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Re: Small Change, 2nd Edition:

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:39 am
by SeamusCoogan
Heres the "Loose Change: Final Cut" the 3rd installment. ... 8768610598# Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,Small Change, 2nd Edition, the DVD/Video.A Louder Than Words Production.Produced by Korey Rowe.Written and Directed by Dylan Avery.Who had the opportunity to plan 09.11.2001 ?Who had the equipment to complete 09.11.2001 ?Who had the will to plan and complete 09.11.2001 ?Who could cover up the planning and completion of 09.11.2001 on an ongoing basis ?Who benefitted from 09.11.2001 ?Last night a close friend of mine gave me two (2) videos. This is the first of two (2) posts that I will provide. This DVD blew me away even more than 09.11.2001 In Plane Site, by David Von Kleist, who also is a consultant to this DVD. And as I did previously, I very strongly recommend David Von Kleist's DVD.If you have any interest in 09.11.2001, US Government Conspiracies,and related matters, this is a must. So much powerful information here that I can't begin to describe this. I will definitely watch this several times, and upgrade this post down the road.Guess who was in charge of all Security Operations on the Twin Towers ?Marvin Bush, the youngest brother of President George W. Bush.I would appreciate all comments on this DVD.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Im not familiar with 'Short Change' but I have seen Loose Change (I used to cock the name up myself-if indeed it is a mistake) In all its various incarnations. I have generally been impressed with the lads who put each version together and rather than getting looser and more wild they actually had the courage to throw out less credible stuff add more source material thus tightening the screws each time and coming out with a tight as hell Final Cut version. Im generally pretty dismissive of Prison Planet affiliated stuff. But, but but these guys were wise enough to only let Jones and his crew distribute it. Thus by keeping it in house they have done a good service. My only complaint of the guys is a certain amount of naivety with regards to utilisng Dan (Ive seen the Zapruder film and his head went forward) Rather, making cryptic comments at the start. I wouldnt trust a word the SOB says. Now Im no 9/11 expert like many of the lads on here are but the options the Loose change guys present are very hard hitting. You've either got some high ups in the US knew that knew it was gonna happen and they let it. Or there was some high ups who flew planes into the Twin Towers, initiated a controlled demolitions and then rammed a missile into the Pentagon. I've said it before but either way you look at it I smell a big fat smelly rat there......his names Dick Cheney. This prick is all over it no matter how the cookie crumbles. Bob ill take a look at that doco you mentioned as well sounds very interesting.

Re: Small Change, 2nd Edition:

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:36 pm
by Bob
Please see this from another thread...First, how about a fomer FBI chief telling the truth... what he says about the CIA and terror attacks. Again...remember Operation Northwoods. Look at the plan... ... woods.htmlNote the similarities between the events of 9/11 and Operation Northwoods. Every member of the joint chiefs endorsed this plan. As did Allen Dulles and Ed Lansdale. JFK thankfully refused to enact the plan.That plan was introduced in March of 1962. The Cuban Missile Crisis came about in October of 1962. Once again, JFK refused to listen to the joint chiefs and their wishes to attack Cuba and basically start WWIII and a nuclear exchange.JFK was also going to get out of Vietnam, a war the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex wanted badly. Add to that the changes JFK was making to the Federal Reserve and that he was going to make big oil pay their fair share. Plus, Bobby was going after the mob with zeal.That led to 11/22/1963.That also led to 9/11.Remember how Adolph Hitler gained absolute power in Germany? The Reichstag Fire in 1933. It was another false flag event that led to WWII and all the pain, suffering and death that went with it. But lots of people made money off that war. People like Prescott Bu$h and people in his same social circle (or even higher).Look at what has happened since 9/11. The U.S. is engaged in two wars now in Afghanistan and Iraq. The war profiteers and the Military Industrial Complex are thrilled. It doesn't matter that Ronny Reagan and Poppy Bu$h armed and financed a couple of guys named Osama and Saddam in the 1980's in their fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan and the Iranians respectively. Friends then...enemies now. Either way, there is money to be made. And bodies to be buried. By the hundreds of thousands. All for blood money. And it still continues to this day, as Obama still hasn't figured out a way out of Iraq, but is also going to put in an additional 40,000 troops in Afghanistan. Bottom line, the puppet has changed in the White House, but the people pulling the strings haven't changed. That same group has been pulling the strings since 11/22/1963.Also, who is the Secretary of State now? The so called leader for foreign policy direction in the United States? That would be Hillary Clinton. The biggest difference between Obama and Hillary in their Presidential campaigns was the clear vision they had in foreign policy. So does it make ANY sense to make Hillary the Sec. of State? HELL no. Also remember that Hillary secretly met with Obama AFTER he won the nomination at the 2008 Bilderbergers meeting in Virginia. Also who is the Obama Secretary of Defense? That would be Dumbya Bu$h's last Sec. of Defense...Robert Gates. Gates is also a big time player in the Iran/Contra affair. In addition, Obama has given Wall Street the kid glove treatment and also made a Wall Street insider (Tim Geithner) the head of the Treasury. Geithner has been a TOTAL failure. So although the U.S. has a smarter, linguistically able President right now (Obama), the U.S. in actuality just has yet another puppet in the White House for the power elite.

Re: Small Change, 2nd Edition:

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:56 pm
by kenmurray
That loose change documentary is a good one for sure.

Re: Small Change, 2nd Edition:

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 4:58 pm
by Bob
Please see this video as well, as it's some of the European perspective of 9/11... ... tary_rev_1

Re: Small Change, 2nd Edition:

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:02 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Bob:Excellent points, Bob, as always.Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.Also, Happy Thanksgiving to all JFK Forum Members, and their families.I hope that you are improving.You are always in my prayers.Best Regards, Always.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Small Change, 2nd Edition:

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:22 am
by Bob
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Bob:Excellent points, Bob, as always.Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.Also, Happy Thanksgiving to all JFK Forum Members, and their families.I hope that you are improving.You are always in my prayers.Best Regards, Always.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Likewise my friend...likewise. Please give my best to Jimmy.

Re: Small Change, 2nd Edition:

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:49 pm
by kenmurray
Defense Secretary Gates says Bin Laden's location is unknown : ... 1206145533

Re: Small Change, 2nd Edition:

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:50 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:10.05.2006 - I Posted this informative Headline. An interesting, thoughtprovoking discussion developed by many great JFK Murder Solved ForumMembers.And of course some things have changed. We "finally killed Osama Bin Laden,"right ?But, "the more things change, the more things remain the same."Still, it is difficult, if not impossible to get serious attention focused today on09.11.2001, the Oklahoma Bombing, and others powerful issues and questions.Celebrating the 50 Year Anniversary Of The JFK Event, how hard will it beto get serious attention focused this year ?Does anybody have any more recent analysis, investigation, reading, research,and study that can be added here, Pro or Con ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

A List Of 9/11 Documentaries Online

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 8:55 pm
by kenmurray

Small Change, 2nd Edition:

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 5:12 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
09.11.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:10.06.2006 - I Originally Posted this interesting, powerful Headline and Supporting Material.A Discussion Developed covering many Valuable Facts.What have "We the People..." learned since then ?What have "We the People..." BEEN TOLD SINCE THEN ?(09.11.2017, BB).As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.