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Merry Christmas, bobwc!

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:22 pm
by Jim Thompson
bobwc wrote:Thank You. This is most refreshing and uplifting comes just in the nick of time. JFK and RFK were true leaders. I hope that if anybody else shares my thoughts and feelings they would post them.bobwc

Yes, at this time of the year, especially, it behooves us to remember Tiny Tim & "that we are all mortal", to quote a great man. I heard a rumor that even Bob is lighting a candle for the mantle, just in case Dumbya should unexpectedly shoot down his chimney. God bless us, everyone!


Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:48 pm
by Bob
Yes, Merry Christmas everyone. Jim, if Dumbya comes down my chimney, I'll make sure I have a nice fire started. This time of year helps uplift our spirits, even in a time when our "leadership" is so inept and incompetent. May I add evil and delusional. The time will come when the Bu$hes get theirs. Did you see Poppy Bu$h breakdown yesterday giving a speech about Jeb? Maybe the sins of that traitorous and heartless family are finally catching up to the old man. I only hope he lives long enough to see his son shamefully removed from the White House and all the Bu$h family secrets exposed. Secrets like Samuel Bu$h selling arms to the Germans in WWI while the U.S. was involved in the conflict. Secrets like Prescott Bu$h investing in and profiting from the Nazi war machine that devastated Europe and the world. Secrets like Poppy Bu$h being a major player in the JFK assassination. The analogy of Dumbya coming down a chimney into a fire is quite accurate, as there is no doubt in my mind that this family will burn in hell. If only Jack and Bobby had lived! What a wonderful world we would live in today. But the Bu$hes and their friends made sure they didn't. Bastards!

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:56 pm
by Pennyworth
Thank you bobwc and others;

The Kennedy legends lives on... 'it shines on like the moon and the stars and the sun'...

Robert Kennedy Jr. is an environmentalist attorney, and along the lines of Al Gore is making news with his speeches on global warming awareness and articles published: one made Rolling Stone Magazine about the 2000 and 2004 voting fraud. Bobby Shriver was elected City Councilman in Santa Monica Ca . He is a strong advocate for the homeless.. a much overlooked segment of society....more on this later I am pressed for time today

Re: America' Emerald Family.....

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:58 pm
by Pennyworth
JFK's sister dies....My condolences to the Kennedy family Eunice Shriver dies at 88 ?By Ken Dilanian, USA TODAYEunice Kennedy Shriver, younger sister of President John F. Kennedy and founder of the Special Olympics, died Tuesday morning. She was 88 and had been hospitalized on Cape Cod.Shriver — spurred by her love for her developmentally disabled sister, Rosemary — devoted much of her life to raising money and awareness to help people with mental disabilities. "Special Olympics teaches that all human beings are created equal, in the sense that each has the capacity and a hunger for moral excellence, for courage, for friendship and for love," she said during the first such games in 1968. Eunice Kennedy was born July 10, 1921, the fifth of nine children, to Joseph and Rose Kennedy in Brookline. She attended Catholic schools and went on to earn a bachelor's degree in sociology from Stanford University in 1943.Like the rest of her storied family, she lived a life punctuated by heartache. Her oldest brother, Joseph, was killed in World War II in 1944. Four years later, her older sister Kathleen died in a plane crash. Assassins gunned down two brothers: President Kennedy in 1963 and Robert, then a presidential candidate, in 1968. Her husband, Robert Sargent Shriver Jr., 93, was diagnosed in 2003 with Alzheimer's disease, and it worsened in recent years to the point that he no longer recognizes his family. He ran for vice president with George McGovern on the 1972 Democratic ticket, and he helped found the Peace Corps and Head Start, the child development program. The couple had five children, including Maria, a former NBC news reporter married to California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger; Mark, a former Maryland state legislator; and Tim, a physician who serves as chairman of the board for the Special Olympics.Eunice Kennedy Shriver's sister Rosemary, born with mental retardation made worse by a surgical lobotomy, spent most of her adult life at a private institution in Wisconsin and died in 2005. Shriver devoted much of her energies to countering the social stigma once attached to mental disabilities."If I (had) never met Rosemary, never known anything about handicapped children, how would I have ever found out? Because nobody accepted them anyplace," she told National Public Radio in 2007.In 1956, she became executive vice president of the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation, which helped fund Catholic organizations and those that benefited the mentally retarded. In 1962, she opened her Maryland estate to a summer camp for mentally retarded children. In July 1968, just weeks after Robert Kennedy was killed, about 1,000 people from 26 U.S. states and Canada participated in the first Special Olympics at Soldier Field in Chicago. Shriver persuaded Chicago officials to join with the Kennedy Foundation to sponsor it. Today, the organization says it serves almost 3 million children in 180 countries. Unlike other members of her Democratic clan, she remained opposed to legalized abortion and was a longtime supporter of the group Feminists for Life.In 1984, President Reagan awarded Shriver the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor. Her brother, Edward, is scheduled to receive the same award from President Obama on Wednesday. In 1995 the U.S. Treasury placed her likeness on a commemorative coin. "If you ever had any doubt about how much good one person can do," then-President George W. Bush said at her 85th birthday dinner in 2006, "look no further than this kind and gracious lady."Besides her husband, five children and brother Edward, Shriver is survived by a sister, Jean Kennedy Smith.

Re: America' Emerald Family.....

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:53 pm
by Pennyworth
RIP Ted Kennedy My condolences again to the Kennedy family. Senator Kennedy will be best remembered by me as a fighter for south of the border Immigration Rights and Reform and Healthcare Reform . Both systems were broken and he tried to fix them .He is heaven bound . maybe a message to someone will come in from him. because....[ On Aug 9, I received a message from a departed relative whose voice I distintively could identify..I was falling asleep. The message was "the agenda is on." ]Some flowers for Senator Kennedy: I couldn't find a lion but here's a white and gray cat with some hydrangeas .... ... e1.jpgWill be right back with the LA Times article....Here it is.... ... 0000.story

Re: America' Emerald Family.....

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:35 pm
by kenmurray
WWE executive to run for the U.S. senate: ... -dodd.html

Re: America' Emerald Family.....

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:17 pm
by bob franklin
Politics & wrestling... just about the same degree of reality, IMHO. Honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Re: America' Emerald Family.....

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:22 pm
by Bob
bob franklin wrote:Politics & wrestling... just about the same degree of reality, IMHO. Honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry.True Bob. However, one of the best politicians of recent times is Jesse Ventura. He is a CT regarding the JFK assassination as well.

Re: America' Emerald Family.....

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:34 pm
by kenmurray
Bob wrote:bob franklin wrote:Politics & wrestling... just about the same degree of reality, IMHO. Honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry.True Bob. However, one of the best politicians of recent times is Jesse Ventura. He is a CT regarding the JFK assassination as well.Jesse was a riot when he did interviews after he retired from wrestling like this one from the body shop. ... re=related

Re: America' Emerald Family.....

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:42 pm
by Bob
Here is Jesse on Alex Jones... know Seamus doesn't care for Alex and David Icke, and I don't agree with everything they say either, but at least their head's aren't in the sand like so many of the sheeple are, as they believe the bullshit from their govenments and the MSM. Alex also has on excellent guests on his show, as well like Jim Marrs, Robert Groden and Russ Baker.