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Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:15 pm
by Ricky Clow
wow that would be awsome!

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:34 pm
by john hines
It has always troubled me how much RFK had to endure after his brother's death. It's unimaginable the animosty I'm sure was exhibited toward him by various higher ups from that point on and also looking them in the face wondering which one had a hand in his brother's demise. Maybe some of our more informed and brilliant members can shed some light, but I believe I read a while back that RFK couldn't hastily pursue his brother's murderers due to him and JFK had some involvement in a plot to assasinate Castro. This was in some ways a form of blackmail to get him to keep his mouth shut. My understanding is it was a high ranking general who they had as an insider, whom is still around in the Cuban administration til this day.


Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:17 pm
by LiAnn Simpson
There were a number of reasons that RFK was reluctant to pursue the issue. One was most definitely the Cuban special operations. I also read a book about Jackie that stated that investigating JFK's death also meant investigating his life which would have opened a Pandora's box that the Kennedy family did not want to open. While I have a great deal of admiration for our late President, it was obvious he had been living on the edge for some time both personally and politically. The death of his infant son Patrick was a huge wakeup call for him and I think sobered him tremendously but by then it was too late. The secret death squad had already sealed his fate.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:56 am
by Ian Irving
Ricky, Like yourself I am regarded by friends as obsessed with JFk's death. I was ten years old when it happened and I've been hooked since I was about 15 when I just realised that the Warren report was a pile of garbage.

Once I became a police officer aged 21 I got some training in investigative techniques etc and it confirmed to me even more that the whole case stinks; the investigation into JFK and RFk/MLK murders was deliberately inept. Very sad, because I think that had the cases been investigated properly the real murders would have been caught fairly easily.

You will probably never loose your interest. My interest/obsession comes and goes. Sometimes I despair that the truth will ever be known, other times I am very positive that it will.

Don't let it take over your life mate - there are plenty of other great things to do!

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:14 pm
by LiAnn Simpson
Ian, I was 11 when the assassination happened. I wish that the Europeans and others would have spread some of the skepticism across the pond because most Americans were clueless about the conspiracy until the JFK movie came out. We had also never seen the Zapruder film.
There were two things however that always bothered me. Even though I was only 11 I always was skeptical about that bullet that went through 2 men, it just wasn't even logical.
The other was the day I took the Life magazine out of the mailbox several weeks after the assassination and got a look at LHO and his rifle. I didn't know what it was back then but the picture just was creepy and didn't seem real. Little did I know.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:24 pm
by Ian Irving
LiAnn, Like yourself, as a child I was pretty scared through much of the '60s. Yes the music and some of the vibe etc was great, but I can still remember clearly the terror we felt when the Cuban Missile Crisis was going on.

I actually believe that I owe my life to JFK and the way he dealt with that situation (and Berlin) because I know now that lunatics among the Joint Chiefs would happily have set off a nuclear holocaust and Britain would have been wiped out.

So, as a great admirer of the American people, i hope you'all get some truth about this dreadful lie sooner rather than later. Maybe its just an optimistic day today, but I actaully think that the internet is going to prove to be their downfall - the amount of data out there now is just amazing.

have a nice day!

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:46 pm
by Ricky Clow
Yes, just not you but all in all we all owe something to Kennedy.

Fear in the 60's

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 3:45 am
by LiAnn Simpson
Yes, the Cuban Missile Crisis and a nuclear holocaust were averted because we had a "thinking man" as President. He was willing to stake his reputation and his life on making an unpopular decision.
You have to understand that we were living in such a different era back then. There was an innocence of sorts in our thinking and in our way of life. We had triumphed in WWII and the prosperity that followed settled in and we got used to it, and refused to think about the fact that our way of life could be under threat at any time. The more things change the more they stay the same. We are under threat once again and we desperately need leaders with vision. Just pray that our next President will have the stuff we need for the challenge.