Bealle book as well as two titles by Dr Emanuel Josephson, which ought to be a part of anyone's reading list, supposing Donald Gibson is correct in his analysis of the CFR.Again, a lot of speculation with very little back-up, and maybe typical of the material on these religious websites. But also very interesting.


Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:34 pm
by Deborah
R Croxford wrote:If me and you and every single person who has the intelligence to see the reality that is the CFR and the rest of the global manipulators. It will never be unraveled. Officially. No one cares. They are too busy watching American Idol and dancing with the stars. I am the choir.I agree with you but you know what, everyone on this Forum cares. And by participating on this Forum we are creating a RECORD, for even when as you, and I too, feel sometimes at the end of day, literally invisible and inconsequential and helpless to bring to justice criminals in control of past and present governments and nations and yearn to hear a collective response from the masses of the red alert bell being rung, the RECORD will remain and thereby we serve as a beacon to those whom come after us, some of whom are not yet born. Our collective knowledge of history, of politics, of society, of real time angst at injustices prevailing in our lifetimes and in this day and age, are worthy of our pen and worthy of our time and effort. Keep on doing what you doing. I am listening and surely so are many others. Respectfully, Deborah

Council on Foreign Relations

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:57 am
by Phil Dragoo
Donald Gibson in his Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, touches upon the Council on Foreign Relations.I suggest one strand of the tapestry be followed.CIA is credited with the 1953 Iran coup. In 1979 it was time to betray the Shah and bring in the Ayatollah Khomeini.Zbigniew Brzezinski was key. Allegedly mentored Obama in the early 80's. Coauthored with Robert M. Gates the 2004 CFR paper "Iran: Time for a New Approach."Gates was DCI under George H. W. Bush, part of the opposing ticket to the Carter-Mondale. Gates was SecDef under George W. Bush and was one of the very few carried over by the supposedly diametrically opposing Obama.Despite the alleged sanctions, Iran easily circumvents these using Citibank.The Arab Spring enabled by Obama is the systematic replacement of secular regimes with Islamist ones.Iran was allowed to repress its own uprising in 2009, alone among nations of the region, it was not made a target of a CIA-NATO "humanitarian intervention."While the Saudi Prince paid Obama's Harvard tuition, there's no doubt the Saudi royals have supreme influence over the House of Bush, indeed half the administration of any president of the last forty years and ninety percent of the retired careerists are in their pay. Huma Abedin was nothing if not the Saudi agent of influence for the candidate now SecState.Oil, Arms, Drugs.We are in Afghanistan for the drugs. There's no oil there. There was no oil in Iraq for the U.S., but taking out Iraq did ease the threat to both Iran and Saudi.Robert Baer suggests the U.S. stacks oil over national interest.Beyond Gibson is the Prouty-Evica-Scott supranational model.The CFR is not an institution promoting U.S. self-interest but rather the interest of the global power players.Russia and China have a deteriorating trade arrangement, devolving into suspicion. It will be recalled that Nixon opened trade with China just before the Helm's Watergate sabotage began to take hold.The temporary residents of the White House do not make policy. They enact policy made elsewhere.In the Council on Foreign Relations, for example.


Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:03 pm
by John Zeroski
A surprising source of information on the CFR comes from Pat Robertson, of all people, in his book titled The New world Order. Turns out to be an excellent primer on the NWO.Chapter 5 in Part Two, titled The Establishment, is especially worth reading.However, as early as page 9 in the paperbook edition we read:" is my firm belief that the events of public policy are not the accidents and coincidences we are generally lead to believe. They are planned. Further, I do not believe that normal men and woman, if left to themselves, would spend a lifetime to form a world into a unified whole in order to control it after it had been so unified. No, impulses of that sort do not spring from the human heart, or for that matter from God's heart. They spring, instead, from the depth of something that is evil, neither well intentioned nor benevolent."This is the recurrent theme of author A Ralph Epperson's book The Unseen Hand, a very good primer on conspiracy theory. He also wrote a book titled The New World Order, but, like the Robertson book, this book is marred by the introduction of the religious bias.But the first two parts of Robertson's book are well worth reading, as they are right on target.How does this book get to be a bestseller on the zionist New York Times list? Easy, the last part drags the beginning down and makes it more palatable.


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:01 pm
by John Zeroski
Another excellent internet paper which ties the CFR to the NWO is titled The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the New World Order.Actually, this paper needs to be studied, as it contains a great deal of very important information about some of the major players and issues. The link: ... tions.htmA good reference section is included at the end of the paper, but a must read to click on is the 1934 Louis T McFadden speech included in the Congressional Record, titled The Federal Reserve Corporation, remarks in Congress.Also worth a look is Colin Simpson's book The Lusitania. Simpson claims Churchill rescinded the order for the escort ship, then took off for France. In the same manner, Dulles set up the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, then took off for Puerto Rico.Some events appear to be, indeed, planned.