Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

JFK Assassination
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Head Shot

Post by Pennyworth »

http://images.google.com/images?q=jfk+a ... rch+Images

check the first picture out...I don't see honestly how anyone could revive him with a wound like this...
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Post by dankbaar »


See comment:

No swelling or discoloration to face.
(Died instantly)
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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"Appromimately 2 Small Shrapnel Wounds In The Face: (JF

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, And Fellow JFK Forum Members,

Excellent information, Wim, Thank You very much.

"Approximately 2 small shrapnel wounds in the face packed with wax."

This, to me underscores Jimmy's use of "mercury tip, hollow points that explode on impact, for the Remington Firball XP - 100, that Wolfman custom made for me for that assignment."

This further supports my belief, and Jimmy's, that the small throat wound was an exit wound from the exploding mercury tipped hollow point.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Reply To Paul:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Paul,

I don't know you very well, but you are a Loyal JFK Forum Member, and that is good enough for me.

Thank You for your responses.

To me, as stated by my friend Bob, "JFK was as dead as a door nail after the head shot."

To me, from then on, the cover-up begins.

I hope that our posts can make other members see this, and follow through with this reasoning.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Mark Johansson
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Post by Mark Johansson »

dankbaar wrote:Believe what you want, but The Dallas doctors were no part of the cover-up. Even if they knew JFK was dead on arrival, they would still try to re-animate him.

I agree with Wim, the cover-up started doubtless in the air between Dallas and Bethesda.

The late Paul O’Connor stated that Kennedy arrived in a cheap shipping casket, in a grey body bag with the brain missing. Already there you have a cover-up, as his body was shipped from Dallas in an expensive bronze casket, wrapped in sheet and with half of the brain missing.

The removal was probably done during LBJ’s presidential ceremony, which was probably smart, seeing that nobody was watching the casket of Kennedy, except for the guilty ones.

Mark Johansson
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Post by Mark Johansson »

Kjeld wrote:Hello, seen as this topic has something to do with the fatal head shot to the President i got a question about it and i hope someone can anwser is it. Mr Files said he aimed for JFK's right eye but he missed and hit him in the right temple, as you can see in the Zapruder film he his first moved forward. Could it be possible that Nicoletti or somebody else first hit him in the back of the head(if i remember, Mr Files thinks someone hit him before he did) that somehow Kennedy was allready dead? I hope you understand what i'm saying.

We understand you perfectly. James Files aimed at Kennedy’s right eye but struck him in his right temple, as a bullet pushed Kennedy’s head forward from the rear. The bullet that hit Kennedy in the back of the head had probably killed him anyway, as head injuries often lead to death.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Messers. Johansson and Kjeld:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messers. Mark Johannson, and Kjeld,

If you watch Jimmy's interview, he carefully and simply states why he and Nicoletti were going for a head shot, and when, and why Jimmy decided to fire, as he was counting misses.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Rob Waters
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Rob Waters »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Members,While having lunch with Jimmy this week, I told Jimmy about the slow motion head shot of Jimmy's on JFK from the Grassy Knoll on 11.22.1963,that is on the JFK Forum.Something has always annoyed me, and I have never believed anyone's statement as to how they struggled so valiantly to save JFK'S life at Parkland Hospital.I have always believed that JFK died instantly with Jimmy's headshot to JFK from the Grassy Knoll. After watching, and rewatching every video,and the slow motion head shot on JFK that is on the JFK Forum, I can not believe that JFK survived even one second after that shot from Jimmy Files.I believe that everyone was either in a state of panic, denial, or already beginning the cover-up.Jimmy was highly experienced with head shots in Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, and other places. With what Jimmy recalls seeing quickly as JFK'S head exploded from the Mercury Tipped Remington Fireball XP -100bullet, Jimmy agreed with me, that from what he saw then, and previous experiences, JFK would have to have been immediately dead. And not "brain dead," as there was no brain left. Any bodily movement would have to have been from nerves twitching, at best, if there was any.Hence, my conclusion, that JFK was dead instantly, with Jimmy Files head shot from the Grassy Knoll.And from the arrival at Parkland Hospital, any and all cover-ups began.I would like to hear the thoughts of my Fellow JFK Forum Members.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

I believe Dr. Peters made the comment that they wanted to at least make an attempt to revive him so no one could say that they know of people that have survived from head wounds and that it was a posability. I think anyone with a brain knows that there was no hope once Jimmy's and probably Chuck's for that matter hit him in the head.
M Klein
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Post by M Klein »

This guy saw the Files' shot:

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Post by dankbaar »

What a great video! Never seen it!

J – Were you a smoker at the time?

JF – Oh yes, I did smoke.

J – Were you smoking cigarettes that morning?

JF – I had smoked that day. Careless! I probably stepped on several cigarette butts and left them there. Most of them Pall Mall.

J – Was it muddy back there?

JF – It was very muddy. Let me put it this way: A couple of times I even took my shoes, put them above up the little country ledger and scraped the mud off the bottom of them. I hated getting mud on them.