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Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:30 pm
by Dan

I will not be attending Lancer. I already have several hundred digital photos of Dealey Plaza and will take several hundred more - I don't have space on my very limited web site to post them, and I'm not sure how to do it here.

In an eralier post I stated that the missing Croft photo was destroyed by the FBI - that is factually incorrect - the missing Croft photo was returned as a blank by the FBI to Mr. Croft. The FBI apparently developed his film and produced a blank on the most important photo.

Help Please

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:56 pm
by Jim Thompson
Dan wrote:Jim, I already have several hundred digital photos of Dealey Plaza and will take several hundred more - I don't have space on my very limited web site to post them, and I'm not sure how to do it here.

Hi, Can Wim or one of the moderators help Dan? He has valuable photos. It would be great to get these up on forum!

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:01 pm
by francois bertrand
i found 2 MOD for that... (Wim know how to install MOD) :

Author: thirstyg
MOD Description: Allows users to upload images to ImageShack from your forum while posting.

MOD Version: 1.3.3 (Updated 07/24/06)
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~ 1 Minute

Download File: imageshack_1-3-3.mod
File Size: 2912 Bytes

MOD #2:
MOD Name: Simple Image Upload
Author: TehShunT
MOD Description: This is a very simple alternative to attachment mod. It works only with images and allows users to quickly add images to posts. All images are stored on third party image hosting service and bbcode for images is automatically inserted in posts when users upload images. Thumbnails are automatically created on image hosting server. This mod is very easy to install and very easy to use.

MOD Version: 1.0.3 (Updated 05/19/06)
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~ 1 Minute

Download File:
File Size: 2039 Bytes

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:17 pm
by Dan
Thanks Francois!

I'll give it a try when I return to Texas next week - I am currently in Germantown, Maryland.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:47 pm
by francois bertrand
Wim must install it on the forum before we can use it...

Throat Wound From Right

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 9:54 pm
by Dan
Some of the Parkland testimony indicates the throat wound came from the right front of the Limo - see Warren Commission Volume III beginning on page 360, the testimony of Dr. Carrico and Dr. Perry - of course the same volume III, under leading questions by Arlen Specter, goes onto state the throat wound could be an exit wound.

Dr. CARRICO. At that time the endotracheal tube was inserted, using a curved laryngoscopic blade, inserting an endotracheal tube, it was seen there were some contusions, hematoma to the right of the larynx, with a minimal deviation of the larynx to the left, and rugged tissue below indicating tracheal injury.

Mr. Specter.
Will you describe, as specifically as you can then, the neck wounds which you heretofore mentioned briefly?

Dr. CARRICO. There was a small wound, 5- to 8-mm. in size, located in the lower third of the neck, below the thyroid cartilage, the Adams apple.

Mr. Dulles.
A little bit to the left.

Dr. CARRICO. To the right.

Mr. Dulles.
Yes; to the right.

Dr. CARRICO. Yes. And this wound was fairly round, had no jagged edges, no evidence of powder burns, and so forth.

Representative Ford.
No evidence of powder burns?

Dr. CARRICO. So far as I know.

Representative Ford.
In the front?



Mr. Specter.
Have you now described that wound as specifically as based upon your observations at the time?

Dr. CARRICO. I believe so.

Mr. Specter.
And your recollection at the time of those observations?

Dr. CARRICO. Yes, an even round wound.


Mr. Specter.
Will you continue, then, Dr. Perry, as to what you observed of his condition?

Dr. PERRY. Yes, there was blood noted on the carriage and a large avulsive wound on the right posterior cranium.
I cannot state the size, I did not examine it at all. I just noted the presence of lacerated brain tissue. In the lower part of the neck below the Adams apple was a small, roughly circular wound of perhaps 5 mm. in diameter from which blood was exuding slowly.
I did not see any other wounds.
I examined the chest briefly, and from the anterior portion did not see any thing.
I pushed up the brace on the left side very briefly to feel for his femoral pulse, but did not obtain any.
I did no further examination because it was obvious that if any treatment were to be carried out with any success a secure effective airway must be obtained immediately.
I asked Dr. Carrico if the wound on the neck was actually a wound or had he begun a tracheotomy and he replied in the negative, that it was a wound, and at that point--

Mr. Specter.
Dr. Perry, you mentioned an injury to the trachea.
Will you describe that as precisely as you can, please?

Dr. PERRY. Yes. Once the transverse incision through the skin and subcutaneous tissues was made, it was necessary to separate the strap muscles covering the anterior muscles of the windpipe and thyroid. At that point the trachea was noted to be deviated slightly to the left and I found it necessary to sever the exterior strap muscles on the other side to reach the trachea.
I noticed a small ragged laceration of the trachea on the anterior lateral right side. I could see the endotracheal tube which had been placed by Dr. Carrico in the wound, but there was evidence of air and blood around the tube because I noted the cuff was just above the injury to the trachea.

Mr. Specter.
Would you now describe as particularly as possible the neck wound you observed?

Dr. PERRY. This was situated in the lower anterior one-third of the neck, approximately 5 mm. in diameter.
It was exuding blood slowly which partially obscured it. Its edges were neither ragged nor were they punched out, but rather clean.


Mr. Specter.
And from the level, from below or above the President?

Dr. PERRY. Not having examined any of the. wounds with the exception of the anterior neck wounds, I could not say. This wound, as I noted was about 5 mm., and roughly circular in shape. There is no way for me to determine.


Note all of the comments state that the larynx and trachea were pushed to the left. Also that the trachea was lacerated on the right. The president's tie was also nicked on the right side of the knot (the wearer's right or the left as you look at it). Note also the 5mm estimate of wound diameter - this is consistent with the 5.6mm bullet for a Remington .222 shell casing.

The Zapruder film also shows JFK looking to the right and turning in that direction when he disappears behind the sign - just before the throat wound. So, in my opinion, the angle of a shot being fired from the east shelter of the north pergola is possible to cause the throat wound.

Another Parkland Dr. Speaks

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:16 pm
by Dan
On June 19, 1992, Dr. Jones, now Chief of Surgery at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas, described the President’s throat wound as being “compatible with an entrance wound.â€

The Apron Man

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:41 pm
by Dan
Doesn't it seem unusual that the Apron Man and the Apron Man Assistant seen from Z218 to Z255 never look at the limo? Why would they travel to Dealey Plaza and not even to bother to look at the president?

What are they looking at? It may be the east shelter of the north pergola - they may be part of the team and were providing cover for the throat shooter.

During the entire throat shooting sequence they never look at the limo.

Apron Man

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:18 am
by Dan
The Don Roberdeau map places the Apron Man & friend too far east to be looking at the east shelter - they appear to be looking in the direction of the bushes that separate the sidewalk and the Elm Street Extension - or just at each car passing by - as shots were fired - it just doesn't look right in the Z film. Also the photo of the aftermath shows the Apron Man walking isolated in the opposite direction of the crowd - just walking up the middle of Elm Street (it was either a Towner or Willis photo - I can't remember)