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Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:52 am
by M Klein
Steffi Chase wrote:The issue here is credibility. In addition, these are not my "observations". I've quoted Files verbatim. I didn't even mention that he misspelled Frank Sturgis's name in addition to misspelling Grassy knoll.Steffi Chase

Hey Steffi,

You had grammatical errors in your above post. The term "grassy knoll" is not capitalized unless used as a title, which you used in error.

In addition, punctuation marks fall within quotation marks in every usage, such as the quotation marks above around the word "observations." Please learn that rule before posting on any message board forum.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:01 am
by Jeff Fargus
Mr. Brychek:

Personal attacks accomplish nothing and only serve to damage the attacker's credibility. Ms. Chase is entitled to express her opinion here, even if it diagrees with yours. Closing your post with "Respectfully" only reinforces your insulting response.

Let's at least be courteous here. If your research is as sound as you seem to believe it is, it should stand on its own without the insults. You missed an opportunity to educate and enlighten someone who disagrees with your conclusions.

Or is this forum just a big self-congratulatory mutual admiration society?

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:38 am
by Bob

Let me speak for Bruce. You have to understand Bruce's relationship with Jimmy Files first off. That is paramount in understanding where he is coming from. Sometimes Bruce gets pissed off at some of the things written in this forum because of the inside information he posseses. A lot of it is DISNFORMATION. The CIA LOVES disinformation. That's what the war in Iraq is ALL about. But I also agree that our conversations need to remain civil. That's a lesson that I have forgotten a few times here because of the passion I have about this subject matter.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:33 pm
by Jim Thompson
Bob wrote:Jeff, But I also agree that our conversations need to remain civil.

OK, Bob, you are way out of line here. Get a grip. I will not take any more of this kind personal abuse. It's just not civil! Didn't your hero E. Howard Hunt say: "Nobody is entitled to the truth."? Hunt was always civil! By the way, for what it's worth, his new book is shipping now: ... F8&s=books

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:05 pm
by Bob
Jim, my hero isn't E. Howard Hunt. It's Prescott Bush.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:58 pm
by Bob
I also want to add that I am excited by the growing numbers to this forum. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has a right to state their opinion. Some here in the forum are novices. Some here have researched the JFK assassination for several years, or even decades. Others fall in between. There are times when the banter gets a little heated here. I have been involved in a few of those myself. But the only stupid question is the one that is never asked. As Confucious (I think) once said, "He/she who asks a question may feel silly for a moment, but he/she who never asks a question will be silly forever." I have debated Bruce many times on this forum. We agree on many things, but there are other times we don't. The debate helped us both illuminate our point of view, but also educate the other on a differing opinion. I do hope that the numbers to this forum continue to grow and that more will share their thoughts.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:09 pm
by Steffi Chase

I do not know Mr. Brychek’s relationship with Files. I am a neophyte
on the JFK assassination. Mr. Dankbaar asked if I had read his book;
no I have not. An associate of mine had the book at her office and I
was glancing through it and became curious. I had never heard of
Files before that. I do however recognize that conspiracies about JFK
have existed for some 40 years. How does one discern the truth?

For me, it’s about credibility. Mr. Dankbaar very candidly said Mr.
Files did lie about one issue and I respect Mr. Dankbaar for his
honesty. However, I have determined in my life if one lies about
one thing, they will about other things.

To believe anybody disputing a conspiracy theorist is a disinformation
specialist of the CIA borders on paranoia. And Bob? I do NOT have
to earn the right to debate. This is a free society. Research and truth
is determined in open debate. Civility is expected. I’ve spent a bit
of time reading this forums topics over the past several days. Mr.
Brychek has a very high regard for himself and yet seems to “loseâ€

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:43 pm
by Bob

Your point is well taken. My comments were not conveyed in the manner in which they were meant. I am always happy to hear everyone's side. That's what forums are all about. My "earn the right to debate" line was OUT of line. In terms of being a disinformation agent, which I do not believe you are, I have to say I have seen a few visit us in the past year. This forum does seem to attract some. In case you didn't know, the forum was hacked a couple of times a year or so ago. I'm sorry if my comments offended you.

Re: Files Had Facts about JFK Assassination

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:41 pm
by Pennyworth
Steffi Chase wrote:Mark Johansson made the following comment on the headshot clips thread:James Files knows hardly anything about the Kennedy assassination except for his and Nicoletti’s/Roselli’s participation. Warden Gomez said explicitly that James Files didn’t read or studied any books related to the assassination during his time as a warden. This is patently untrue. In a letter dated July 30, 1992 to Joe West, Files stated the following, and I quote:In regards to your letter of 24 July, I sincerely wish that I could be of some help to you. But that is not possible. Please forgive me for not calling, but at the present time we are in total lock-down status. One shower, one phone call per week. I use that call, to call home, sorry.I realize investigations cost money, and my knowledge of your investigation is not worth the cost of your coming to see me. The two items that I know, outside of the movies and the books are, #1. David Phillips perjured himself while giving his testimony during the, "House of Assassinations Committee." And I'm sure that you already know that."Outside of the movies and the books" is a statement indicating Files had alot more knowledge than we've been led to believe. I for one no longer have faith in Files story. He's a con man and I do believe we've been conned!Steffi Chase And he knows nothing about Harrelson? I don't think he's lying maybe omitting... I could be wrong...

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:31 pm
by dankbaar
Last two posts ( Bruce and Steffi Chase) were deleted (but saved by me) for addressing each other in a manner that I can't permit here.

Bruce, please try to deal with attacks on Jimmy without riling yourself up too much and try to stay civil. No words like idiot please. Steffi Chase, likewise, please refrain from insults or assumptions that have no basis. I know Bruce personally, he is a dear friend, your qualifications were plain wrong.
