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Re: Why was there an ambulance in the police station

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:33 pm
by Dealey Joe
I am also not sure the ambulance was already there, we are not sure how much time elapsed? I think to assume the ambulance was waiting might be wrong?

Re: Why was there an ambulance in the police station

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:43 am
by AlanD
Managed to find this video which gives what looks like a full time line and you are right Joe that the ambulance does from this video arrive an impressive few minutes later, the car which I thought was the white ambulance looks like a police car escorting the prisoner transfer van. It also confirms that the basement was locked down after the shooting. Interesting that the TV men keep calling him Lee Harold Oswald.

Re: Why was there an ambulance in the police station

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:10 pm
by RobertP
Tommy Wilkens wrote:Lee Oswald's gun shot wound was not survivable. The single gunshot wound penetrated 6 major organs. The spleen,stomach,aorta,kidney,liver,diaphragm, Lee Oswald died from a massive hemorrhage.In everyday terms "he bleed to death"Precisely, Tommy, although, if you read the medical report, a valiant effort was made to stem the haemorrhaging that came very close to succeeding. If my memory serves me correctly, I believe the right renal artery and vein were destroyed by the bullet as well. The mistake Oswald made was to try to turn away from Ruby, allowing the bullet to transit his upper abdomen laterally. If he had remained facing Ruby, the wounding might have been limited to his left lung.