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Files confirmed--but wait, there's more

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:15 am
by Phil Dragoo
BillyGreat segments. Horne goes over the windshield and the FoMoCo manager's testimony. The nursing student. Others. To me, there is a hole. Wim, Bob, Joe, Bruce: no hole.I see by the segments and by Horne's narrative of Robinson et al that there was a wound in the temple, above the eye: QED Jimmy Files.In my view there was a shot to the throat behind the Zapruder freeway sign: Kennedy emerges clutching at his throat, even pointing an index finger at it.I know Wim, Bob, Joe, Bruce et al see the throat wound as exiting mercury from Jimmy's Remington XP-100 Fireball shot. I see that as going high to produce the galactic display on the lateral.I think we have a majority of aimpoints in common, conspiracy, multiple shooters, x-ray and photo and film fudgatronics.What I find of note in your narrative is Tague as spotter and a car at his location serving as blind for Team Underpass.I have found John Ritchson very interesting on the hit, e.g. ... hson2.pdfI posit the throat shooter is still alive hence Jimmy denies his existence and claims the wound as consequent to his own shot—because Jimmy is a man of honor.Perry was badgered all night by the Secret Service. They went after the news report transcripts of the press conference. Allen Dulles, Lee Rankin and Arlen Sphincter bullied Perry. The man was whipped for the rest of his life with the one moment of honor Horne relates—which was quickly clouded over by fear.And seeing Mantik in the segments—describing the soft matte two-dimensional result revealed by stereo pair viewing. Mantik is killer. I think he gives the Dunkelians heartburn and migraines.Multiple shooters, one patsy. On the lancer padded room they asked why lone nut—it was to be a Soviet-Cuban false flag but Angleton encountered Nosenko and the Mexico City farce was a bomb, didn't even fool Hoover. Fallback was lone nut, motive impossible to determine, after all, he's a lone nut: totally circular reasoning.And the ten reasons it wasn't Oswald's rifle: ... ic=15318At one point there was a privacy window behind the driver's seat. It was there when the limo was delivered June 1961. Secret Service removed it September 1961.In Tampa on the 18th the limo had two SS riders on the rear; Dallas, uh-uh, no way.In mid-61 the limo looked like this:

Re: Why more than one gunman?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:18 pm
by Billy Boggs
Hi Phil, and thank you, finally someone with eyes........who can see.What I find of note in your narrative is Tague as spotter and a car at his location serving as blind for Team Underpass.Tague becomes suspicious when he changes the volume of the shot. His first statement was "it sounded like a cannon" Then after some years went by, "it sounded like as fire cracker" Normally when someone recounts a event they tend to exaggerate it over time, not the reverse. The implications for this event seem to be global, in more ways than one. If, the U.S. was to expose the truth as to who ordered this hit there would be little doubt it would lead to a world war. And maybe on a higher level, that was what was expected.To Joe, the spinal injury most likely was the first impact, as Phil states happened when the car was behind the sign. In as far as a professional hit man is concerned, a straight on shot has the best chance of success, on a moving target. How could you think otherwise? If you place the car, its occupants on that road, it lines up perfectly to the under the overpass, with a unobstructed view of Kennedy, street level! Kennedy's torso, the hole in the windshield, and the underpass, all line up perfectly.Edit to add:It seems to me that President Kennedy was already dead when he was delivered to the hospital, a tracheotomy would server no practical purpose, unless there was a ulterior motive. Remove the bullet, and call it a "tracheotomy". If there was a gunshot to the front of the throat it most definitely would have left the spine damaged, even if the bullet was removed. If you want evidence of a conspiracy, and Kennedy's spine is still there, there it is for all to see.

Re: Why more than one gunman?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:14 pm
by Kirk
Information on Tague that you might know already, but I didn't. Not sure about Tague being a spotter, but it is at least worth considering as possible, just not sure about probable. ... d26-TagueI didn't know that he had a book as well, and another coming. It would be interesting if he thought that the assassin were really trying to kill him and not JFK.

Re: Why more than one gunman?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:41 pm
by Dealey Joe
Not being an assassin I can only state what I see.I have stood in every position that I think a shot could have come from.considering the downward angle and the circular sweep of the car make a shot from the frontmost unlikely. I don't even think is was possible to get a shot from below.I guess there is no way we can prove it anyway.Do you think Files was a shooter?

Re: Why more than one gunman?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:58 pm
by Kirk
Joe,If you are asking me I do not think it is probable that a shot was made from underneath overpass. I also walked the area, though not as thoroughly as I would have like to, nor as you and many others have. For a long time I thought it was a good possibility, but the photos whether doctored/altered or not, and the witnesses do not support a shot coming from under the overpass. I have given creedance to the guy that was in the back of the pickup as well, but he is to out in the open. Personally I think Mr. Files was behind the picket fence with a weapon. KirkI was joking about Tague. I am enjoying and learning from all the new input from many recently. Keep it up, and I will try to stay out of the way.

Why didn't somebody see the shooter(s)?

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:24 am
by Phil Dragoo
One thing no one's mentioned yet in the JFK sniper attack is the DC Sniper shootings of ten from a hide so outre it is absurdity itself. ... jpgSomeone went to a great deal of trouble to construct a bogus hide in an upper window of the Depository to distract from the actual positions.If Nicoletti was in the Dal-Tex building and Jimmy Files behind the picket fence, that still leaves more shots: Tague, Connally, JFK back, back of head, frontal at hairline-temple, plus bullets plucked from the grass on the South side of Elm by plain clothes officers.A plausible case may be made for additional shooter(s), e.g., Badge Man, Sabot-shooter on the roof of Records (sabot found mid-70s by air conditioning repair man), west end of TSBD, etc.In the case of the DC Sniper, that crack police chief just couldn't get that white guy in the white van.Meanwhile, two black guys in a dark-blue Chevy were high-fiving over ten corpses.When some coterie of powerful agency players is killing and intimidating witnesses, destroying or altering evidence, selecting shills over dozens of credible witnesses, solution will take longer.Oh, and it was just that lone nut--he was so crazy--he even lined up his hulls--and posed with his weapons.After all, he tried to kill Walker and he killed Tippit, ergo he killed Kennedy. More circular reasoning than Ptolemy's terrocentrism.